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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions WCCI 2019-2021 - Results
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(121) Posted by Marcos Roland [Saturday, Oct 1, 2022 17:42]

This doesn't seem serious business, Nikola. The judge you refer to seems to be Ukrainian (Sergey I. Tkachenko), and he simply didn't judge his countryman's problems, giving him symbolic 1 point for each one of them.
(Read Only)pid=23900
(122) Posted by Marcos Roland [Saturday, Oct 1, 2022 17:59]

In fact, the effect this "symbolism" would cause could be either to favour or to damage Syzonenko, it depends on the other marks and the arithmetic involved. I don't understand why some judges mark their countrymen's problems, while others simply ignore them. This last attitude seems more logical, at least, to me, and I don't know why this omission is not obligatory.
(Read Only)pid=23901
(123) Posted by Torsten Linß [Saturday, Oct 1, 2022 18:27]

Nikola, where have you found those results? I cannot verify them. Are those from the 2019-21 WCCI?
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(124) Posted by Marcos Roland [Saturday, Oct 1, 2022 18:51]

WCCI 2019-2021, section B.
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(125) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Saturday, Oct 1, 2022 21:09]

"I don't understand why some judges mark their countrymen's problems, while others simply ignore them. This last attitude seems more logical, at least, to me, and I don't know why this omission is not obligatory."

I do not see why ignoring compatriots' composition would be logical. Do you imply that judging them in WCCI results in undue favoritism? Maybe in some cases, but please, I beg to differ and perhaps some evidence would be also due in such case.

Otherwise we should rather push this logic ad absurdum - any judge should not judge compositions of people from the same planet. Why planet, galaxy...
(Read Only)pid=23904
(126) Posted by Kevin Begley [Saturday, Oct 1, 2022 22:02]

"I don't understand why some judges mark their countrymen's problems, while others [recuse themselves]"

WCCI is a composition tourney for individuals. What would a judge gain by favoring a fellow countryman?
I thought self-interest served as the basis for recusal of a judge. I see none here.

Is this not a formal tourney (which shields the names of authors from the judges)?

Either way, I do not necessarily buy that a fellow countryman is more likely to receive more favorable treatment than a virtual friend in another country.
For practical purposes, in the age of the internet, one problem enthusiast friend from a foreign country may be as close as another in a neighboring city.

If a judge has a demonstrable self-interest in favoring/disfavoring a specific composer (or set of composers), they should recuse.
Otherwise, they my use their own discretion (when to recuse themselves).
If some judges refuse to judge problems composed by good friends (or fellow countrymen), it doesn't logically follow that all judges must act accordingly.
I don't see the issue here.


Talk about misjudging something. LOL.

I consulted a formidable expert on the English language. She reported "pristine clarity" in the post I had directly addressed to you.
If you want to be the judge of forum post clarity, perhaps update your translator.

Further, when directly addressed, common courtesy dictates that you inquire in kind (when in need of clarification).
Here's a clarity question: did you intend to be rude to me (or did your clarity fail you)?

I am happy to consider criticism (constructive or otherwise), if it's honest.
Otherwise, feeble and discourteous insults will be taken as high praise.
(Read Only)pid=23907
(127) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Saturday, Oct 1, 2022 22:50]


Do you realize that your first line addressing me can be understood as rude? "Talk about misjudging something. LOL."

Further, your next remark imposes on me something I did not intend: " If you want to be the judge of forum post clarity …"

No. That's in my view close to known trick of discussion participants, close to strawman fallacy – impose on discussion partner something he did not say and then argue against. No, I had not intention to be judge of the forum post clarity.

But I find many your posts incomprehensible because you tend to use many many words where much fewer would suffice.

I do not use any translator, I am running on my knowledge of English as the fourth language I learned, after Slovak, Czech and Russian. My English is good enough to communicate professionally, good enough for written contact with many non-English speakers, but it fails as soon as I have to wade through your long posts.

I did not intend to be rude, but frankly speaking, I do not believe it is possible to communicate with you efficiently. Therefore I turned to other forum readers, who still have the energy to decipher the ideas you wanted to express. I also wanted to understand if somebody shares my feeling, or I am completely alone in my misunderstanding – and then the mistake would be clearly only in me alone.

