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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions 14th ECSC in Moscow 4-6 May 2018
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(41) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Wednesday, Feb 21, 2018 10:10]


You wrote:
In any case the president may manage to find a last minute new bid, or to cancel the event

Although I do agree with a majority of your statements from the post I still think that there is no need to put so much responsibility to the president. I can understand that long time ago it did make sense that president takes responsibility for issues like this one. However with todays technology when everyone has Internet and emails it's very easy to organize voting for all delegates. You put options like: 1. Accept change, 2. Cancel event, 3. Move event to some other country. This may be organized within a day or two.

Without voting of delegates we may run into scenarios like what happened with Bulgaria's event between Uri and Petko (I do not know enough about this to take any side and comment it but I can see that there was some conflict between Uri and Bulgarian Chess Federation). I think that this would be beneficial for everyone (the president and delegates).

Perhaps it's too late for event in Russia since now there is an official invitation already published at site. But going forward I think this is something that should be done in a similar scenarios.
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(42) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Wednesday, Feb 21, 2018 17:49]

To organize votes, to inform every one of every thing, is good politics.
To make it mandatory seems to me too much.

In our case here, Harry decided not to intervene, I guess it was the right move.
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(43) Posted by Vilimantas Satkus [Thursday, Feb 22, 2018 19:08]

It is doubtful. We must understand that we cann`t understand the Russia. And Harry was left alone against this huge and powerful crushing mashine. And as a result we had strange circus: the Congress in Dresden voted for Kaliningrad, but despite this the ECSC was transfered to Moskow, and despite this once more after a long flight landed in Sochi.
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(44) Posted by Darko Šaljić [Thursday, Feb 22, 2018 21:55]; edited by Darko Šaljić [18-02-22]

"huge and powerful crushing mashine"
wf are you talking about?
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(45) Posted by shankar ram [Friday, Feb 23, 2018 02:07]

I suppose he meant "bulldozer"? ;-)
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(46) Posted by Darko Šaljić [Friday, Feb 23, 2018 06:48]


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(47) Posted by Vilimantas Satkus [Friday, Feb 23, 2018 19:26]

If you want to understand something you must return to post 5 and attentively read the article written by the chess journalist Evgeny Surov.
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(48) Posted by Eugene Fomichev [Saturday, Feb 24, 2018 17:59]

Полностью согласен с последним постом В.Саткуса. Мы должны четко определиться: или 14ECSС в Москве или ничего. Функционерам РШФ (в частности, А.Феоктистову, за спиной А.Селиванова устроившему "дворцовый переворот" по переносу его из Москвы в Сочи)наплевать на интересы шахматной композиции, у них шкурный туристический интерес - покрасоваться на дорогом для обычных россиян курорте, в дорогой гостинице за счет налогоплательщиков.
Обратите внимание: на анонсе 14ECSC нет ссылки на его официальный сайт, А.Феоктистов & Co не хотят, чтобы мы видели, как 14ECSC превращается в очередной чемпионат-посмешище (где участвуют из-за дороговизны и длинной дороги лишь слабые решатели) России с несколькими зарубежными участниками.
На деньги, потраченные на поездку в Сочи, я смог бы дважды съездить в Москву.
Решение же о переносе 14ECSC из Калининграда в Москву было правильным. Большинству европейских решателей все равно пришлось бы добираться в Калининград с пересадкой.
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(49) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Sunday, Feb 25, 2018 17:08]; edited by seetharaman kalyan [18-02-25]

Google translation:

I fully agree with the last post of V.Satkus. We must clearly define: either 14ECS in Moscow or nothing. The functionaries of the Russian Chess Federation (in particular A.Feoktistov, behind A.Selivanov who arranged a "palace coup" to transfer him from Moscow to Sochi) do not care about the interests of the chess composition, they have a selfish tourist interest - to show off at the expensive for ordinary Russians resort, on the expensive hotel at the expense of taxpayers.

Please note: at the announcement of 14ECSC there is no link to its official website, A. Feoktistov & Co do not want us to see how 14ECSC turns into another mocking championship (where only the weak solvers are involved because of the high cost and long roads) of Russia with several foreign participants.
With the money spent on the trip to Sochi, I could go to Moscow twice.
The decision to transfer 14ECSC from Kaliningrad to Moscow was correct. Most European solvers would still have to travel to Kaliningrad with a transfer.
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(50) Posted by Ian Watson [Sunday, Feb 25, 2018 18:28]

For, I think, the first time, the British Chess Problem Society will not be sending a solving team to the ECSC.
We have made this decision following the transfer of the event to Sochi.
We are sad to make such a decision, but our Society considers the late-in-the-day rearrangements to be entirely unsatisfactory.

