Website founded by Milan Velimirović in 2006
16:13 UTC
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Member Profile |
Member Name: Hauke Reddmann | Username: | reddmann | Join date: | October 5th, 2006 | Location: | Germany | Discussion board: Forum Total number of posts: 2022Author of 423 topics:- Some work for you all :-) in group: X-Files: Anticipations
- Pseudo Le-Grand + white lines in group: X-Files: Anticipations
- Synchronicity happens in group: X-Files: Anticipations
- 2# Special Prize Mat Plus 2009 in group: X-Files: Anticipations
- Looking for the inspiration to one of my old problems in group: X-Files: Anticipations
- Most "copied" problem? in group: X-Files: Anticipations
- Kingston 1997 6h Quick Composing in group: X-Files: Anticipations
- Chairman of Wilhelmsburg working on Chairman of Wilhelmsburg :-) in group: X-Files: Anticipations
- 180 degree Nowotny in group: X-Files: Anticipations
- Looking for a Pachl problem in group: X-Files: Anticipations
- Looking for a 3# in group: X-Files: Anticipations
- W R/Q interference in group: X-Files: Anticipations
- Ethics & Anticipation in group: X-Files: Anticipations
- Maximum ambush? in group: X-Files: Anticipations
- Gratuituous Gizmos in group: Feedback by Members
- Reading comments by *other* people possible? in group: Feedback by Members
- Suggestion: Dummy button in group: Feedback by Members
- Comment feature wanted in group: Feedback by Members
- Useful feature idea in group: Feedback by Members
- Database interference in group: Feedback by Members
- Very old stuff missing in group: Feedback by Members
- Russian Nowotny? in group: General
- One @ Colin Sydenham in group: General
- Generic "Helpmate at all" stipulation in group: General
- Not entirely perpetual check in group: General
- Plachutta in 2# in group: General
- "Parity" Helpmate in group: General
- The Big "I'm an unknown Genius and Audience is Stoopid" Whine Thread in group: General
- Morse - "Tasks and Records" newest edition? in group: General
- Yearly Informal Miff-Off :-) in group: General
- What cycle? in group: General
- Illegal Cluster the Wacky Hauke Style (was: Madrasi) in group: General
- On Duals in group: General
- ZOMG! moves in studies in group: General
- Good doubled pawns in group: General
- Problem with the most content? in group: General
- Fleck miniatures? in group: General
- Number of all "4 men only" in group: General
- Hardest 2# in the world (NOT!!) in group: General
- For your 2009 resolutions list :-) in group: General
- Problems for the Masses? in group: General
- Just a few questions concerning the FIDE (ack!) album in group: General
- For discussion: A Mat Plus problem scrapheap in group: General
- Complete Lacny in an OTB game :-) in group: General
- Sorta internal reciprocal change in h#1.5 in group: General
- Cheat Chess in group: General
- Matter matters in group: General
- Klüver construction tournament 1984 in group: General
- Onemovers? in group: General
- Style in group: General
- Most devious refutation of a try? in group: General
- s# thematic in #2 in group: General
- (Pseudo and true) Djurasevic cycle in group: General
- New (ha!) chess variant: Ebay chess in group: General
- Study: Knight Kicking? in group: General
- Terminology question in group: General
- Obscure notation in group: General
- Q dominated in study? in group: General
- Moscow/Chicco theme in group: General
- A retro theme in group: General
- A stalemate task in group: General
- Shortest mate from game starting position :-) in group: General
- Looking for old SCHACH REPORT prize reports in group: General
- Critical decoy for interference in OTB game. With return! in group: General
- Impossible Themes in group: General
- A construction task in group: General
- Number of problemists worldwide? in group: General
- Irreversible Chess in group: General
- Concurring Mates in group: General
- Urania+threat reversal=? in group: General
- Free-for-all "Worst Move" task in group: General
- Threats and duals (spawnoff thread) in group: General
- Stalemate (spawnoff thread) in group: General
- Yet another free-for-all construction task in group: General
- Two-motive parry in 2# in group: General
- Still another free for all construction task in group: General
- What is a "tempo problem"? in group: General
- Fourfold line interference in group: General
- Vector theme in group: General
- Construction: hang your queen in group: General