Jakob's post was on the other hand totally understandable.
(Read Only)pid=23908
(128) Posted by Marcos Roland [Saturday, Oct 1, 2022 23:43]

@Juraj, now I don't understand such agressiveness. My comment was wrong, yes, what I should have written is that the composers don't judge their own compositions, not those of their countrymen. O.K. But my purpose was just to explain why an Ukrainian judge gave such "symbolic" marks to the problems of his countryman. That was the primary question. Now, I see that my explanation is not good. And you said nothing about this. So, please, tell us: why? I think Nikola Pedraga also would like to know: why the Ukrainian judge had such attitude?

On the other hand, you don't need to lose yourself in the darkness of absurdum. Instead, you could also give us an explanation about why a Director copies all the marks of the Ukrainian judge in the place of the marks of the Indian judge, and by a miraculous coincidence this bad mistake makes a countryman of his to win a silver medal, ahead of some Russians. It this is unthinkable in a individual championship, so do you really believe it was a mere "human mistake"?
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(129) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Sunday, Oct 2, 2022 00:10]

Unless I missed something, so far nobody else added his voice (to yours) that he believed Valery's mistake had been intentional (except some Russians that are obviously partial in this case). As I explained earlier (post 48), the copying of scores of other judge would be one of the most stupid ways to cheat. Unintentional copying mistake is the easiest explanation. You seem to perpetuate idea that the error was intentional, but it was discovered and corrected. This approach does not help even finding the future directors of WCCI or judges, because they should take into account the possibility that even if they make honest mistake, there will still be people endlessly blaming them as intentional offenders.
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(130) Posted by Marcos Roland [Sunday, Oct 2, 2022 02:18]

Juraj, nor your position was seconded by so many voices. As far as I remember, just two or three. You know that politics is contaminating this affair. People are afraid or don't want to expose themselves. However, privatley I've received several supports. Let's speak frankly: nobody can assure either if the Director simply made a human mistake or if he maliciously tried to favour his countryman. But I am sure that almost 100% of the problemists of the world, including the Ukrainians, including you, suspect that he didn't make a mere "human mistake". Everyone suspects, and noone is absolutely sure, because there is no proof and this kind of offense cannot be proved.

I keep waiting your explanation for the six 1 point marks given by the Ukrainian judge to Syzonenko. That's the question. I am sincerely curious.
(Read Only)pid=23912
(131) Posted by Kevin Begley [Sunday, Oct 2, 2022 05:39]



But I find many your posts incomprehensible because you tend to use many many words where much fewer would suffice.

Sorry, my friend, but you just provided the best self-own I have read in many years...

1) I can not comprehend what you mean (due to word count), but
2) I am certain you could have expressed your intention with fewer words.

HAHAHAHA. That's rich! Pardon me, nothing personal, but I had to laugh.
If you had intended that to be absurdly self-refuting, I would have declared it brilliant.

I spoke quite clearly, and directly.
If something specific challenges your understanding, ask me -- I am always happy to provide you with more words.
You needn't ask nicely. Just extend the most basic form of human courtesy.

By the way...
You said "you tend to use many many words where much fewer would suffice".
Funny that you might have expressed that in fewer words (e.g., "you tend to be verbose").
Pot. Kettle. Black.

It is true. My posts can be wordy, as I have much to say.
They are not unclear. Clarity is not degraded in proportion to word count (whereas your attention span might be).


I do not use any translator, I am running on my knowledge of English as the fourth language I learned, after Slovak, Czech and Russian.

Your English is quite good. I have no complaints to lodge there.
If this is your fourth language, that is very impressive. No kidding.
I am fluent in a few dozen programming languages, but this requires nowhere near the same dedication.
I took French for a few years, but every time Phenix arrives (as it did today), I discover that I recall "pas beaucoup."

I'm also very impressed by your PhD (and the focus of your study).
And, I'm a fan of your problems.
But, when confronted by discourtesy, all that goes out the window -- I will escalate matters (which is either an American trait, or you can blame my Irish ancestry).
Failure to do so tends to invite more discourtesy.


