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MatPlus.Net Forum Twomovers Novotny with en passant
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(21) Posted by Sergiy Didukh [Wednesday, Jan 9, 2013 15:46]

The Novotny requires:
1. The key move is a sacrifice of a white piece on the intersection square.
2. The mutual interferences of two black pieces on this intersection square.

The study by Timman in his book doesn't satisfy these requirements. What about the next example?

(= 5+4 )
White to move and win

1.h7 Bb2 2.d4! exd3
[2...Bxd4 3.d7 Rd2 4.d8Q+]
3.d7 Re4+ 4.Kf3! [4.Kh3? Rxh4+] 4...Rd4 5.h8Q

Is this a Novotny? Or should the key sacrifice be made on a square attacked by the both black pieces?
(Read Only)pid=9511
(22) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Wednesday, Jan 9, 2013 21:04]

No this is not a Novotny. It is nice, but not a Novotny.
(Read Only)pid=9513
(23) Posted by Kevin Begley [Thursday, Jan 10, 2013 02:32]; edited by Kevin Begley [13-01-10]

I have the greatest respect for Jan Timman, but I consider his Novotny definition to be fundamentally flawed, orthocentric, and poorly considered.

Definition of the Novotny by Timman:
“The Novotny theme signifies that a piece is placed on the intersection between a diagonal of the opponent's bishop and a file (or rank) on which his rook operates.”

A general interference theme, such as Novotny, should not be defined according to a couple of orthodox units (Rooks and Bishops).
Everybody should toss this poor definition -- and prefer definitions which exactly describe the nature of the interference mechanism (obstruction of two unlike hostile lines, on a single square).
note: I don't even like calling it a "square" (the board is not always square-shaped) -- I'd prefer something like, "node."

ps: I still maintain that there is a class of interference themes, none of which can be defined according to some prerequisite try.
(Read Only)pid=9526
(24) Posted by Kevin Begley [Thursday, Jan 10, 2013 02:58]; edited by Kevin Begley [13-01-10]

re: Jacques off topic comment

>" both cases would the pawn not being pinned, it could parry the check, moving like the black piece behind it. A kind of pawn-Holzhausen interference shown with diagonal/orthogonal correspondence."

A pin is not an interference, Jacques.
There is no O/D correspondence with respect to interference, here.
In one variation, the en passant capturing pawn interferes with the Rook (though it may be described as an impure interference, owing to the pin).
There is no complimentary interference in the other en passant variation.

Yes, both have pin-mates. Last I checked, that does not constitute O/D echo, and has nothing to do with interference themes. Sheesh!

I'm not sure it is adequate to fulfill our definition of a "Dutch Novotny" (though, I would happily defer to better experts on this point); but, it certainly does not fulfill a fourth (new) interference.

You have offered us a really sad attempt to declare a pin to be a Holzhausen interference!
Are you kidding -- just imagine if your statement were true: this would completely alter the historical development of the theme (and indeed interference themes in general).

I value your judgement, Jacques; and, I find it particularly displeasing to find you inventing a thematic fiction, on the fly.
(Read Only)pid=9529
(25) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Thursday, Jan 10, 2013 09:48]; edited by Jacques Rotenberg [13-01-10]

Sorry to disturb you again Kevin !

This time perhaps is it because of my poor english?
"A kind of Holzhausen' for me does mean something that recalls Holzhausen, that's all.
In the 2# field it is used to speak of passive interferences. It means when the static situation is that of an interference.
As far as I understand, I did not say that this is a Holzhausen!!

Why did I put diagrams ? Because the feature I want to underline is new, and because I miss the words to describe it well.

Do you really want me to write all in details why it recalls a Holzausen ?
(Read Only)pid=9534
(26) Posted by Zalmen Kornin [Thursday, Jan 10, 2013 12:42]

@ Jacques:

(alternative setting for the above #2 by V. Dyachuk, with the set flight in 'd3' and changes with the 'novotny mates')

(= 8+7 )

FEN 8/b7/B2r2b1/4Q3/2p1p3/N3pRK1/3Pk3/2B4R

@ Siegfried

(as the required units are more than seven, it would never be a miniature, but a meredith ... well...)

(= 5+6 )

FEN 6b1/6Q1/8/8/4r1p1/3r3k/5P1N/2b2N1K
(Read Only)pid=9536
(27) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Thursday, Jan 10, 2013 13:40]

Yes your alternative setting is interesting, with a changed mate on the flight, but the knight a3 looks out of play. You could try also lighter :

(= 7+7 )

but then on the flight (which is not a defense) in the solution there is a dual

all in all, not easy to choose the right version. The author's choice seems fair.
(Read Only)pid=9538
(28) Posted by Hauke Reddmann [Thursday, Jan 10, 2013 16:41]; edited by Hauke Reddmann [13-01-10]

In Germany the effect in Timmans study would be called "Voraus-Novotny"
(Novotny in advance). You can do that even in 2#, just cut two
defense lines in advance. Sketch:

(= 5+7 )

2# (2 sol) 1.Sf7! Ordinary Novotny/1.Sd3! Novotny in advance. But note that even
the "ordinary" Novotny is different from your run-of-the-mill Novotny:
it doesn't cut a covering but a moving line.

(Read Only)pid=9539
(29) Posted by Kevin Begley [Thursday, Jan 10, 2013 18:49]


>"A kind of Holzhausen for me does mean something that recalls Holzhausen, that's all..."
>"...As far as I understand, I did not say that this is a Holzhausen!!

Thank you for clarifying this.
I'm sorry if I misread your original meaning -- and, in retrospect, I will confess: I should have known better than to read your statement in such a fashion.

