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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions Composition tounaments from the French problemists meeting
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(1) Posted by Axel Gilbert [Sunday, May 12, 2013 18:09]; edited by Axel Gilbert [13-05-12]

Composition tounaments from the French problemists meeting

From 17 to 20 th of May, the French Problem society meeting will be held in Messigny.

Four composition tournaments are announced, that will be open to composers of the world :
Helpmates, fairies, retros and joke problems.

The themes will be shown here on Friday night.

Problems can be submitted until Sunday, May 19th, 6 pm (French time = GMT +1)

See you soon !
(Read Only)pid=10419
(2) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Sunday, May 12, 2013 21:45]; edited by Jacques Rotenberg [13-05-12]

May I ask you to give the themes a bit earlier ?
Thursday would be better. Even friday morning would still be better.
(Read Only)pid=10424
(3) Posted by Andrew Buchanan [Monday, May 13, 2013 01:02]

I agree: earlier = better. Please consider.
(Read Only)pid=10425
(4) Posted by Axel Gilbert [Wednesday, May 15, 2013 20:04]

OK, themes will be released on Friday morning. Enjoy !
(Read Only)pid=10432
(5) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Wednesday, May 15, 2013 20:11]

Thank you Axel
(Read Only)pid=10433
(6) Posted by Axel Gilbert [Friday, May 17, 2013 07:38]

Helpmate theme

Theme : Black unpins itself, then White creates an active battery in each phase of a helpmate of any length. Twins admitted but no zero positions.

Example :

CJ Feather
1-2e Pr.
The British chess magazine, 1978

(= 6+9 )

h‡2 (6+9) C+

1.R×h7 FBé5 2.Sd6 Bg7‡
1.Q×é7 R×f5 2.Bh2 Rf7‡

To be submitted to the judges Michel Caillaud and Yves Tallec at latest on Sunday May 19th, 6pm.
(Read Only)pid=10442
(7) Posted by Axel Gilbert [Friday, May 17, 2013 07:42]

Joke problem

Theme : Adapting a work of art or fiction (painting, novel, song, sculpture, comic book...) under the form of a chess problem.
A justification of the link between the original work and the problem would be really appreciated. As for a « joke problem » contest, the quality of the problem itself is less important than humor and the quality of the link between the artwork and the chess problem.
Every kind of stipulations and fairy elements are allowed.
(Inspired by a talk with Thierry Le Gleuher, Messigny 2012)

Roberto OSORIO, Jorge J. LOIS
inspired by Tom Jobim
To E. Minerva et all organizers of Rio 2009
Die Schwalbe 2009, 6th Pr.
(= 15+15 )

Proofgame in 19

1.h4 g5 2.h×g5(g7) b6 3.Rh6 Ba6 4.R×b6(b7) h5 5.é4 Rh6 6.Q×h5(h7) Rç6 7.Sf3 Rç3 8.Bç4 d5 9.d3 Qd7 10.Sbd2 Qa4 11.Sb3 Sç6 12.Bd2 0-0-0 13.Qh3+ f5 14.g×f6 e.p.(f7)+ Kb8 15.f×é7 Ka8 16.é8=R R×é8(Rh1) 17.0-0 Bç5 18.é×d5(d7) Ré1 19.Kh1 R×f1+

Insipred by Samba de Uma Nota Só (One Note Samba), a song by Tom Jobim. The samba is represented by the Valladao theme (en passant, promotion, castling), and the one note is the h2 pawn which manages to fulfill te theme all by itself.

Judge : Axel Gilbert (myself)
(Read Only)pid=10443
(8) Posted by Axel Gilbert [Friday, May 17, 2013 07:48]

Fairy tournament

The theme is: problems with a fairy condition and a zugzwang goal Gz.
Remember that a zugzwang goal Gz (where G can be capture, check, mate, stalemate, etc.) is achieved when the side which hasn’t played the terminal move:
- has one or more legal moves which achieve G; and
- has no legal moves which fail to achieve G; and
- is not in check

This type of goal has been created by Dan Meinking. To the best of our knowledge, it only exist 2 published problems with this type of goal and an additional fairy condition:

Cornel Pacurar & Dan Meinking F1022 StrateGems 53
(= 2+1 )

ser-hxz28 PlatzWechselCirce C+

1. Kb8 2. Kc8 3. Kd8 4. Ke7 5. Ke6 6. Kxe5[+wPe6] 7. Kf6 8. Ke7 9. Kxe6[+wPe7] 10. Kf7 11. Ke8 12. Kxe7[+wPe8=B] 13. Kxe8[+wBe7] 14. Kf7 15. Ke6 16. Kxe7[+wBe6] 17. Kf6 18. Ke5 19. Kxe6[+wBe5] 20. Kf5 21. Ke4 22. Kd3 23. Kc4 24. Kb4 25. Ka5 26. Ka6 27. Ka7 28. Ka8 Bb8 xz

Cornel Pacurar Z22 feenschach 188
(= 1+16 )

ser-promotion-z31 MirrorCirce

1. Kxg6[+bPg2] 2. Kxf5[+bPf2] 3. Ke6 4. Kd6 5. Kc7 6. Kb8 7. Kxa7[+bPa2] 8. Kb6 9. Kxc5[+bPc2] 10. Kb4 11. Kxa3[+bRa1] 12. Kb4 13. Kxa5 14. Kb4 15. Kxb3[+bPb2] 16. Kc4 17. Kd3 18. Kxe2[+bRh1] 19. Kd3 20. Kc4 21. Kc5 22. Kxc6[+bBf1] 23. Kd5 24. Ke4 25. Kxf3 26. Kxg3[+bBc1] 27. Kxh3[+bPh2] 28. Kg4 29. Kf5 30. Kxe5[+bPe2] 31. Kxd4[+bPd2] promotion-z

Entries should only contain orthodox pieces and a unique fairy condition, the choice of the problem’s type being free. They should have been checked with Popeye (at least “by parts” when too long) and have to be send to the following email address:

There is no specific Popeye-command to handle a zugzwang goal Gz, so it is needed to use a related structured stipulation (sstip).
If N denotes the number of moves, the ones corresponding to the above entries are respectively:
ser-hGzN : sstip black Ns[1h[/1d[G]a{!+}]h]
ser-GzN : sstip white Ns[/1d[G]a{!+}]
The ones corresponding to the helped and direct genre are respectively:
hGzN : sstip black 2Nhh[/1d[G]a{!+}] (N being an integer)
GzN : sstip white (2N-1)a[/1d[G]a{!+}]d
Remark that the hGz and ser-hGz genres are respectively the same as the help-self hsG and ser-hsG genres, with moreover the condition that the pre-terminal move is not a checking move. By the way, the first example above is also correct under the stipulation ser-hsx28

Judge : Nicolas Dupont
(Read Only)pid=10444
(9) Posted by Joost de Heer [Friday, May 17, 2013 08:12]

The retro announcement is missng:

Dear retro-friends!

Here's the theme for the quick retro composition
tourney held at messigny (French and English):

Normally the German version will soon be on
Thomas Brand's retroblog:

The closing date for submission will be on sunday
19th may, 18h (French hour, ie GMT +1 IIRC).

Happy composing,
Alain Brobecker
(Read Only)pid=10445
(10) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Friday, May 17, 2013 13:40]; edited by seetharaman kalyan [13-05-17]

Can you please give Email links of judges? (for Helpmates section)
(Read Only)pid=10446
(11) Posted by Eric Huber [Friday, May 17, 2013 21:21]

All entries can be sent to the email address
(Read Only)pid=10449
(12) Posted by Axel Gilbert [Friday, May 17, 2013 21:30]

That's right, thanks Eric. Same address for all sections.
(Read Only)pid=10450
(13) Posted by Diyan Kostadinov [Monday, May 20, 2013 04:00]; edited by Diyan Kostadinov [13-05-21]

Axel, "To the best of our knowledge, it only exist 2 published problems with this type of goal and an additional fairy condition".