- Future of MatPlusForum? in group: General
- The Milan Index in group: General
- Nopiecers in group: General
- Percentage of legal positions with legal material in group: General
- Mating in Dice Chess in group: General
- Just crowdsourcing a quest :-) in group: General
- Mini-Pape in group: General
- Happy Easter, have an egg :-) in group: General
- A note on Berlin theme in group: General
- Fivefold repetition :-) in group: General
- Troitzkys 5 Bishops in group: General
- My 1st fairy invention in group: General
- Die Hard (another free-for-all construction) in group: General
- Longest doubly-forced variant? in group: General
- Problems with promoted pieces in group: General
- On a retro theme in group: General
- Fleck theme in group: General
- Composing computer programs in group: General
- Aesthetics by webvote :-) in group: General
- Quantum Chess in group: General
- Q vs R mutual zugzwang on larger board? in group: General
- Extreeeeme Knight Wheel in group: General
- The fundamental mechanics of 2# in group: General
- Longest win QS vs RR? in group: General
- Helpmate...under rapid rules :-) in group: General
- Please locate my MP #2(?). It's lost and scared :-) in group: General
- Iqbal strikes again (FLAMEBAIT :-) in group: General
- Scientific Papers on small endgame strategies in group: General
- Dumb Duals in group: General
- Mating with Bishop and Knight on a large board in group: General
- A mix between direct and help play in group: General
- Future castling in group: General
- 4th edition of Milan's Encyclopedia? in group: General
- Földeak Pingpong in group: General
- Plachutting With Myself in group: General
- A h# theme in group: General
- King All-Rounders in group: General
- Pickawhat? in group: General
- Electronic version of "Task and Records"? in group: General
- The Modern #2 (keep fire extinguisher handy :-) in group: General
- Fleck with battery in group: General
- Mutual Pin in group: General
- "Multi" piece duels in the 2# in group: General
- Spare me the bet cost of a cholocate bar :-) in group: General
- Album 2001-2003 in group: General
- Abusing Special Relativity for fun and (problem) profit in group: General
- Most illegal position :-) in group: General
- Suicide defense in group: General
- King Nowotny in group: General
- Motive Inversion outside the s# in group: General
- Strength of fairy pieces in group: General
- Stale Berlin in group: General
- Triple Check (for Rewan) in group: General
- King Ultimo (NOT) in group: General
- 75 move rule in group: General
- Helpmate Material in group: General
- 50 moves/3 repeats from starting position in group: General
- Retro h#? in group: General
- Promotions to wrong color in group: General
- Very nonattacking rooks in group: General
- Maximum pins? in group: General
- Nonstandard boards in group: General
- One for the cyclists in group: General
- Rewan SE-inspired :-) in group: General
- My Xmas present for MPF in group: General
- Rockets for tomorrow :-) in group: General
- A puzzle puzzle in group: General
- Another CSE question taken over :-) in group: General
- Mating a royal piece from the start position in group: General
- Stalemate trap in group: General
- The power of persuasion in group: General
- Most moves to "reset" in group: General
- Stalemate tries in group: General
- Maximum "unknotting" number in group: General
- Maximum massacrum in group: General
- Threefold repetition in group: General
- Most uneconomic economic mate in group: General
- Selfmate where Black has only 1P...and promotes in group: General
- An OTB Turton in group: General
- Zugzwang in the mating move in group: General
- The obtrusive bishop in group: General
- Retro draw in group: General
- Author with articles looks for problem journals without in group: General
- Andrey Selivanov, finally a s#2 challenge worthy to you :-) in group: General
- Source? Typo? Record? in group: General
- Study theme: Bury your queen in group: General
- Annoy your computer with a future stalemate in group: General
- Longest automatic play with decision in group: General
- Forced mutual perpetual in group: General
- Parody problems in group: General
- Rare stipulations in group: General
- Same-side added moves from almost stalemate in group: General
- (Neudeutsche) Schools Out! in group: General
- Suggestion: A Forum Informal in group: General
- Longest series mover with... in group: General
