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MatPlus.Net Forum Threemovers Peter Gvozdják, Štefan Sovík (Slovakia), 11th WCCT, 1st place
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(1) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 01:16]

Peter Gvozdják, Štefan Sovík (Slovakia), 11th WCCT, 1st place

(= 11+6 )

Peter Gvozdják, Štefan Sovík (Slovakia). 11th WCCT, 1st place. Mate in 3

This is among the most beautiful things I've ever seen. It is a "Girl with the Pearl Earring" of chess. It is like e^(π*i)=-1, it is like the beauty of the human soul itself, but also an universal truth. This is one of the rare Mount Everests of composing, a problem worth of another Soyuz 9 story.
(Read Only)pid=24267
(2) Posted by Valery Gurov [Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 02:55]

Зигфрид, это очень хорошая задача.Но я Вам сочуствую, Вы видимо не видели задач Лошинского, Загоруйко и даже живущего ныне Кузовкова :-) Но если Чайковского отменяют, то куда уж нам, шахматным композиторам :-)
(Read Only)pid=24268
(3) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 10:56]

Конечно, я знаю шедевры Лошинского, но вообще я знаком только с несколькими трехчастниками. Однако в этом победителе турнира есть нечто настолько невероятное, двойной вложенный цугцванг, что соединить его с другими темами внутри кажется невозможным. Это настолько выше, как луна для небоскреба.
(Read Only)pid=24270
(4) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 16:02]

@(1) It will be nice if solution is given and some explanation what do you like in this solution so much?
(Read Only)pid=24271
(5) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 17:04]

From the booklet:

1.b8=S! waiting
1…Ke3 2.Be5 b4/g5/f×g4/e×d3 3.Sc4/S×f5/R×e4/Bd4‡
1…Kd5 2.e3 b4/g5/f×g4/e×d3 3.Bc4/R×f5/B×e4/Rd4‡
1…b4 2.Se6+ (2.Sb5+?, 2.Sc6+?) Ke3/Kd5 3.Sc4/Bc4‡
1…g5 2.S×b5+ (2.Sc6+?, Se6+?) Ke3/Kd5 3.S×f5/R×f5‡
1…f×g4 2.Sc6+ (2.Se6+?, 2.Sb5+?) Ke3/Kd5 3.R×e4/B×e4‡
Adabashev synthesis of two thematic systems: 2×4 changed play (if bK moves first) and 3×2 changed
play (if bPs move first). Both parts are connected by repetition of 5 defences at 1st as well as at 2nd
moves, and also by repetition of 6 mates. Cyclic dual avoidance in white checking moves and formal
cycle of types of units mating on c4-f5-e4. Altogether (2×4) + (3×2) = 14 thematic elements (Country)
A wonderful problem with two intertwined sets of variations with the white and black moves
recurring in both sets. Four pairs of mates occur on the same squares (c4, d4, e4, f5). Most
harmonious and lyrical (IND) 8 + 6 thematic mates in a light setting deserve a high score (MKD) Four
changed mates combined with a 3×2 Zagoruiko with mates on the same square is a very good
rendering of the theme. Economical construction, but the key is a bit weak (NED) 2×4 plus 3×2
thematic mates. One pair of variations has four pairs of mates on the same square, using the bK's
position to differentiate them (the same idea as in B51). Incredibly, that motif has been combined
with three variations with different mates after the two bK moves, with a kind of dual avoidance in
W2: the wS that isn't needed for one of the mates must check. All this in a harmonious and
economical setting. A masterpiece (SWE) 5 × Povenets theme! Two systems woven into an
Adabashev synthesis with the highest level of aesthetics (SUI)

What I like about it? It is a zugzwang within a zugzwang. Together with easily visible themes (when looked at the notation). It is just a miracle how all of it works. Yes, after the key there are three knights. A small price to pay for such a great idea. I have never seen anything like it.
(Read Only)pid=24272
(6) Posted by Hauke Reddmann [Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 20:02]

Since Peter surely is reading here, I wonder if it is possible
to replace Rc2 with two pawns (wPc2,wPg3,Kg3->e1) and what he
then thinks economy-wise (one man more, but Rc2 does nothing else
than protect d2/e2 and thus is a bit underused).

BTW, I'm most impressed how "form generates function".
(This was also true for his new SCHWALBE problem I
mentioned in the Zoom chat.)
(Read Only)pid=24273
(7) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023 22:18]

yes, versions are possible and personal tastes may differ.
usually i prefer to use officers instead of pawns, often heavier positions instead of simpler ones etc.
in this threemover, a lower total number of units and position without double-pawns was considered the advantage.
(Read Only)pid=24274
(8) Posted by Eugene Fomichev [Wednesday, Jan 11, 2023 03:28]

A banal mechanistic task, the grinding of rusty gears. Just do not stand next to the masterpieces of Loshinsky and Zagoruiko!
(Read Only)pid=24275
(9) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Monday, Jan 16, 2023 05:45]

Eugene, you are right to compare Peter Gvozdjak, Lev Loshinsky, and Leonid Zagoruiko. They are among these grand-masters who changed our world in a great manner.
I don’t know about this specific problem, but for sure, they all three made better and they all three made worse
(Read Only)pid=24300
(10) Posted by Neal Turner [Monday, Jan 16, 2023 09:33]

Most of us can only dream of our problems being worthy of comparison to Loshinsky and Zagoruiko.
(Read Only)pid=24301
(11) Posted by Anatoly Slesarenko [Tuesday, Jan 17, 2023 15:19]

Formaly the problem looks great, thematical task, great unity of play.
But here is a very big "BUT". The Black is TOTALLY defenseless, no hint of Black counterplay, no hint of Black fight.
I had been taught in my composing youth that the BATTLE of the Sides is the core of a good problem. Alas, that does not apply to this one. But I may be wrong.
(Read Only)pid=24307
(12) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Tuesday, Jan 17, 2023 19:42]

Anatoly, you are right, even without block letters. To make problems with black play is an excellent advice, mainly for beginners, because they tend to make problems with only blacks pawns, and they generally have not the tools to judge with enough clarity if their problem is interesting or not.