Here is one more by Paul Raican, published in KoBulChess 2012. See problem n.67 on the following direct link:

Later the author published an improved version with one more move. See version 67.1 here:
(Read Only)pid=10463
(14) Posted by Dupont Nicolas [Monday, May 20, 2013 20:05]

@ Diyan,

"To the best of OUR knowledge" means in fact "to the best of MY knowledge", so this is only my mistake! Thanks to have pay my attention to Paul's beautiful problem. It will obviously be mentioned in my judgment to come, as the third thematic entry before the tourney!
(Read Only)pid=10471
(15) Posted by Kostas Prentos [Sunday, Jun 23, 2013 11:07]

Five weeks have elapsed since the deadline and as far as I know, the results of the four composing tourneys have not been announced yet. This seems to me considerably overdue, for a quick tourney with only two days of composing time. Is there any information about the award, or at least, when it will be available?
(Read Only)pid=10614
(16) Posted by Per Olin [Wednesday, Jul 3, 2013 10:52]; edited by Per Olin [13-07-03]

The results from Messigny 2013 have on Retro Corner been informed to be found at

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The chess problem world is well organized what comes to successful events. The recent bulletin from Messigny 2013 confirms the high profile of the French annual meeting. The specialty, a championship for solving retro problems, is well seconded by composing competitions open also for problemists not present in Messigny.

The theme for the retro composing tourney was a Volet pawn (a pawn moves diagonally and arrives to 2nd/7th rank by capturing five times in the same direction), which turned out to be very fruitful. As was to be expected, no proof game showed this in a threefold setting. Personally, I showed the theme threefold in a Chess960 proof game ... almost. Having after closing time myself found the flaw, I managed to correct the problem into the form below. This once more confirms my belief that when we restrict ourselves to only one of the 960 possible initial positions of a chess game, then we restrict what we can express in a proof game.

Congratulations to the organizers of the event and best regards to the French retro community!

Per Olin
Dedicated to Alain Brobecker

(= 14+1 )

Proof game in 21.5 moves Chess960

Solution: Black pawns a and b have captured towards the center in order to be captured by white pawns; promoting the black pawns is too slow. The black captures eliminating the two missing white pieces are axb and bxc, done by one or by two black pawns. Black pawn on b-file, original or coming from a-file, is captured by white through axb3. Black pawn on c-file, original or coming from a- or b-file, is captured by white on c3 or c4. Captured whites pieces are the bishop on dark squares and a knight. Black is missing 15 pieces and all white 15 pawn moves are captures. If the first white capture by a pawn had taken place in the 3rd move, then a black piece must move to b3, c3 or d3 in the 2nd move. This would be possible only by a diagonal piece starting on g8 or h8; however, the white piece constellation in SE corner shows that this is not the case. Thus, the first pawn move by white takes place earliest in the 4th move; the first three white moves are by knight(s). A knight originating from h1 can be captured in the third move on the c-file by bxc3/5. This means that the white bishop on dark squares is captured on the b-file by axb. Starting from Chess960 initial position a-h LLTDKTSS and having La1 captured on b4 or b6 loses a crucial tempo after 1.Sg3 b5 2.Se4 b4 3.Sc3 bxc3 4.bxc3 d5 5.Lb2. On b4 the bishop can be captured after two moves without losing any tempo, if the bishop starts on c1. Counting the minimum of white moves there are 15 pawn moves, three by knight from h1, two by rook on e5 and two by bishop on dark squares that started on c1; total 22 equals the move amount by white in the stipulation. The Chess960 initial position is a-h TLLDKTSS and play 1. Sg3 b5 2.Se4 b4 3.Sc3 bxc3 4.bxc3 a5 5.La3 La7 6.Lb4 Ld4 7.cxd4 e5 8.dxe5 Sf6 9.exf6 axb4 10.fxg7 b3 11.axb3 c5 12.Ta5 c4 13.bxc4 d5 14.cxd5 Le6 15.dxe6 Dd3 16.Te5 Ta4 17.cxd3 Te4 18.dxe4 f5 19.exf5 Sg6 20.fxg6 Tf7 21.exf7+ Kd7 22.gxh7.

Popeye tests: moves 1-10 (Sg3 b3) C+ and 5-22 (La3 gxh7) C+.
(Read Only)pid=10673

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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions Composition tounaments from the French problemists meeting