- Because of current events... in group: General
- feenschach tabled contents in group: General
- Illegal Symmetric double stalemate with all pieces in group: General
- 2# theme in group: General
- Cylinder Chess Castling Codex in group: General
- Exact mate in 1,2,3,4 moves in group: General
- Stalemate challenge in group: General
- Logical try in the future in group: General
- Black pawns keep falling on my head in group: General
- Tiny stuff on tiny nonstandard boards in group: General
- Cyclic Theme name? in group: General
- Pseudo Motive Inversion in the n# in group: General
- Crediting for open questions in group: General
- A true motive inversion in the n# in group: General
- Unique proof game in group: General
- Parade motive transfer in group: General
- Graz helpmate definition in group: General
- "Reverse" exact #1,2,3,4 in group: General
- Most busy composer in group: General
- Longest unique series mover in group: General
- #2 with stalemate tries in group: General
- For the theoreticians in group: General
- "Black dual avoidance" in group: General
- Duel Records (not in the Morse) in group: General
- Kunst kommt von Können (untranslatable: Art comes from ableness) in group: General
- Longest helpmate? in group: General
- Selfmate by royal suicide in group: General
- I need a sign in group: General
- Longest "forcing" retro in group: General
- New FIDE Album typo thread in group: General
- Front piece double check records in group: General
- Nietvelt vs Schiffmann in group: General
- This is your chess problem on drugs in group: General
- A to B to A in group: General
- White Line Combinations in Selfmate in group: General
- Ever saw a "v" mark under a helpmate? in group: General
- 5 year MPF site jubilee prize report anyone? in group: General
- Two Chess960 counting problems in group: General
- One-move record resource in group: General
- "Tempo" #2 problems in group: General
- Anticirce+Circe rex inclusiv castling in group: General
- Zeropiecers in group: General
- Looking for a #4, Berger school in group: General
- King corner to corner march in group: General
- Fleck horror in group: General
- 8 still Fleck record? in group: General
- Bugs in the Albrecht in group: General
- Not-duals in group: General
- Largest n for "Something happens in n" in group: General
- 50 move challenge (from CSE) in group: General
- "Problempartie", Breuer SCHWALBE 1949 in group: General
- Base! Uuu-vey! (Even double!) in group: General
- Black King in check in group: General
- Prize names in group: General
- Interference record? in group: General
- Fake capture in group: General
- 50 move rule in n# in group: General
- Different effect, same threat in group: General
- "Who is mated?" in group: General
- "Accidentally" a study in group: General
- Letters (Jurmala made me do it :-) in group: General
- A new stipulation? in group: General
- Pin records in group: General
- Cool construction problem from CSE in group: General
- Next move (as in Last move, only next move) in group: General
- Check in n moves in group: General
- Improbable s#2...but possible in group: General
- A suggestion for spontaneous "100 Years of Schwalbe" dedications :-) in group: General
- Brunner Holzhausen #2 challenge in group: General
- Longest "quiet" problem in group: General
- Kings in check in group: General
- Reverse Schiffmann in group: General
- #2 with a maximum of stalemate tries in group: General
- Special White Correction? in group: General
- Nalimov tables buggy? Rather the implementation :-) in group: Internet and Computing
- Ilja, you just reinvented the "bump" :-) in group: Internet and Computing
- [poll] Composing in the Computer Age in group: Internet and Computing
- Another study/Nalimov question in group: Internet and Computing
- Fritz 8 epic fail in group: Internet and Computing
- Undead Popeye bug? in group: Internet and Computing
- Formanek's "biography roundmail" in group: Internet and Computing
- MP Originals Rating javascript in group: Internet and Computing
- Warning: Ian Shanahans hotmail seems to be hacked! in group: Internet and Computing
- A 3x4 board study - NOOOOT! in group: Internet and Computing
- Tablebases with other board sizes in group: Internet and Computing
- Gerard Ettl (?!?) was hacked in group: Internet and Computing
- hacked again! Don't click on URLs in mails from there! in group: Internet and Computing
- Peter Gyarmati (?) has been hacked in group: Internet and Computing
