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MatPlus.Net Forum General Financial help for Ukrainian composers and solvers
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(1) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Sunday, Jun 12, 2022 22:22]

Financial help for Ukrainian composers and solvers

Several weeks ago some guys asked me if there is a possibility to help our Ukrainian colleagues financially.
Then the question was raised in one of the WFCC online meetings by the French delegate. Unfortunately, the WFCC seemed not to have capacity for such activities.
However, as the war continues, the situation of many is turning much worse.
Some of them are abroad (e.g. Igor Yarmonov in Israel, Anatoly Vasilenko in Switzerland or the daughter Valery Kopyl with her 3 small daughters here in Slovakia).
The others stayed in Ukraine, often in terrible conditions.

The Ukrainian delegate visited Bratislava last weekend.
We discussed the details and decided to announce an international financial support for the composers and solvers from Ukraine.
It will be organized and guaranteed by Vasil Dyachuk and myself.
Each donor will be informed regularly about distribution of funds.

To prevent inappropriate comments, I would like to kindly ask you not to discuss the details within this thread.
Instead, I will be happy to answer any questions to everyone by email.

If you are willing to help the suffering Ukrainian composers and solvers financially please contact me at
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(2) Posted by Paz Einat [Monday, Jun 13, 2022 10:55]

Locally, we will try contacting igor Yarmonov and help him in any way we can.
In general, there are many Ukrainian refugees in israel and there are great efforts to help them.
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(3) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022 00:04]

paz, thanks for this good message in these difficult times.
i was in touch with igor when he arrived to moscow from mariupol. unfortunately, in russia he was unable to receive any money from abroad.
fortunately, in israel it is different. i will write to you more by email.
p.s. anatoly vasilenko wrote me telling he is not in need. instead he is on the helping side.
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(4) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Monday, Aug 1, 2022 15:11]

After 50 days I have to say the financial help for our Ukrainian friends is of great importance.

With your contributions, so far we were able to distribute funds to 24 (!) composers and solvers, mostly from southern and eastern Ukraine.
On behalf of them, I would like to express my greatest thanks to everyone who helped. It is clear that together we are making a difference to many of them. Not only financially - which is very important - but also as a sign that their colleagues and friends did not forget them in their horrible situation.
Unfortunately, we were unable to get in touch with two people... We are trying again and again.

We are keeping all the donors anonymous and we inform them regularly.
There is also possibility to make a donation for a concrete person.
By now, there were contributions from 10 countries - which is really great! Here they are listed in alphabetical order:
Bulgaria, Czech republic, Finland, France, Germany, India, Israel, Singapore, Slovakia, USA.

In the coming weeks we will continue monitoring the situation and distributing money received.
So, if you are hesitating about possible help, do not! You can simply increase the list of helping countries...
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(5) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Tuesday, Sep 20, 2022 15:59]

Today it is 100 days since this fundraising has started.
We continue distributing financial help to our Ukrainian friends.
Fortunately, we were able to contact and pay the two persons I mentioned in my previous report.

The list of donors´ countries is still growing:
Australia, Bulgaria, Czech republic, Finland, France, Germany, India, Israel, Singapore, Slovakia, Switzerland, USA.

Thank you all!
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(6) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Monday, Dec 12, 2022 12:00]

Today is half-a-year since we started this help.
Many thanks to everyone who contributed.

Sadly, after continuing Russian bombardment, the situation in many Ukrainian towns and villages is horrible: no heating, electricity for two or three hours, hot water limited... Not speaking about mortal danger at any moment.
Therefore we would like to intensify the financial help for our Ukrainian friends in this winter time.

One good news, though.
Among the donor countries we also have Russia. Good people are everywhere in the world. Let's make this world together a better place.
Gens una sumus!
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(7) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Monday, Dec 12, 2022 15:55]

In 1914 war was raging all over Europe. Fierce battles were fought in the winter. Soldiers killed each other every day. There seemed to be no more compassion, a brutal time in trenches of the battlefields of the First World War.

One day in many places the fighting stopped. Those who just hours ago tried to kill each other now sat together. They showed photographs of their families, shared chocolate, cigarettes, possibly even alcohol. The sound of gunshots was replaced by the sound of men singing together. Where there were Germans and British before now there were only brothers. A German officer photographed the situation:

At that day, the battle ended, in some parts of the frontlines the war just stopped. It was not the soldiers who wanted the war, it was only their leaders. If the soldiers would have gotten their way, the war could have stopped then and there, they would have gone home to their families, their wives and children, no longer risking their lives for the leaders of their nations, for the emperors, for those who despite being in power were never on the battlefield.
On the trenches of the battlefield an event had happened that was even greater than war: It was Christmas

Let us remember that it is not the people who want war, it is usually not the soldiers, It is those in power for whom all others are slaves to be raped and beaten, pawns to be sacrificed.

You found it surprising that Russia is among the donors. I don't. For those among us, first and foremost we are not Germans, we are not Ukrainians, we are not Russians. We are brothers and sisters.
Let the fighting stop! Soon it is Christmas!
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(8) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Monday, Jun 12, 2023 16:45]

Exactly one year ago, we started this help.
During that period, thanks to your donations, we could repeatedly financially support 51 Ukrainian chess composers and solvers!
Who could have imagined that one year ago?

Fortunately Valery´s daughter with her three daughters, who are now one year older, but still kids, could return back to Ukraine. Their father has been released from the army after more than one year of service.

On the other hand, during the ECSC in Bratislava, I met Vladimir Pogorelov and asked him about the situation there. He said it is impossible to get used to such a situation. Even if much better than a year ago, no one knows where and when the next Russians bombs will fall and who will be killed. Despite that, he was smiling and said our help helps them to survive.

I would like to emphasize that this is not my personal help. I only organize the guys and money.
Thanks belong to all the donors for their donations during that year. Some of you donated several times.
Also I would like to thank Valery Kopyl who searches for contacts with many "lost" Ukrainian composers and finds various ways to pay them.
And to Vasil Ďačuk who organizes the things here in Slovakia.

We will continue. All what we collect, we will distribute again.
It will be the best sign for Ukrainians that their chess friends worldwide did not forget about the horrible war which Russia started in their country.
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(9) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Tuesday, Sep 12, 2023 22:24]

The list of participants in Batumi looked quite sad.
Ukraine was represented by only a single participant.

Even if I was not there, several guys made their donations with a little help from my friends and the others promised to contribute.
I want to thank them all.

I believe together we can change the world into a better place.
Especially for our Ukrainian friends.
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(10) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Tuesday, Dec 12, 2023 20:57]

We started to collect and distribute this financial help on June 12, 2022. Today is one and a half years.

I was fascinated to see the generosity of chess composers, solvers and friends worldwide.
Some guys donated quite a lot.
Some others donated much less, but repeatedly and stubbornly.
Some of you donated more than 10 times.

The second winter during the war in Ukraine is not easy, though.
Therefore we are continuing and helping our Ukrainian chess friends.

Those of you who might be hesitating - don´t be. You can join our great community of donors. Just email me to

Thanks for everything!
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(11) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Wednesday, Jun 12, 2024 13:24]

Two years ago, symbolically on the "Day of Russia", we together started helping our Ukrainian friends living under endless Russian attacks.

This help makes a big difference - they know that chess composers and solvers from other countries have not forgotten about them.
During this period, 33 donors contributed from 13 countries and 4 continents!
I encourage anyone who would like to join this highly human project to reach out at

Thank you all.
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MatPlus.Net Forum General Financial help for Ukrainian composers and solvers