My English is good enough to communicate professionally, good enough for written contact with many non-English speakers, but it fails as soon as I have to wade through your long posts.

That is quite an admission: your English fails (due to a lack of stamina) when reading long posts.
I can assure you, in this instance, your assessment appears sound.
I expressed myself quite clearly.


I did not intend to be rude, ...

Fair enough. I harbor no personal animosity (quite the contrary, I have nothing but admiration -- as stated previously).
For the sake of clarity, it is considered rude to treat a person as though they are not here (especially after you were addressed directly, but failed to respond in kind).
I confess that I am not aware whether that might be a cultural difference, but I find it difficult to believe you think it proper to address a crowd about the clarity of person who has just spoken to you. If you don't know how terribly rude that is, I'm happy to have enlightened you.
In fact, I wondered where all your animosity was coming from, considering my original reply was nothing but complimentary of a statement you had made.

If you say that you did not intend to be rude, I take you at your word.

(Read Only)pid=23913
(132) Posted by Nikola Predrag [Sunday, Oct 2, 2022 18:25]

@Juraj, post 177 ('Frankly speaking, I do not understand. I was trying to be as clear as possible, but I find Kevin's paragraphs incomprehensible. Am I alone?')
You're not alone!
(Read Only)pid=23915
(133) Posted by Kevin Begley [Sunday, Oct 2, 2022 19:33]

Should we declare a pandemic of diminished attention span?
Anybody else care to pile on the illiterate train?
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(134) Posted by Nikola Predrag [Sunday, Oct 2, 2022 22:07]

Anyone who finds Kevin's writings incomprehensible, directly admits being illiterate with diminished attention span.
Be in awe of a formidable expert on the English language and the certified Kevin's "pristine clarity".
(Read Only)pid=23917
(135) Posted by Kevin Begley [Monday, Oct 3, 2022 17:51]

