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MatPlus.Net Forum Endgame studies M. Zinar & S. Diduh (EG 2009)
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(1) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Monday, Apr 20, 2009 11:45]

M. Zinar & S. Diduh (EG 2009)

M. Zinar & S. Diduh
EG 2009
(= 9+7 )


I just saw this nice endgame at our daily newspaper "Politika". It's taken from EG. It's a great endgame showing six promotions to wS. There was no solution but I think that I correctly solved it:

1.d8S Rxd8 2.exd8S Rxd8 3.cxd8S Sc6 4.e7 Sxd8
5.exd8S Kg3 6.e6 Bxb6 7.e7 Bxd8 8.exd8S Kh3
9.d7 Kg3 10.Sc6 Bxb7 11.d8S Ba8 12.Sb7 Bxb7=

Usually tasks are not so nice but in this case the last white move is outstanding.
(Read Only)pid=3563
(2) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Monday, Apr 20, 2009 13:54]

In the same issue of EG (January 2009):

(= 8+5 )

Hornecker & Didukh
Black to move, white draws

1...b1Q 2.Be4 Qxe4 3.f8S+ Bxf8 4.Rxe4 Rxe4 5.g7 Bf5+ 6.Kh8! Rh4+ 7.Kg8 Bxg7 8.fxg7 Rg4 9.Kh8 Kf7 10.Bg5! Rxg5 11.d8S+ Kf6 12.g8S+ Ke5 13.Sf7+ draws. The ending was shown in Gurgenidze JT before, but with my 10.Bg5 and Sergiy's other moves before this is a completely new study.

Did it ever happen before that someone had nine underpromotions to knight in a single originals column? I doubt so.
(Read Only)pid=3565
(3) Posted by Administrator [Monday, Apr 20, 2009 14:12]

An article about this task planned for Mat Plus Review (Spring-Summer 2009) never arrived. The fact is that there is some history of the idea, and here are all fallen heroes whose blood, sweet and tears contributed to the realization of the record [dump from Harold van der Heijden's endgame base (hhdbIIIa.pgn)]:

1. Shmulenson, G.
1.p All-Union Team champ USSR Ty {tt} 1971-00-00
(= 6+5 )

[HHDB 30098]
1. e6 Nd8! 2. e7! (2. Nxd8? h2+ 3. Kh1 Bb5 4. e7 Bxd7) 2... h2+ 3. Kh1 Bb7 4. exd8=N! Ba8 5. Nb7 Bxb7 6. d8=N! Ba8 (6... Bc8 7. Nd4 Bg4 8. N8e6) 7. d7 Kh3 8. Nb7 Bxb7 9. d8=N! Ba8 (9... Bc8 10. Nd4!) 10. Nb7 Bxb7 1/2-1/2

2. Stoichev, K.
1.p Shakhmatna Misl 1982-00-00
(= 7+4 )

[HHDB 19454]
1. Kg1 Be3+ 2. Kh1 Bb6 3. e7 Bxd8 4. exd8=N h2 5. Nb7 Bxb7 6. d8=N Ba8 7. d7 Kh3 8. Nb7 Bxb7 9. d8=N Ba8 10. c5 Kg3 11. Nb7 Bxb7 1/2-1/2

3. Sochniev, A.
Shakh-M 1989-00-00
(= 7+5 )

[HHDB 13237]
1. Nc6! Nd8! (1... Nxd6 2. d8=N!) 2. b7! Bxb7 3. exd8=N! Ba8 (3... Ba6 4. Ne6 Bf1 (4... Bd3 5. Ng5) 5. Nf4) 4. e6 (4. Nb7? Bxb7 5. d8=N Ba6! 6. Ne6 Bd3! 7. Ng5 Be3 8. Nb4 Bb1 9. Nd5 Bxg5 10. Nc3 Bd3 11. e6 Kh3 12. e7 Bf1) 4... Bb6 5. e7 Bxd8 6. exd8=N! Kh3 7. Nb7! Bxb7 8. d8=N! Ba8 (8... Ba6 9. Ne6!) 9. d7 Kg3 10. Nb7 Bxb7 11. d8=N! Ba8 12. Nb7 Bxb7 1/2-1/2

4. Prigunov, V.
The Problemist 1995-00-00
(= 6+6 )

[HHDB 8055]
1. Kf2 h3 (1... Kh3! {cook NM} 2. Ne6 Kh2 3. d8=Q g1=Q+ 4. Ke2 Qg3 5. Qg5 Bd3+! 6. cxd3 cxd3+ 7. Kd1 Qf3+ 8. Kc1 (8. Ke1 Qe2#) 8... Qf1#) 2. a8=Q Bxa8 3. Nb7 g1=Q+ 4. Kxg1 Kg3 5. d8=N h2+ 6. Kh1 Kh3 7. d7 Kg3 8. Nc6 Bxb7 9. d8=N Ba8 10. Nb7 Bxb7 1/2-1/2