- When you haven't your solving program ready in group: Internet and Computing
- Diagram OCR recognizer exists? in group: Internet and Computing
- Nalimov and castling/ep in group: Internet and Computing
- PGN pseudo standard in group: Internet and Computing
- Collection-onizing Chess Problems? in group: Internet and Computing
- Popeyemining in group: Internet and Computing
- Natch as Natch can in group: Internet and Computing
- Olive: Yeah, shot my own foot again in group: Internet and Computing
- Abusing Popeye as move generator in group: Internet and Computing
- Hauke's Epic Letter Problem Maker Extra in group: Internet and Computing
- Olive Format Specification? in group: Internet and Computing
- Popeye Split Duplex in group: Internet and Computing
- The "keyword" field of Olive/Popeye in group: Internet and Computing
- Storing improved versions in group: Internet and Computing
- The "date" field of Olive in group: Internet and Computing
- Olivvv*e in group: Internet and Computing
- Emulating a smaller nonstandard board in Popeye in group: Internet and Computing
- My email changes in group: Internet and Computing
- Olive sort? in group: Internet and Computing
- Address of Ivo Tominic? in group: Internet and Computing
- We're all turning into David :-) in group: Internet and Computing
- Combined pieces in Popeye in group: Internet and Computing
- Tidying up Popeye output in group: Internet and Computing
- Antigrid in Popeye? in group: Internet and Computing
- Interesting "2# theme finder" article on ICGA in group: Internet and Computing
- 3,3 rider in Olive/Popeye? in group: Internet and Computing
- Gravity & Hover in Popeye? in group: Internet and Computing
- Black (in check) to begin in #2 in Popeye/Olive? in group: Internet and Computing
- Poking pun fun at problemists in group: Promenade
- A poem (semi-OT) in group: Promenade
- Johannes Berger and the Medieval Knight Romantic :-) in group: Promenade
- Brain Gamage :-) in group: Promenade
- You know you are a problemist when,,, in group: Promenade
- Newsflash! Lasker found dead in Alaska rathole! in group: Promenade
- The Sparta Stipulation in group: Promenade
- [Internet humor] MatPlus-chan in group: Promenade
- Two-way interference of like languages :-) in group: Promenade
- Nalimock :-) in group: Promenade
- The Slightly NSFW New Year Fun Puzzle in group: Promenade
- River Jutschinka in group: Promenade
- Ultramarine Ultraviolence in group: Promenade
- Post your model mate! in group: Promenade
- Yesterday, in a chess cafe in group: Promenade
- April 1st riddle in group: Promenade
- A record (?!?) NOT for surpassing :-) in group: Promenade
- [wacky humor] Münchhausen in Japan in group: Promenade
- Trololo, Crosscheck! in group: Promenade
- Happy Easter with Ei against Ei :-) in group: Promenade
- [Fairy Chess in the Literature] China Mieville on krak :-) in group: Promenade
- Problemist rhyming in group: Promenade
- To infinity...and beyond! in group: Promenade
- Chessboard cut&paste puzzle in group: Promenade
- Complete pericritical rook swap. F*** yeah. in group: Promenade
- Posting 11111! in group: Promenade
- In hindsight, it's obvious in group: Promenade
- Merry 2#-mas :-) in group: Promenade
- And a happy 2#-year :-) in group: Promenade
- N - S - Kt in group: Promenade
- The genre Inglip likes most :-) in group: Promenade
- Redman the Madman in group: Promenade
- Chess Problem Font (not what you think :-) in group: Promenade
- Best opening move? (As seen by SPG :-) in group: Promenade
- Unexpected Schnoebelen :-) in group: Promenade
- Silvester joke, one day too early in group: Promenade
- FIDE defines orthofairychess again :-) in group: Promenade
- A Czech solving contest in group: Promenade
- Knights giving head :-) in group: Promenade
- Chess math problem quickie in group: Promenade
- Silly Silvester problem in group: Promenade
- How is "Problemesis" distributed? in group: Promenade
- Number of your problems? in group: Promenade
- Silvester joke in group: Promenade
- Problem Chess in Literature in group: Promenade
- The Slowakian Caterpillar in group: Promenade
- The DeLorean in group: Promenade
- The '10s as a retro problem :-) in group: Promenade
- Not exactly problem chess but... in group: Promenade
- Chess Players against Corona in group: Promenade
- Mate in 1, strictly by FIDE rules :-) in group: Promenade
- Shortest mate with X in Chess 960 in group: Promenade