ĕ̷̡͔̞͉̹̖̗̥̲̭̮̫̘͇̈̾͑̈́̓̊̀͛̉̑́̃͌̚͜ ̵̨̡̮̠͕̗͉͚͙͍͕̬̤͖̬͓̲͚̹́͗̒̇̈́̎̇̏̍̄͊͆́̀͆̍̂̉̋͒̓̄̽̕̕̕͜͜͠͝͠͝w̵̻̝͖̺̯̎͂̎̊̃̌̆̆͘͝h̵̡̧̨̤̟̝̮͚̜̹͔͎̟͙̥͉̗̺̱͐͗̏͌̎͋̍̇͐͌̈͌̽͐̇͝ͅo̸̻̬̻͍̓͆̃̔͐́̿͊́̋̕̚͜ ̵̨̛͉̞̗̬̘͉̻̭̩̺̖̖͓͍͍͖̗̠͍̮̳̱͕͚f̷̧̡̙̰͔̭̳̖̞̤̙̗̬̞̖̗̥̩̘̣̺̹̬̳̙͎̦̬̽͂͐̿͜ͅi̸̛̬̞̐͋̂́̅͒̂̀̈́͐̌́̽̉͒̓̎̊͛̕͝n̶̨̨̨̰͍̠͇̯̝̰͖̥͈̲̤̹̻̳̥̱͎͑̚ͅd̷̡͓͙̩̞̟̜̠̮̣̥͔̘̙͉̐͐̎̋͑͗̑͠s̵̡̛̝͈͖̒̄̃̉͗̓̃̈́̀̿̈́̑͋̆̓̒̅̄̅̋̎̄̄̽̋̈́͝͠ ̸̯͈̹̦͎̠̮͉͙̤̹͚̥̽̏̄̃͌̇̃̽̎͋͆̿͑̑̍̽̈̎̑̀͂͘͜͠͝K̴̟̀̏̋̓̀̊e̸̳̮̖͇̥͎͇͓̻̯͊͋̔́̌͐͒̆͋̓̇̉̋͐̀̎͆̄̐̿̄̚͘͝ͅv̶̧̱̱̟͐̀̿̒̃̇̇̓͒̔́͐͑̋̈́͐͌͠͠į̵̛͍̫̹̫̜̖̰̬̟͈͓̜͇͒̐̑̋̅̄̎̑̂̀̈͐͒͆͌̉̂̿̋̀̐̐̾̚͝ͅn̶͙͈͎͓̳̝̞̜̝͂̒͑́'̷̧̠̼̱̮̼̳͈̼̤͚̹̩̩̙͍̻̮̦̤͓͉̜͇̩̫͒̆̊̆̑̇̈́͑̅̄̊͆̀͂̕͘͜͝s̴͕͌̑̌̀̊́̿̐̉̚ ̷̡̛͙̝̯̉̈́̾̓̿̏̃̔̊̀̑̊̓̔͆̋̇̀̃̉̇͑̐͆͝w̸̧̢̡̛̞̬̘̰͍̼͉͓͍̲̬̻̜̦̪̪̜̭̦̜̙̋̌̐̈́̀͗̌̆̈́̾̽͌̀̃͛̈́͆͑̒̈́̈́̏̚͜͠͝ŗ̶̧͈̖̜̬̟̤̳̻̹͎̫͉̟̫͉̜̥̈̎̅͌̉̎̍́̍̀͂̐̃͊̆̑̃͂͐̕͘̚͝͠ͅi̵̢̢̨̢̧̨̛̘̦͖̦̞̪̲̹̥̯͎̖͙͈͕͓͉̽͂͛̑̅̍̀̓̎͗́̇̋́́̍̀̾͛̈̀̇̀́̍̏͘͝ͅͅt̵̨̢̨̧̡̜͎̭̼̹̲͖̳̠̘̱̦̫̣͉̅̎̑͌̿ͅi̷̡̫̝̦͙͕͕̬͇̜͖̺̤̙͔̝͓͖̬̞͈̦͇̮̥͙̼̪̾̇̄̔̐̈́̄̅̿̈́̌͐̿́̐̿̄͒͑̊͋̋͊̚͘͜n̵̛̝̲̹̩͖͓̲͌̊̀͋̉͜ͅg̴̬͈̬͋́̄̋̄͋͋̑̈́͆̐̑̔͝ş̵̢̨̪̭̺̖̟̹̿̀̎̿͗̔̈́̓̇̍̅̅̏̓̆͋̾̈́͐́̾̆̋̚̚̕̕͝͝ͅ ̸̨̢̗͓͕̙̰̪͕̺̺̬̩̰̼̝̤̳͕̺͎̇̈͑́̋̌̆́̋̓͘͜į̶̨̧̝̪͚̥̤̼͔̠̪̗̻̖̣̟͙̳̲̘̈́ͅņ̷̩̖͈̙̲̺͎͌̋̉c̴̨̲̜̗̠̞̭̩͖͉̠͎̥̝͌͒̊̔̾̏̓̽͊̕͜ǫ̸̡̨̼̺͕̣̲̹͈̪̜̻̠̲́̋̓ͅͅṁ̵̧̯̤̲̪̘͙̪̩̘̲̩̣̠͚̙̮̩̺̗̗͙̖̈̃͂̅͂͆͂͌͌̎̍̚͜͜p̴̡̱̻̹̙͔̟͈̹̖̥͎̲͕͕̺̞͇̣̙̣̩̯̣̞͎̖̦̀̐͂̂͒̎̋͘͠