But anyway, you have so many great problems with no black play, that in fact this element by itself is not enough to discard a problem.

Here, specially, though there is no black strategy, the play is very rich, and the content is clear, and rather complex.
(Read Only)pid=24309
(13) Posted by Valery Gurov [Wednesday, Jan 18, 2023 14:08]

Dear Jacques,
Please show Anatoly's "great problems" only with black pawns. It would be interesting!
Well, at least of this level of Milan:

(Read Only)pid=24310
(14) Posted by Harry Fougiaxis [Wednesday, Jan 18, 2023 15:13]

But anyway, you have so many great problems with no black play, that in fact this element by itself is not enough to discard a problem.

Please show Anatoly's "great problems" only with black pawns. It would be interesting!

Jacques's statement is general. He does not refer to Anatoly's problems.
(Read Only)pid=24311
(15) Posted by Valery Gurov [Wednesday, Jan 18, 2023 16:34]

2Harry: "you have so many great problems with no black play, that in fact this element by itself is not enough to discard a problem".
(Read Only)pid=24312
(16) Posted by Eric Huber [Wednesday, Jan 18, 2023 17:14]

"you" is the pronoun of the second person singular or plural.
But "you" can also mean: one; anyone; people in general. The meaning is then similar with the German pronoun "man" or the French pronoun "on".
(Read Only)pid=24313
(17) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Wednesday, Jan 18, 2023 19:11]

Thank you Harry, thank you Eric. I completely missed what Valery said - I did not understand the misunderstanding!-

of course "you have" means "you have in the databases, in the general knowledge, in your books ..." and not "you have in your own production as an author".
Nothing personal here.

In any case, Valery chose a (great) problem by Milan, I'll have a small search, but in the meantime, I can already show these :
For me " no black strategy" does not mean "only black pawns" but black moves with no strategical value.

Sam Loyd
The chess Monthly 1857
1st Prize

(= 4+3 )
1.Sg4+ (checking key!)

but of course miniatures is a special field...

Nils G.G. Van Dijk
De Waarheid 1966
1st Prize
(= 11+13 )

1.Q×a5! [2.S×b5+
2...Kc4 3.S×a3‡
2…Ke4 3.Sc3‡
2…Kc6 3.Sa7‡
2…Ke6 3.Sc7‡]

1…Ra1/Rc1/Re3 2.S×f5+
2…Kc4 3.S(×)e3‡
2…Ke4 3.Sg3‡
2…Kc6 3.Se7‡
2…Ke6 3.Sg7‡

1…b6 2.Sc8+
2…Kc4 3.S×b6‡
2…Ke4 3.Qa8‡
2…Kc6 3.Q×b6‡
2…Ke6 3.Rd6‡

1…f×g4 2.S×f7+
2…Kc4 3.S×e5‡
2…Ke4 3.Bh7‡
2…Kc6 3.Rd6‡
2…Ke6 3.Sh6‡

1…Bd1/Be2/B×g4 2.Sc4+
2…K×c4 3.B×f7‡
2…Ke4 3.Sd2‡
2…Kc6 3.Qb6‡
2…Ke6 3.Qb6‡

1…Sb1/Sc4 2.Q×b5+
2…Kd4 3.Q(×)c4‡
2…Ke6 3.Re8‡
1…Kd4 2.S×b5+ Kc4 3.S×a3‡
2…Ke4 3.Sc3‡
1…Kc6 2.Se8 [3.Qc7‡] b6 3.Qa8‡

1…Ke6 2.S×f7/2.B×f7+
1…e4 2.Sc4+/2.S×f7+

A rather poor key that provides a mate after 1...Kc6 as shown by the technical tries
1.B×f7+?/1.S×f7+?/1.S×b5+?/1.S×f5+?/1.Sc8+? Kc6!
1.Q×b5+? S×b5!
1.Se8+? Kc4!

To my taste : a great problem!
(Read Only)pid=24314
(18) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Wednesday, Jan 18, 2023 21:26]

another problem :

Valentin F. Rudenko
Sports committee of Ukraine
1975 1st Prize
(= 12+8 )

1…b×c2 a 2.S×f3+ A g×f3 3.f5‡
1…f×e2 b 2.Qe6 B [3.Q×e2,R×e2‡]
1…g×h3 c 2.Qc6 C [3.S×f3‡]

1.Rc1! blocus
1…b×c2 a 2.Qc6 C [3.Q×c2,R×c2‡]
1…f×e2 b 2.Sf3+ A g×f3 3.f5‡
1…g×h3 c,g3 2.Qe6 B [3.Rgd1,S×f3‡]

1…K×e2 2.Qe6+ K×f2/Kd2 3.Qe1/Qe1,Rgd1‡

(Read Only)pid=24315
(19) Posted by Valery Gurov [Thursday, Jan 19, 2023 07:10]

"To my taste : a great problem!"
I agee! Абсолютно согласен, но с тем, что задача Руденко выдающаяся (с дуалями!) -нет.Она просто новаторская для своего времени.
(Read Only)pid=24316
(20) Posted by Eugene Fomichev [Thursday, Jan 19, 2023 09:11]

I agree with Valery, Rudenko's task is not outstanding, but it is innovative for its time, with one of the first representations of Lachny without the use of a white battery.
(Read Only)pid=24317

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MatPlus.Net Forum Threemovers Peter Gvozdják, Štefan Sovík (Slovakia), 11th WCCT, 1st place