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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions Zdeněk Meergans Memorial Tourney C 6. 3. 2013 |
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| | (1) Posted by Michal Dragoun [Monday, Jun 18, 2012 21:35] | Zdeněk Meergans Memorial Tourney C 6. 3. 2013 Association of Czech problemists announces Zdeněk Meergans memorial tourney for helpmates in 2-6 moves in any kind of circe (i. e. using any fairy condition with circe in its name) with use of fairy pieces (both circe and fairy pieces are mandatory). Other fairy conditions and zeroposition are not allowed, more solutions and twins are allowed. Also problems with twin or twins by change of circe condition are allowed, in such cases orthodox rules as one of twins can be used too. Only problems computer-tested by one of the programs Alybadix, Popeye or WinChloe are accepted. Send your entries until 6. 3. 2013 to Ivan Skoba, Lesní čtvrť I/3539, 760 01 Zlín, Czech Republic, e-mail ivan.skoba@gmail.com. Prize fund 150 EUR. Judge of the tourney is Juraj Lörinc. | | (2) Posted by Michal Dragoun [Sunday, Dec 30, 2012 00:22] | In the name of director Ivan Skoba I would like to remind composers about memorial tourney of Zdeněk Meergans. Mr. Skoba already received some originals, but he would appreciate more of them! | | No more posts |
MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions Zdeněk Meergans Memorial Tourney C 6. 3. 2013 |