>"Do you really want me to write all in details why it recalls a Holzausen?"

A good answer eludes me, here.
You are certainly welcome to further detail the thematic relevance, if you wish.
But, now that you have clarified this matter, I don't see that this will be necessary.
(Read Only)pid=9543
(30) Posted by Zalmen Kornin [Friday, Jan 11, 2013 12:41]; edited by Zalmen Kornin [13-01-12]

Well, let's consider the actual diagram from 1998: The Knight in 'b4' allows some try play;

For instance, 1.Qb2 (with idea of 2.d3 and 2.d4 with provision of a nice pin mate for 1...Rxd2, but still allowing a double refutation 2.Rd3 and exd2; or 1.dxe3 threatening 2.Rf2, with provision for a pair of changed defenses 1...Rf6/1...Bxe3, but also a 'weak try' with 1...Rd2 or 1...exf3 as refutations. And (not least) - try 1.d3 with idea of 2.Qb2# - this one would be the real thematic try, of course) - with three refutations 1...Bd4, 1...c3! and finally 1...Rxd3 (hélas...) ; If author were concerned about the possibility of turning this at least a 'better' try, he would take the simple measure of placing the a7 Bishop in b6 (by the way i like better that placing ) - then after 1.d3 (try) 1...c4-c3 would not be just another of various defenses, but the ilustration of something: 2.d4#.

So, as the try play is rather messy, not satisfactory - why not exchange this for the fly to 'd3', with a clear changed mate, cleaner tableaux and exactly the same play, enhaced with a touch of zest so to say, and still keeping the wanted 1.Qd4 try?! *btw - i'm not concerned about that the try takes the flight in 'd3' - it's just the try, ultima ratio a pseudo solution - the important is that the play allows a consecutive fly to 'c3', enhacing with a dash of piquancy the nice effect of the actual play after the key

/try 1.Nxc4 (threatening Nxd6), with the provision of mate for the 1...Kd3) would be also a 'try' (brackets for not being a strong try, due to the multiple refutation, that could eventually reduced to just three (= 8+8 )
(but still i'd not recomend the addition of black material at all just to reduce to three the try refutations, so take again the simple shifting of the black Bishop to 'b6' in order of getting at least the informal try 1.Nxc4 1...Kd3 Na3 (or e3)#; 1...Rxd2 2.Nxd2# ...)

(= 8+7 )
#2 FEN 8/8/Bb1r2b1/4Q3/2p1p3/N3pRK1/3Pk3/2B4R
(Read Only)pid=9549
(31) Posted by Zalmen Kornin [Monday, Jan 14, 2013 14:10]

Still on the same, comments back then in "Die Schwalbe" were:

"Thema Nowotny, en-passant-Schlag + Fesselmatt (Autor). Gutes e. ,p.-Problem. Der Schlüssel liegt allerdings näher als die Verführung (Dr. HS). Origineller, eigenartiger Nowotny, gefällt (Dr. KHS). Nowotny-Austausch mit raffinierten en-passant-Schlag-Selbstfesseln: ein famoses Pentameron (5-Varianten-Werk) aus dem Fünf-Länder-Eck von Mukatschewo! (Ukraine mit Polen, Slowakei, Ungarn und Rumänien) (FH). 2 x Fesselungsmatt nach e. ,p.-Schlägen. Ein ähnliches Schema (ohne e. ,p.-Schläge) verwendete der Autor allerdings schon, siehe itshape Schach 1996, Aufgabe Nr. 13655 (MD)."

From CPDB on line. Also the yacpdb 'tries skiper' is not concerned about some little questions we raise here...

@Jacques -: Ok, just a pity that this frame here ... (= 7+7 )

...and this one here...

(= 8+7 )
... remains - so to say - 'esoteric', and not part of the solution in a 'conventional' way - - - great composition anyway
(Read Only)pid=9558
(32) Posted by Marko Klasinc [Friday, Jan 11, 2019 17:23]; edited by Marko Klasinc [19-01-11]

(Read Only)pid=16970
(33) Posted by Dragan Stojnić [Friday, Jan 11, 2019 17:32]

I found new version of Horneckers Dutch-Nowotny mechanism, with additional Nowotny-try plus new variants in solution:the threats from try reppeared as mates in solution!
Also, one more non-thematic try (3 of thematic mates are variants)

S. Hornecker- 2013
-version by DS
(= 8+9 )


1.f5*e6 ? threat: 2.Qf6-f5 #
1...Sd1-e3 2.Sf1-g3 A#
1...Ba2*e6 2.Qf6*e6 D#
1...Ba5-d8 2.Sf1-d2 B#
but 1...Sb7-d6 !

1.c2-c3 ? threat: 2.Sf1-g3 A# 2.Sf1-d2 B#
1...Ba5*c3 2.Sf1-g3 A#
1...Ra3*c3 2.Sf1-d2 B#
but 1...Sd1-f2 !
Nowotny interference!

1.c2-c4 ! threat: 2.Qf6*d4 C# 2.Qf6*e6 D#
1...Ba2*c4 2.Qf6*d4 C#
1...Ra4*c4 2.Qf6*e6 D#
1...d4*c3 ep. 2.Sf1-g3 A#
1...Ba5-d8 2.Sf1-d2 B#
1...e6-e5 2.Qf6-c6 #
"Dutch" Nowotny!

This is New-Year surprise for my friend Siegfried,
with best wishes at 2019.
(Read Only)pid=16971

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MatPlus.Net Forum Twomovers Novotny with en passant