͝ͅͅṟ̴̨̛̮̼̯̦̭̼̭̭͍͈̦͖̠͕͍̹̖̖̓͋̋͂̑̀͆͗̽̽̇̿̋͑͐̓͒̓̈́̒̃͌͆̈͌̕̚͜ͅè̶̡̢̛̝̥̥̝͚̹̥̜̟̪̲̲̘̘̹̻̟̩̞̭̰̋̓͆̅͋̓͑͂̂̎̉̆̈́́̍̓̾̀͛̇̕̚͝͝͠ͅh̶̨̻̖̼̼̣͎̤͙̜͔̺̺̳̳̗͎̤̳̝̹͔̺̠͖̤̱̪̙̀͗̕ͅę̴̡̤̮͖̺̭̗̭̫̱͍̝̟͉̟̘̥͓̤̫̤̞̞̙̀̊̂̔̓̚ͅn̴͎̳̼̩̝͍͇̰̠͙͚̏̈́͐̈̐̐͑̄́͂̾̇̍͊͗̈̓͝͝s̴̡̛̖̟͋̈́̅͑̀͊̑̀̿̔̊͑̌̐͑͗̀͑̏͌̚̚͠i̴̡̨͔̣̥̘̼̺̞̹̟͕̖̗̯͍̯̹͇̞̘͕̪͇̋͗͊͂͘͝͠ḅ̵̡̡͈̯͇̱͙̰̦̗̖̻̼̮̖͙̹̤͔͖̳̙͉̻̣̈́͒̾͜l̸̨̲̦̞͖̳̭̯̝̦͖̦̄̀̐̒͐̕ͅͅë̶̡̢̨̟̝̣̤̻̦̺̠̬̘̪̥́̑̊̄̍̉́̌͌̓̈͗͗͠ͅ,̶̧̤͙͚̦͖̼̟̟͔̟̱̟̫̹̜̯̽̈́́͑ͅ ̸̢̛̠̯̹̖̙͓̘̜̰̭͙̖̥̠̭̠̝̝̝̰̯͂͂͌́͌́̉̊̆̉̾̒̓͌̾̌̒͑̈́̔̈́̇̈́́̊̄̇̈́͜͝ͅd̷̙̯͕̦͉̳͇͖̲̉̀͋i̵̢̛̠̘̭̖̥̘͈̣͖̝͖̼̪̜͔͋̑͗̄͋̐̃̍͆̃͐͆̅̄̒͊͜͜͠͝ͅŗ̶̢̧̢̢̡̢̛̛̼̤͍̙̦͖͇̯͚͖̜̫͍̱̲̩̪̦̰͌̀̃̍͆̅̾̿̏̎̿̑͆͐͆̾̓͂̔̕͜͝e̶̡̡̡̧̧̪̼̻̪̫͔͖̬̼̞̝̰̫͙̝̟̲̖̞͎͙̯͕͚̔͒̐͐̽̉ͅc̷̡̡̡̧̨̛̪͕͓͕̮̦͎͓̩̖͙̗̩̮̤͍̳̻̬̼̲̮͙̯͛̇͋̍̒̆͗̂͛͛̐̉̂̆̇̈́̊̏͗̐̽̚͘̚͝͝ţ̶̖̲͗̎͂̍̒̍̓̇̅͛̎̉͊͆͛͌̆̿͐̚̚l̵̢̢͓͚̥͖̠͇̩͇̲̩̦͍̟͚͖̗̪̠̲̤̟̭̳̣͔̖̈͗̓y̶̨̡̧̢͇̪͉̗͍̩̩̣̬̘͎̝̯̯̘̞͍̥͉͖̤͒́̾͜͜͠ͅ ̵̡̯̯̭͍̙̲̱̦̬̯̠̜͕̞̺͈̗̯̺̈̽̂̎̾́̓́̂̅̂ͅa̴̧̦̥͚͔̙̻̿̑̑̿́̀͂̓͠d̵̨̛͔̳̯̼̼̥͍̣̰̼͈̰̼͕̰̫̯͖̳̗̩̝͂̔̑́͌͂̈́̌͐͐́̇̿̄́͑̅̇̉̐̿́̊͘̕͜͠m̷̻̻̯̣̅̅͛į̷̢̡͍̥̦̼͍̻̣͕̬͈̰̹̻̙̰̝̬̜͛̽̄̎̅̍͊̆͜͜͜͝t̵̟̯̖̬̲̺̮̺̼̼̥͈͓͚̪͍̫̥͌͋̓̇́͑͂̈̀́͂̇̑̈́̂͑͂͗̅̃̍̏̎͗̐͂͠ṣ̴̣̫̙̪̹͙̫̭̞͙͗͋͑̊̾̑́̍̌̈́͋̿̇̌͝ ̶̢̧̧̡͙̮͍̞̥͕̟̱̙͙̥̭͖̳͉̺͚̮̦͚̩̫͖̫̀̾̃̽̅̏͑̍̕̚͝͝b̷̨̧̧̤̰̤̠͔̻͈͍̭͉̩̘̪̪̘̼̼̹̲̦̬̘͔̺̅̓̅͋͌͒͗̉̍̈́̕͘͜ę̸̤̣̖̥̰̮̻̘͇̱͎͉̖̞̣͍̼̤͔͉͔̤̗̮̝̤̎̐̊ì̵̧̨̙͓͚͙̙̯͎͔͇́͑̈́̔̚ͅͅn̵̢͙͕̱͈̗̗͚̼͔̫̤̣͈͉̒͛̽̉͂͋̏̌͌̀͋̿̈́̀͂̏͂̄͌͒̈͌̚͘̚͜g̴̗̔̅͗̿̌͐̍̿̐ ̸̡̢̨̨̧̨̣̝̱̪̙̺̣̲̭̮̣͇̲͈̯̞̻̦͕̋̌̄͊̀̍̐͘i̸̢̧̡̡̫͚͎̜̮̦̦͇̣͙̩̜̰̹͚̗͙͚̯͕͇͆̈́̍̈͗͂́͐̊͆͌̔́̏͌̇̓͑̂͋͐̿͋͜͜͜͠l̵̛͓͎͈̭̘̭͉̺̭̥̬̙̻̪̝̫̍́͑͌̑͗͝͝ļ̶̡̛̥̥͉̹̜̘̤̹̝͇̈̓̓̈́̆͐͑͛̈̇̊̊̽̋̑̌̅̚͘͝͝͠͝ḭ̷̢͕͎͇͚̻͖͖͈̫̗͉̥̩̼̘̺̤͎͙̘̯̹̘̪͔̭̠̐͐͜ť̴̗̩̻̫̱̬̖̩̰̲̖͍̪͜ͅę̴̧̡̨͇̟͚͇̘̬̹͚̫̥͙̪̞̙͎̼̳͉͎̦͓̺͎͉͙̔͂͒̾͊̋́̋̊̀̔̔̂̓̿ͅȓ̷̡̨̧̭̻͖͈̬̜̂̓̾͜͝ͅạ̴̧̧̜̪̪͇͈͇̬̠̱̱̩̈́͌̃̇͗̾̃̋̎́̊́́̿̔̆̌̌̽́̓̄̑̚͘̕͜͜͝͝ẗ̷̡̬̭͍̝̱̫̹̞͆́̿̆͆̓͂̍̈́́͜è̴̡̡̢̦̹͓̠̮̟̳͔͕̞͎̯̹̘͗͊̉ͅ ̷̡̡̨͖̪̠͇̞̮̳͔̗͇͐͑͗̆̑̿͊̇͐̃̑̆̄͑͒́̓̂̏̿̀̕̕͝͠w̵̛͇̜̪̼͙̬̹̮͇̖̍̈́̆̈́͑̅̍̔͗̊̇̏̀̅͊̒̀̂̃̎̚͝i̴̖͓͚͚͉͍̜̬̲͚͙̪̯͙̹̙̞̜͂͗̓͐̊̽̋͠͝͝͠ͅt̷̳̣̜̥͕̝͌̈́̉̾̑̄͌͊̐͛̍̀͛͌̏͆̑̅̈́̚͘͝͠h̴̢̡̞̲̞̗͓̀̆̓͗̎͆ ̸̧̜̫͎͈̻̫̺̘̘̪͇͈̜̥̻̮̥͔̀͒̕d̸̬̹̬͖̭̦̙̆̆̃̑͐͑̾ͅī̴̧̢̨̧̛̦̭̪̠̦̭͉̟̄̒̾̾͝͝͝m̸̢̢̢̪̫̫̣̳͚͔̞͍̗̟̙͖̔̽̀̈́̆̃̎̆̊́̈́̔̈́́́̅͗̈͒̾̉͊̀̍̈̕̕͜͝͝͝î̵̛̛̛̛̹͙̟̹̞͉̼͍̳̝͔̪͔͖̲̰̪̲͍̪̠̽͗͐̈́͛̊̊̅̃́́̀̑̓̀͒͗̐͒̋̔̕͝ͅͅṋ̸̢̛̠̩̩̬̟̬̝̞̟̆̌͗̾̈́͛̋͗̋̅̃͊͊̆̿̔̈̐́̄̆͆̾̚̕͠͝ͅį̶̛̯͖̜̫́̊̈͒͒́͐̋͂̀̄̇͂̍͑͒͊̌̅͒̎͘͜͝s̵̨̫͖̬̻̹͔̮̮̳̞̞͖͚͔̩̫̹̰̜̱̱̬̮̖̳̈̅͐͌̂̎̔̀̇̄̓͑͒̌̈́̈́͂̍͂̈̀͋̽͑̈́̇̊͘̚͝ͅḩ̷̧̨̻͈̺̤̮̻̻̼̟͖͕͉̣̞̖͖͙̼͚̙̭͎̝̊̂̇́͗̓͋͑͜ę̸̢̧̛̩̻̮̞͉̰͔͙̯͔͕̗̖̺̦̳̂͒͊͋̾̈́͗̅͐̒̃̉̽̾̇́͐̇̒͋̇͝ͅd̶̥̟̯̤̩͚̥̈̔͊̾̍͆̈́̎͋̇͑͌͛̈́͌̃͌̃̽̐̓̕̚͘ ̸̢̛̘̬͓̳̼͖̟̹͉̣̗̩͗̅̆̒́́̈́͋̈́͋́̆̃͛̇̑͐͋̕̕͘̕͜ͅa̸͍͙̬̥̯̝̽̎̄̿̉̈́̿͂̈̆̈́̍͂ͅt̷̢̨͈̠̰̼͙̠̺̪͖͈͉̂͂̈́͆͂͛̓͒̅̈̿̀͋͆̊͛̏̚͜͝ͅţ̷̡̠̣͎͎̙̯͙͈͇̾͜͠ẽ̵̢̢̡̡̖̱͇̲̩̭̝̼̥̯̗̗͕̪͔̲̪͖̼̯͈̠̪̌̐̂͠ͅn̷̢͔̰̹͓̩̺̬̜̥͈͎͂̾̈͜͜t̵̖̬͇̽̄̓̊͌́̆̒͑͆̏͊î̷̢̧̨̫͚͈̦̥͙͈͔̣͉̟̞̼̞̺͙̰̥͙̯̤͙̜̠̖̑̃͗̊̂̉̆̓̕͠ͅo̴̢̢̥̣͖̘̺̪͖̺̹̰̖̽͆̑̀̓̃͆̅͗͌̋͂̒͐͑̒͌̂̎͂͘̚͘͘͠͠n̶̬̯͂̊̇̍̑̊̈̋̄̂̾̊̀͂͐̓̊͗̂̓̓͝͝ ̶͍͎̳͓̪͉̳̗͚̗̓̋́̋́́̾̌̃̍͂͆̃̓͗̿͑̊ͅͅş̷͓͎͇͚̼̖̮͔̜̪͍͕̻͓̙̬̳͖̦̦̳̼͈̂̀͛́͐̅̐̊͑̈̂̎̔̔͆̈́̓̈́͑͛̆͜͜͠͠ͅp̸̢̳͚̝̯̣̥̤̺̭̮̪̞̜̦̱͍̭̳̙̼͆̇͆̆̎̿͐͗̈̆̂͌́͑͗́̚͝ͅă̶̪̳̝̖̮͎͍͓̂͑͛̓̒̈̅̀͐͝͝͝ͅͅn̷͕̤̾̈́͂̊̋͛̓̃̈́̎̀̅̌̈̊̊͑̋̕͝ͅ.̶̡̛̳̳̤̲̂̒͋͘
(Read Only)pid=23921
(136) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Tuesday, Oct 4, 2022 00:34]

Well... Now I understand the difference.
(Read Only)pid=23923
(137) Posted by Kevin Begley [Tuesday, Oct 4, 2022 02:41]

Yeah, enough already. I am not the subject of this thread. I don't even participate in the WCCI.
I was reading with interest (trying to understand why anyone would be interested in this tourney), and I made the mistake of complimenting somebody here (I'll try to avoid that in the future).
What I have learned: I am far more interesting than this tourney.
(Read Only)pid=23924
(138) Posted by Nikola Predrag [Tuesday, Oct 4, 2022 09:47]

So, that was your intention, thanks, good to know.
(Read Only)pid=23926

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