Website founded by Milan Velimirović in 2006
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Member Profile |
Member Name: Sarah Hornecker | Username: | Lovuschka | Join date: | March 5th, 2007 | Location: | Germany | Discussion board: Forum Total number of posts: 1601Author of 271 topics:- Loewenton & Rehm vs Vukcevich in group: X-Files: Anticipations
- Nissl is anticipated, and I'm not first to tell in group: X-Files: Anticipations
- Anticipation by incorrect studies (or problems)? in group: X-Files: Anticipations
- Olympiad winner moremovers 1984 anticipated? in group: X-Files: Anticipations
- Frits Böttcher, February 1935 / Fred Lazard, 1935 in group: X-Files: Anticipations
- Study of the Year 2010 - partially anticipated in group: X-Files: Anticipations
- A stellar Avner problem (Israel vs. Switzerland 1959, 1.p, #3) in group: X-Files: Anticipations
- Pale "closed" icon in group: Feedback by Members
- Disable HTML by default for new members in group: Feedback by Members
- Bug with comment software? in group: Feedback by Members
- Sections for "Show me your problem"? in group: Feedback by Members
- Submitting software bug in group: Feedback by Members
- Unofficial information about recent technical problems in group: Feedback by Members
- Tutorial: How to send PGN files via note in group: Feedback by Members
- Mysterious rejection in group: Feedback by Members
- Help on diagram entry in group: Feedback by Members
- Again: How do you hide text? in group: Feedback by Members
- Downloads in group: Feedback by Members
- Defect links in group: Feedback by Members
- Hybrids (Study = Helpmate, Directmate = Selfmate, etc.) in group: General
- Ultrapatrol chess in group: General
- Comments on the Codex in group: General
- Searching for a castling problem in group: General
- The worth of virtual play in group: General
- Birth and death date and place - should it be public? in group: General
- Searching thread in group: General
- Material for a Bristol article in group: General
- Composition and Copyright in group: General
- Ohneschach (Checkless chess?) - perpetual checkmate? in group: General
- John Roycroft 50 JT 1978-1979 (with corrections of Ionchev's study) in group: General
- New Fairy Chess pieces in group: General
- What happened to Mikhail A. Zinar? in group: General
- Science, arts or sports in group: General
- Solving problems with capturing or checking keys in group: General
- Sugar for the kings in group: General
- Rahmenschach in group: General
- Judgement has to be done in group: General
- Some good ideas when you're angry in group: General
- Obituaries in group: General
- FIDE Album 2004-2006 in group: General
- Merchandising chess problems in group: General
- Searching: No Rook Unturned by Harrie Grondijs in group: General
- PCCC should become independent of the FIDE in group: General
- Bosko Miloseski needs money? (PS: It's fraud! Don't send any money!) in group: General
- delete, please in group: General
- Objection against the new MPR color in group: General
- Gens una sumus in group: General
- A strange visual stalemate effect (an anticipated study that might still be useful) in group: General
- T. R. Dawson - the lost genius in group: General
- Mate in 3 from which side? in group: General
- When did Dr. J. Glaser (??? - 1965 or 1966) live? in group: General
- Longest dead position? in group: General
- Biographies and databases in group: General
- WCCC 53 in France 2010 in group: General
- Searching additional sources for: Miroslav Soukup, Týden rozhlasu 1944, mate in 13 in group: General
- The Kreijcik games versus N.N. in group: General
- What happened to Leonid Vladimirovich Yarosh? in group: General
- Looking for problem where knights lose tempo in group: General
- Boris Sidorov's death in group: General
- Tibor & Laszlo Orban - information needed in group: General
- Piotr Murdzia wins the German Solving Championship 2009 [updated April 28] in group: General
- De gustibus non est disputandum in group: General
- Albums are incomprehensive! in group: General
- Correction corner in group: General
- Who is Kestutis Stalioraitis? in group: General