5. Stoichev, K.
1.p Shakhmatna Misl 1996-00-00
(= 9+8 )

[HHDB 6730]
1. exd8=N! Rxd8 2. cxd8=N! (2. c8=Q! {cook MC} 2... Rhh8 3. Qc7 Rb8 4. e7 Kf1 5. e8=Q) 2... Rh8 3. e7 Rxd8 4. exd8=N Kg3 5. e6 Bb6 6. e7 Bxd8 7. exd8=N h4 8. c4 Kh3 9. Nb7 Bxb7 10. d8=N! Ba8 11. d7 Kg3 12. Nb7! Bxb7 13. d8=N! (13. d8=Q! {cook MC} 13... Bxc6+ 14. Qd5 Bxd5+ 15. cxd5) 13... Ba8 14. c5 Kh3 15. Nb7 Bxb7 1/2-1/2

(Read Only)pid=3566
(4) Posted by Administrator [Monday, Apr 20, 2009 14:49]

... and something completely different by Milomir Babić (also from HHDB No.6024, "2nd Prize" is missing in the source):
Babic, M.
STES World Championship 1997
(= 13+11 )
1. g8=N+! Rxg8 (1... Kg5 2. Nf6! Kxf6 3. f8=Q+ Kg5 4. Qg7 Rxa8 5. Ra2 Bxc7 6. e8=Q Rxe8 7. a8=Q) 2. fxg8=N+! (2. f8=Q+? Kh5! 3. Qf3 (3. Nc5 Bxc5 4. Rxb4 Bxb4 5. Bxe5 Bxd2! (5... Be4+ 6. Kg1 h2+! 7. Bxh2 Nxe3+) 6. e8=Q Rxf8 7. Qxf8 Bxe3! 8. Qf3 d2! 9. Qxh3+ Kg5 10. Bf6+ Kf4! 11. Qf1+ Bf2! 12. Kg2 Ne3+ 13. Kxf2 Nxf1 14. c8=Q d1=Q) 3... Be4 4. Qxe4 dxe4 5. e8=Q+ Rxe8 6. Rb1 (6. Bb7 Rg8! 7. Kg1 Nxe3+! 8. Kf2 (8. Kh2 Nf1+ 9. Kxh3 Rg3#) 8... Rg2+ 9. Ke1 Re2#) 6... Rxa8) 2... Kg5 3. Nf6! Kxf6 4. e8=N+! Ke7 (4... Kg5 5. Nd6! Bxc7 6. Nc5! Bxd6 7. Rxb4! Bxc5 8. Rxg4+! Kxg4 9. Bxe5) 5. c8=N+! (5. Nc5? Bxc5 6. Rxb4 Bxb4 7. Bxe5 Be4+! 8. Kg1 Bxd2! 9. c8=N+ Kf8! 10. Bg7+ Kxe8 11. Nd6+ Kd8! 12. Nxe4 Bxe3+! 13. Kf1 dxe4!) 5... Kxe8 6. Nd6+ Ke7 7. c7! Kxd6 8. c8=N+! Kc7 9. Bxd5 (9. Nc5? Bxc5 10. Rxb4 Bxb4 11. Bxe5+ Nxe5! 12. Bxd5 exd5 13. a8=Q Be4+! 14. Kh2 Nf3+! 15. Kxh3 Nxd2! 16. Na7 Nc4! 17. Nb5+ Kb6! 18. Nd4 Ba5! 19. Qb8+ Kc5 20. Nb3+ Kc6 21. Qc8+ Kb5 22. Qc5+ Ka4 23. Nd4 Bb4 24. Qa7+ Ba5! 25. Qd7+ Kb4 26. Kg3 Bb6! 27. Qb5+ Kc3 28. Qb3+ Kd2 29. Kf2 Bxd4 30. exd4 Kc1) 9... exd5 10. a8=N+! Kxc8 (10... Kd8 11. Nd6 Ke7 12. Nxb6 Kxd6 13. Nc8+ Kc7 14. Nc5 Kxc8 15. Rxb4 d4 16. e4! (16. exd4? Bf7!) 16... Kc7 17. Ne6+ Kd6 18. Ng5) (10... Kb8 11. Nd6 Kxa8 12. Ra2+ Kb8 13. Ra4 Kc7 14. Rxb4 Kxd6 15. Rxb6+) 11. Nxb6+ Kb7 12. Nc5+ Kxb6 13. Rxb4+ Kxc5 14. Rxg4 1-0

(Read Only)pid=3567
(5) Posted by Administrator [Saturday, Apr 25, 2009 14:34]

An article about this task planned for Mat Plus Review (Spring-Summer 2009) never arrived...

The author explained that he wasn't (yet?) satisfied with the article. However, for those interested in theme, he kindly presents the current version: (698 KB, in Russian language)
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MatPlus.Net Forum Endgame studies M. Zinar & S. Diduh (EG 2009)