- A set with X in group: Promenade
- Memes...only with chess in group: Promenade
- Problem chess in media in group: Promenade
- Funny Chess platformer game in group: Promenade
- Nur geträumt :-) in group: Promenade
- Bill Withers has to judge a beginners 3# tourney in group: Promenade
- Stipulation overload in group: Promenade
- The problem in "Alice Behind the Looking Glass" in group: Promenade
- Moves only playable "once in a lifetime" in group: Promenade
- Somewhat early Sylvester joke in group: Promenade
- The Lion King in group: Promenade
- How to search oneself blue in the face. A Primer in group: Promenade
- The 1.8 second J in group: Promenade
- Merry Xmas! in group: Promenade
- Happy New Year! in group: Promenade
- Knights suck, no nerfing needed in group: Promenade
- Riddle-joke in group: Promenade
- Tactics of the decade in group: Promenade
- A little advent puzzle in group: Promenade
- Easy Silvester puzzle in group: Promenade
- Fairy Fairy in group: Promenade
- Most (ab)used problem chess books in group: Promenade
- Merry Xmas...OK, I have an excuse. in group: Promenade
- The smallest Silvester rocket of the world! in group: Promenade
- I'm stupid, but Lichess Stockfish is even more so :-) in group: Promenade
- Wokeness and Wokener shooting hir own foot again :-) in group: Promenade
- The problem that anticipated itself :-) in group: Promenade
- Haukes Problem Chess Alarm Clock (pat. pend.) in group: Promenade
- Offer: Fide Album I (1956-1958) in group: Promenade
- Happy 1st April! in group: Promenade
- The Winter Transfer :-) in group: Promenade
- Another epic chess "platformer" in group: Promenade
- Monochrome Chess Challenge in group: Promenade
- "Problems by ..." - worthsome project? in group: Promenade
- Valve by Valve :-) in group: Promenade
- [Silvester] Losing on time in a chess problem in group: Promenade
- Rocket for the new year in group: Promenade
- Schwalbe n#/e.g. (202nd Theme Tourney) in group: Competitions
- A construction task for you all in group: Competitions
- If anyone is around Hamburg... in group: Competitions
- The Douglas Hofstadter challenge in group: Competitions
- Help for "Hamburg Solving Championship" appreciated! in group: Competitions
- Hamburg Solving Championship in group: Competitions
- Quick newsflash from German Solving Championship Bremen in group: Competitions
- Schwalbe Theme Tourney 213 in group: Competitions
- Ahues Memorial Tourney in group: Competitions
- A certain SuperProblem Award in group: Competitions
- H. Reddmann, #2, Problem-Forum 6/2001, Lob in group: Twomovers
- Ultramodern Dadaism? H. Reddmann, Problem-Forum 3/2005 in group: Twomovers
- 2nd Grade Duals? H. Reddmann, Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung 12.8.2000, #2 in group: Twomovers
- Changed position letter theme in group: Twomovers
- H. Reddmann & T. Nalimov, #9, Original in group: Twomovers
- Knight wheel cross check makes Lovuschka a sad panda in group: Twomovers
- Looking for a problem by Barnes... in group: Twomovers
- Guess-the-theme in group: Twomovers
- Merry Xmas! in group: Twomovers
- 6 promotions task in group: Twomovers
- The perfect Java cycle in group: Twomovers
- Pas de deux in group: Twomovers
- HR, Schach-Report 2/1994 (#4311, need scan of comment section :-) in group: Twomovers
- Please improve my problem in group: Twomovers
- Waiting for an intro in group: Endgame studies
- Shredders todays (21/09/09) quiz in group: Endgame studies
- Thread devoted to "A Study apiece"... in group: Endgame studies
- Mees-appropriation :-) in group: Endgame studies
- Underpromotion in group: Endgame studies
- In need of an exact source in group: Fairies
- Visserman's cyclic Nightrider Plachutta in group: Fairies
- H. Reddmann, version of SCHWALBE 6901, h#2 in group: Helpmates
- Miodrag hasn't made friends on todays solving competition :-) in group: Helpmates
- Perpetual Check in group: Misc
- Most easy longmover? in group: Moremovers
- V. Eaton, The Chess Review 1939 in group: Moremovers
- V. Shavyrin, #4, Schwalbe 2019, 1.Prize in group: Moremovers
- A little construction problem for you in group: Retro/Math
- Checkers Shortest Proof Game :-) in group: Retro/Math
- Another free-for-all construction task in group: Retro/Math
- Carlo Wood, Not-A-SPG, ChessStackExchange 2022 in group: Retro/Math
- Construct a helpgame from the beginning position, leading to a s# in group: Selfmates
- Silly Fischerandom idea in group: Selfmates