- [rant] WCCI & FA should allow A4 paper in group: General
- Josef Krejcik in group: General
- Anatoly Motor (information sought) in group: General
- Castling over attacked fields question in group: General
- Original publication of the Indian problem in group: General
- Circe history in group: General
- How do you subscribe to non EU magazines cheaply? (EU members only) in group: General
- One move to the destination in group: General
- Exact life data sought for Sonomun Chimedtseren (1932-2009) in group: General
- Who was A.C. White? in group: General
- Does mental illness help in chess composition? in group: General
- Birth by accident in group: General
- PCCC/ICCU politics and finances in group: General
- e.p. as e.p. can in group: General
- (No) Fun with the WCCI in group: General
- Simplicity vs. complexity in group: General
- The future of MatPlus in group: General
- Anton Preinfalk in group: General
- G.F. Anderson in group: General
- Bristol countered by Novotny in group: General
- Japanese nuclear meltdown - status of problemists? in group: General
- Vasily Nikitovich Dolgov in group: General
- WFCC finances in group: General
- A mysterious death announcement 1922 in group: General
- Merry christmas! in group: General
- Anti-Pape in group: General
- Antisupercirce retractors and retros in group: General
- 57th WCCC, Bern 2014 in group: General
- Vladimir V. Nikitin in group: General
- What is a "line pin" and are there undefined pins? in group: General
- Composer's block in group: General
- Seriesproblems where White does nothing in group: General
- Proposal: Rating for solving difficulty in group: General
- Alexander HERBSTMANN (10.iv.1900 - 22.v.1982) in group: General
- Solving preparation in group: General
- Anatoly G. Kuznetsov in group: General
- How is Igor Yarmonov? in group: General
- Marjan Kovačević elected as WFCC President in group: General
- Stanislav Belokon (1939-1984) in group: General
- Downloadable chess literature in group: Internet and Computing
- Tim Krabbés website disappeared in group: Internet and Computing
- Guy Haworth warns about the usual occasional Nigeria Connection fraud in group: Internet and Computing
- Biographys of composing grandmasters in group: Internet and Computing
- ARVES top 40 studies list in group: Internet and Computing
- Secure Proxys in group: Internet and Computing
- Tablebases in group: Internet and Computing
- The legacy of Klaus-Peter Zuncke in group: Internet and Computing
- Where can one get EGchessPro? in group: Internet and Computing
- Chess Program "Easy Chess" for free - only today! (expired) in group: Internet and Computing
- I need a public domain PGN viewer in group: Internet and Computing
- Solving show doesn't work? in group: Internet and Computing
- Anyone please record the solving show! in group: Internet and Computing
- PGN to RTF - how? in group: Internet and Computing
- Chess Wiki revival in group: Internet and Computing
- Missing websites in group: Internet and Computing
- Searching for free chess composition magazines in group: Internet and Computing
- Freeware chess engines in group: Internet and Computing
- Megalomania: PDN (a proposal for a PGN derivative) in group: Internet and Computing
- Do we need an article database? in group: Internet and Computing
- Harold van der Heijden announces HHdbIV in group: Internet and Computing
- The advent of 7 piece EGTB in group: Internet and Computing
- Azlan Iqbal on beauty in group: Internet and Computing
- EDIT: Nevermind. Old text: EGTB small filesize database creation proposal (not for end-user) in group: Internet and Computing
- End of my website in group: Internet and Computing
- Does anyone have Lomonossov tablebases at home? in group: Internet and Computing
- Recursive compression idea for tablebases (requires high computing power) in group: Internet and Computing
- Idea for solving training tool in group: Internet and Computing
- Gustav heuristic vs. Brute Force in group: Internet and Computing
- Some funny chess problems in group: Promenade
- Making a fool of you :-) in group: Promenade
- I am the evil notemaster in group: Promenade
- Report from the XVIII. Saxonia congress of chess composition in group: Promenade
