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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions The rules of competitions and who makes them
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(1) Posted by Thomas Maeder [Saturday, Nov 25, 2023 07:53]

The rules of competitions and who makes them

The topic "Announcement of Shakki 100 JT" has led to some very unwelcome posts. It has therefore been closed by the Administrator. I'd hereby like to thank him for his continuous efforts to stop discussions on this medium from overheating.

Unfortunately, the Administrator's closing message also contained some sentences that I feel must not be left without reply. Since the topic in question is closed, I allow myself to open another one.

Let's look at the post sentence by sentence:

> I am not happy that Jorma posted this Announcement here.

You are entitled to your opinion, of course. In my view, I don't see why wouldn't be an appropriate medium for announcing composing tourneys, particularly since it has a forum called "Competitions".

> It is the right of the Finnish chess magazine Shakki to freely announce its tournaments in chess composition, and to limit individuals' rights to participate based on their citizenship,

This is the essence of the entire discussion! If I organize a tourney, then I decide about the rules. If I publish these rules with the announcement, there is nothing unfair about them. If you don't like these rules, then you will very likely find a different tourney whose rules you prefer; otherwise, feel free to do the work of organizing a tourney yourself.

It is not in order for people from France, the USA or Switzerland to criticize our Finnish friends on how they organize their jubilee tourney. We are entitled to our opinions on the question, but so are the Finnish problemists; and for their tourney, their opinion counts. For what it's worth: my opinion is different from theirs; but maybe it wouldn't be if my country had more than 1'000 km of border with Russia.

I'd hereby like to congratulate our Finnish friends for their jubilee and thank them for organizing this tourney. I will very probably not participate, but mostly because I am not active in the fields covered by the two sections.

> but this Forum is not the right place to advertise such an approach.

Maybe. But the Announcement of Shakki 100 JT did not contain any form of advertisement. It doesn't ask organizers of other tourneys to exclude participants based on their home country. It only tells us about how the Shakki 100 JT is run. That's called "information", not "advertisement".

> The MatPlus website is supported by the World Federation for Chess Composition.
> The WFCC has never made a decision to ban individual chess composers and solvers from any country.
> The announcement in the Shakki magazine is against the position of the WFCC, and is therefore not welcome in this Forum.

Absolutely nothing in the announcement is against the position of the WFCC, because the WFCC doesn't have and mustn't have such a position.

The decisions of the WFCC concern the competitions organized by the WFCC, and nothing else.

It is the WFCC's task to support the member countries and other parties active in chess composition in their activities, for example with the new Composing Calendar. In no way is it the WFCC's task to establish obstacles in the form of rules on how members organize their own activities.

The most important work in our field is not accomplished in the WFCC meeting rooms, but out in the world, in magazines, in chess clubs, on Web sites, in social media and in our homes. Any attempt by the WFCC to restrict this work would be the most effective way to kill it.
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(2) Posted by Valery Gurov [Saturday, Nov 25, 2023 10:57]

@ Thomas.
Если ты такой умный и смелый, то опубликуй какое-ибудь обьявление о турнире, в котором нельзя участвовать неграм, лесбиянкам и евреям. И попрощайся тогда со своей работай, а возможно, и с жизнью. Ты - лицемер. Без уважения и к тебе и к финским друзьям : -) И вообще, почему финские друзья решили, что русские хотят участвовать в их турнире!? На последнем конгрессе в Батуми было около 30(!) шахматных композиторов... Вы вымираете, как мамонты,вас меньше, чнм в одной России...
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(3) Posted by Alain Villeneuve [Saturday, Nov 25, 2023 11:20]

You don't understand, Valery : "more than 1000 km of border with Russia". Il is obvious that Russian problemists are going to land on Finnish soil with tanks.
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(4) Posted by Vitaly Medintsev [Saturday, Nov 25, 2023 12:32]

Nice joke, Alain!
But Valery is right: the Finnish chess problem society is not important to the vast majority of Russian composers. We wouldn't have paid any attention to this ban if it weren't for this discussion :-)
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(5) Posted by Hannu Harkola [Saturday, Nov 25, 2023 13:12]