Ian Watson - Vice President, BCPS
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(51) Posted by Ryszard Królikowski [Monday, Feb 26, 2018 23:37]

It is already 14 ECSC, time passes quickly…
The assumptions for this tournament were as follows:
- additional meeting (except WCSC) of the strongest solvers. To the team added fourth player, etc.
- low costs for participants. The short duration of the competition is very important here.
I have the impression that this does not apply to 14 ECSC.
- because of the next changes, it will not be - let me be wrong - another meeting of the strongest players. We do not yet know the teams that accepted the changes and reported to Sochi - no official website for the ECSC… However, there is already a declaration of British players that they will not fly there, as well as the initial announcement of the best player in the history of this tournament. These are not good prognosis.
- the tournament promises to be the most expensive in the history of ESCS due to the long flight, expensive hotel, high transfer costs from the airport to the hotel and the highest ever entry fee for such a short event. Let`s remember that ECSC for RCF is only an addition to the Russian Team Championships - a very convenient idea - which probably does not increase the organizers' costs. However, the additional costs of the solvers were forgotten.
- none of the colleagues noticed that Sochi is the second largest city in the world (147 km!). Maybe in fact this transfer from the airport is very cheap, because the distance is not given in the announcement 
- some of my predecessors wrote that the transfer of the event from Kaliningrad to Moscow was fine and timely. I will not agree with that. As you knows, I'm starting on the tournaments in different countries. Of reaching the tournament requires the purchase of an airline ticket, I will do it well in advance. For example, at BCSC now I bought tickets in September, at the ECSC in Athens similarly. I am not very rich and pre-sale and promotion savings are very important to me, it reduces costs by two to three times. However, these economy tickets are non-returnable! At official events, the full responsibility of the organizer should be established for possible losses of participants. There was a change of place about 1,900 km from the one adopted in Dresden. I can not imagine that I could change the date and place of the Warsaw Grand Prix after its announcement in any way.
It's sad, but you can not see a good solution in the current situation.
For the discipline, perhaps it would be best to transfer the event to autumn in another location or resign from carrying ECSC out this year. Permission to such a precedent is very dangerous, than Kaliningrad was the choice of delegates at the Congress. Not Moscow, not Sochi. You might as well move this ECSC this year to Central Ireland, to the south of France, Italy or Greece. The distance of 1900 km from Kaliningrad will be preserved.
I apologize for my possible mistakes when translating into English.
(Read Only)pid=16330
(52) Posted by [Sunday, Mar 4, 2018 13:38]; edited by [18-03-04]

Well, dear Ryszard, against whom you are on friendly terms and with whom? Whether you will give a hand to our sinking Russian friends?
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(53) Posted by Torsten Linß [Sunday, Mar 4, 2018 21:13]; edited by Torsten Linß [18-03-04]

Who is “David”?

PS=edit: I prefer to know people by names in discussion boards like this one.
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(54) Posted by Georgy Evseev [Monday, Mar 5, 2018 08:40]

I was asked by Alexander Feoktistov to post the below text.

Dear colleagues!
Initially, I had nothing to do with organization of the 14th European Chess Solving Championship. All my involvement in the resolution of the current situation at the moment is the recommendation of G. Evseev to the post of the director of the tournament. I'm sorry that some troubles with my anniversary did not allow me to clarify the situation (as I understand it) earlier.
All the financial and organizational part of the event is provided by the Russian Chess Federation. As it was explained to me by the RCF management, there will be no more changes concerning the competition. The event will take place in Sochi and on the dates indicated in the announcement.
I understand all the objections concerning double change of location and it is difficult for me to reject the earlier comments. But some of the claims are not entirely correct. Conditions of stay are supposed to be one of the most comfortable and cheap for such events. Participants only pay about € 55 (even somewhat less) for accommodation and three meals a day without any additional fees. The taxi ride from the airport to the hotel costs about 1500 rubles (just over € 20). For 4 passengers it's about € 6 per person. The journey takes about 30-40 minutes. It is even cheaper in case of public transport. For the same daily price you may spend a few more days at the hotel and for additional fee book excursions to the Olympic venues.
The only drawback is the lack of direct flights, although Sochi airport is one of the most modern airports in the world.
I ask you to decide on the question of participation as soon as possible in order to clarify the situation and not let down those who are already booking the tickets. The RCF is ready to hold the competition with any number of participants.
A. Feoktistov
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(55) Posted by Eugene Fomichev [Monday, Mar 5, 2018 08:51]

The RCF is ready to hold the competition with any number of participants.
Russia-1 + Russia-2 & 5 or 6 solvers from late Soviet Union?
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(56) Posted by Aliaksandr Bulauka [Monday, Mar 5, 2018 09:45]

Is it possible to show anywhere a list of solvers that registered?
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(57) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Monday, Mar 5, 2018 11:40]

I also think that it will be beneficial if there is a list of registered solvers somewhere on the Internet.That may be a deciding factor for someone to participate or not. The worst that can happen is that tournament is unofficial because there are no enough teams/participants.
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(58) Posted by Georgy Evseev [Tuesday, Mar 6, 2018 08:48]

The list of registered participants will be available on Internet no later than on March 12th.

I would also like to remind that the registration is free and there is no penalty for registering, but not coming. So, there is no real reason to wait for others.

But if you feel that registering creates some liability, you may simply write that you want to come and we will then only mention the number of such willing people in the list, like, e.g. "10 people from 3 countries are interested, but did not register yet".
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(59) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Tuesday, Mar 6, 2018 12:36]

Re: "no real reason to wait for others"
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(60) Posted by Oleg Efrosinin [Saturday, Mar 10, 2018 13:30]; edited by Oleg Efrosinin [18-03-10]

Dear chess friends!
At the request of the Russian chess Federation, the Chairman of the Commission on chess composition A. Feoktistov, as well as potential participants of ECSC, I inform you that the list of participants is at the link:
With best wishes, Oleg Efrosinin
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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions 14th ECSC in Moscow 4-6 May 2018