- The dishonest courier in group: Promenade
- Theseus and the Minotaur in group: Promenade
- The religious anti-sleep conspiracy in group: Promenade
- Clobber in group: Promenade
- Why you should stop discussion of PCCC/FIDE thread in group: Promenade
- The future of chesskind in space in group: Promenade
- SG Kasparyan in group: Promenade
- The essential proof that the DNA double helix was humanly invented in group: Promenade
- All things are relative (with thanks to Harrie Grondijs) in group: Promenade
- Looking for co-author for book in group: Promenade
- Vladmir Nabokov's last work in group: Promenade
- Finally! 32 piece tablebases! in group: Promenade
- Defeating Satan with another useless topic in group: Promenade
- GM Kasparyan (27.ii.1910-27.xii.1995) in group: Promenade
- The taboo theme; or: What was actually useful about the biggest slaughter of history in group: Promenade
- Diyan Kostadinov dedicates six twomovers to OTB WCh 2010 in group: Promenade
- Game rules are evil :-) in group: Promenade
- Chlubna's book title "Schach für Nußknacker" in group: Promenade
- How Ilyumzhinov might prevent unrest in NYC in group: Promenade
- Knights are OP, please nerf! in group: Promenade
- Someone tried to hack my e-mail account in group: Promenade
- A big construction challenge for nightrider experts in group: Promenade
- White Super-AUW with orthodox material in group: Promenade
- A limerick by Herbert Grasemann in group: Promenade
- My reality is not your reality (studies judging rant) in group: Promenade
- Norman Macleod and the GCHQ in group: Promenade
- Allowing opponent°s material advantage without sacrifice in group: Promenade
- An almost joke question in group: Promenade
- Major gamebreaking oversight - winning any game in the first move if the opponent is late (and still get a 0:1 result) in group: Promenade
- An ode to coffee (for Marcos Roland, 2016) in group: Promenade
- Xiangqi fairy chess problems in group: Promenade
- Chess in television in group: Promenade
- 25 February 2018 - MiVel Memorial Day in group: Promenade
- Zugzwang problems in group: Promenade
- The other side to move first in composition in group: Promenade
- EU makes it illegal to publish most chess composition books in group: Promenade
- Looking for source for Dawson anagram in group: Promenade
- Rally Chess in group: Promenade
- In Quantum Chess, is there a 100 percent chance that a game will end? in group: Promenade
- Friendly Fire Chess in group: Promenade
- Nikolai Beluhov - in the footsteps of the Puzzle King in group: Promenade
- Game of Life "Glider" chess problems in group: Promenade
- Fairy condition: Partial (Partisan) / Impartial (Impartisan) chess in group: Promenade
- Proposal for international meeting or podcast via audio in group: Promenade
- Chess composer photos thread (and repository request) in group: Promenade
- Infect chess and delayed Flintenschach in group: Promenade
- Monochromatic chess in group: Promenade
- The dance (a short puzzle story) in group: Promenade
- Winning Squares - a tie-break solution for practical play in group: Promenade
- Jeff Coakley: The Puzzling Side of Chess in group: Promenade
- Cylinder twin challenge (no, v, h, both) in group: Promenade
- Who is/was Nassouh bey Taher? in group: Promenade
- Knights circle the magical square, reading description needed in group: Promenade
- Name change in group: Promenade
- The "Chess Adventures" by Nelson Lopez (endgame studies presentation) in group: Promenade
- Competitions with money prizes in group: Competitions
- Studies Blitz Tourney: Nona 2007 in group: Competitions
- Studies: Pál Benkó 80 JT in group: Competitions
- NONA 2008 & Gurgenidze 55 JT in group: Competitions
- Klaus-Peter Zuncke 55 MT in group: Competitions
- Study correction competition by SH in group: Competitions
- Serpukhov-15 JT 25 years - "blitz theme tourney" for atom chess studies in group: Competitions
- Euxinus Pontus informal studies tourney in group: Competitions
- Schach 2006-2007 studies award now available in English in group: Competitions
- Siegfried Hornecker 25 JT / MT in group: Competitions