This competition is organised by the magazine Shakki, not by the Finnish Chess Problem Society, which has recently organised two international tourneys with no restrictions. The Finnish Chess Federation is not a member of WFCC.
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(6) Posted by Joost de Heer [Saturday, Nov 25, 2023 15:20]

Where was Alain Villeneuve's complaint when a few years ago proof game composers were explicitly forbidden to participate in a FIDE competition?
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(7) Posted by Alain Villeneuve [Saturday, Nov 25, 2023 16:08]

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(8) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Saturday, Nov 25, 2023 22:32]

Thomas, you rightly explained who makes what rules.
Borislav has the same rights as all the local organizers you mentioned.
When a post inevitably leads to further divisions and animosities, and makes the admin follow it night and day,
what’s strange in seeing him unhappy? Isn’t it better to use the Composing Calendar instead?
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(9) Posted by Valery Gurov [Sunday, Nov 26, 2023 01:30]

Алан, браво! Я рад, что в Европе еще есть такие люди, как ты!
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(10) Posted by Viktoras Paliulionis [Sunday, Nov 26, 2023 03:47]

I completely agree with Thomas. The announcement of Shakki 100 JT does not in any way contradict the position of the WFCC. Magazines and other outlets are independent and can make their own decisions regarding publications.

I think that the attack against the Finnish colleagues is unfounded because similar bans are applied by other countries as well.

This is not a ban based on nationality. It does not apply to Russians or Belarusians who are citizens of other countries but applies to people of all nationalities who are citizens of Russia or Belarus.

I am sure that Finnish colleagues do not feel any personal animosity towards either Russian or Belarusian composers. Their decision only means that compositions by Russian and Belarusian authors will not be considered. We all admire all great works, no matter who created them, but while their country is conducting this unjustified war against Ukraine, normal cooperation is hardly possible.
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(11) Posted by Thomas Maeder [Sunday, Nov 26, 2023 07:54]


> Thomas, you rightly explained who makes what rules.
> Borislav has the same rights as all the local organizers you mentioned.

Completely agreed. But I would prefer a clearer distinction of his two roles.

@Borislav: could you please publish your personal opinions under your real name, and administrative actions under the Administrator name?

> When a post inevitably leads to further divisions and animosities, and makes the admin follow it night and day, what’s strange in seeing him unhappy?

I don't want anybody to get unhappy.

> Isn’t it better to use the Composing Calendar instead?


But the Composing Calendar is a very new thing and not established yet. Once it is established, it may be time to think about the future of this "Competitions" forum.
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(12) Posted by Valery Gurov [Sunday, Nov 26, 2023 08:47]

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(13) Posted by Alain Villeneuve [Sunday, Nov 26, 2023 10:12]

Many more than it seems, Valery, but the official media are locked up by the opinion-makers, veritable professional intoxicators.
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(14) Posted by Valery Gurov [Sunday, Nov 26, 2023 16:58]

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(15) Posted by Valery Gurov [Sunday, Nov 26, 2023 17:03]

И дело не в нации, в в людях! Именно поэтому Рем и Еллингховен - мои друзья, а Палюлегис - мразь, кбошлая мелеая разь!!! Задсчи ирисылай на наши конкурсы, я никогда не сужу людей, только задачм!
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(16) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Sunday, Nov 26, 2023 17:27]

Abuses by Gurov
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(17) Posted by Viktoras Paliulionis [Sunday, Nov 26, 2023 17:47]

Since not everyone understands Russian, I will translate some of Gurov's expressions into English:
@Thomas...You are a hypocrite. Without respect for you and your Finnish friends...
...You are scum, Paliulionis, just a wretched Lithuanian scum...
...Paliulionis - scum, ...

Although these are personal insults, I ask the administrator not to remove them. This is useful information about Gurov personality for the future.
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(18) Posted by Alain Villeneuve [Sunday, Nov 26, 2023 18:41]

He who sows the wind reaps the storm.
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(19) Posted by Valery Gurov [Sunday, Nov 26, 2023 19:44]

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(20) Posted by Valery Gurov [Sunday, Nov 26, 2023 21:58]

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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions The rules of competitions and who makes them