- Studies - NONA 2010 in group: Competitions
- Miroslav Kasár 30 JT in group: Competitions
- Ukrain Championship 2002 in group: Competitions
- Magazine solving contests in group: Competitions
- Schwalbe studies 2015-2016 (informal tourney) in group: Competitions
- Five knight promotions pawn study competition [closed] in group: Competitions
- 2nd TT: Artistic Endgame Studies with Kings & Pawns endgames (without a main focus on promotion) in group: Competitions
- The Problemist 1991 #n award in group: Competitions
- Siegfried Hornecker 32 JT - Pre-announcement in group: Competitions
- World Solving Cup - results in group: Competitions
- "Gaudium" is looking for judges in group: Competitions
- feenschach Priority TT (80th feenschach TT) in group: Competitions
- Dead Reckoning in group: Archive
- Valladao with Allumwandlung in a study in group: Archive
- Hardest twomover ever? Pulitzer 1907 (#2) in group: Twomovers
- Can you find the theme? (Josten 1992) in group: Twomovers
- Mark Adabashew, 1.p 64 1937 in group: Twomovers
- Twomover correction corner in group: Twomovers
- Promotion to a black king - what is the exact source? in group: Twomovers
- "Any" move by X mates in 2, but there is no "any" move in group: Twomovers
- Novotny with en passant in group: Twomovers
- An interesting cycle task in group: Twomovers
- Jaques Fulpius, SSZ 1971 + 1973 in group: Threemovers
- A brilliant unknown by Bruno Sommer, Baden vs Berlin championship 1955 in group: Threemovers
- Author and source missing (C.S. Kipping?) in group: Threemovers
- The Würzburg mystery in group: Threemovers
- Peter Gvozdják, Štefan Sovík (Slovakia), 11th WCCT, 1st place in group: Threemovers
- Konstantin K. Sukharev, Schachmaty Listok 1930 in group: Endgame studies
- Recent Valladão studies in group: Endgame studies
- Underpromotion studies that should have happened on OTB in group: Endgame studies
- My favourite study in group: Endgame studies
- Pawn studies (2003-2008, no originals) in group: Endgame studies
- Improvements to my old studies in group: Endgame studies
- Gerd Rinder, Die Schwalbe, June 1973, 1st prize in group: Endgame studies
- Y. Konoval, British Chess Magazine 01/2010 in group: Endgame studies
- Andrzei Jasik, Suomen Shakki 2010, no.4303 in group: Endgame studies
- Darko Hlebec, HvdH 50 JT, special prize in group: Endgame studies
- I have made a horrible mistake in group: Endgame studies
- One Piece in group: Endgame studies
- A belated christmas present (ARVES 25 AT, 1st prize) in group: Endgame studies
- Some nice random studies I saw in group: Endgame studies
- Richard Réti, WSZ August 1924 (incorrect) in group: Endgame studies
- A 2021 New Year sextuple in group: Endgame studies
- Fairy Equal Last Move in group: Fairies
- Helpmate - Same solution, different motivation in group: Fairies
- Maketake in group: Fairies
- Siegfried Hornecker, Europa Rochade September 2007, h#2 (to the 100th birthday of Nenad Petrović) in group: Helpmates
- Mirko Degenkolbe & Udo Degener, The Problemist 1992, special prize, h#2 in group: Helpmates
- h#2 with AUW in group: Helpmates
- h#2 AUW in group: Helpmates
- Build your own helpmate! in group: Helpmates
- Longer Helpmate miniatures in group: Helpmates
- Hideaway by Phoenix in group: Helpmates
- as-Suli's diamond in group: Misc
- A most unusual Babson in group: Misc
- Leonid Yarosh, 1st prize Shakhmaty w SSSR, August 1983 (#4) in group: Moremovers
- Siegfried Hornecker and Martin Hoffmann, SSZ 06/2005 (#9) in group: Moremovers
- Bo Lindgren, Probleemblad 1999 (#30) in group: Moremovers
- Siegfried Hornecker & Gilles Regniers, #5 in group: Moremovers
- An unbelievable key in group: Moremovers
- A Manhattan Chess Club mystery in group: Moremovers
- Otto Titusz Bláthy, Vielzügige Schachaufgaben 1890, Mate in 345 in group: Moremovers
- The "mirror moves" theme in group: Moremovers
- An accidental #6 from Reddit in group: Moremovers
- Dear Mordehai Shaham,... in group: Retro/Math
- SPG for beginners :-) in group: Retro/Math
- [Original] Noel Junio, How many legal last moves? in group: Retro/Math
- Kofman's castling idea with en passant in group: Retro/Math
- KöKo retros in group: Retro/Math