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MatPlus.Net Forum General A message I never expected to write
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(1) Posted by Per Olin [Thursday, Feb 24, 2022 10:46]

A message I never expected to write

Dear all members of Mat Plus forum,

Today 24th of February 2022 I wrote to Andrey Frolkin in Kiew. My message ended with ‘we hope that you and your family will be safe in the turbulence that is ahead. Our thoughts are with you and all Ukrainian people. This has been written in the hope that communication still functions and will continue to do so.’

The response from Andrey, although personal to me, is copied here in full:

Dear Per,

Could you please write on the Mat Plus forum that I am saying farewell to all colleagues worldwide. Unfortunately, I can’t do that since I forgot my password and user name. I haven’t written there for many years.

I don’t think it will be possible to survive this attack of new Nazis. Unfortunately, the West allowed this to happen. There will be millions of refugees and probably millions will be killed. Or there may be World War III and the civilization will come to an end.

Probably I will have a chance to write later, but I have very serious doubts.

Thank you for many years of friendship.

February 24, 2022
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(2) Posted by Neal Turner [Thursday, Feb 24, 2022 11:26]

Our thoughts are with the Ukrainian people.
As individuals there's nothing we can do at this stage when faced with a brutal war machine, but as the situation plays out there will be possibilities to provide concrete support to our Ukrainian friends.
I hope we can show the required compassion and generosity to step up when those opportunities do arise.
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(3) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Thursday, Feb 24, 2022 15:56]

It is terrible to read such a message from Andrey Frolkin. Our support is entirely with Ukranians.
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(4) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Friday, Feb 25, 2022 11:11]

Peter Gvozdják
dedicated to Ukrainian friends
original for Problemist Ukrainy
(= 13+11 )

#3 (13+11) C+

1.Qd2! [2.d4+ c×d4/Kd6,Kf6 3.Sg4/d(f)×e8=S#]

1…Kd6 2.Sg4 A [3.d(f)×e8=S#]
2…B×d7 a 3.Sc4# B
2…e7~ b 3.f8=Q# C
2…B×f7 c 3.d8=Q# D

1…Kf6 2.Sc4 B [3.d(f)×e8=S#]
2…B×d7 a 3.f8=Q# C
2…e7~ b 3.d8=Q# D
2…B×f7 c 3.Sg4# A

(1…Kd4 2.Bb2+ Sc3 3.B×c3#
1…Sb4 2.Sc4+,Sg4+,Bb2+)

Pioneer orthodox 4-fold Kiss cycle A()BCD/B()CDA.
Completed regrettably on February 24, 2022 - the very day of Russian attack on Ukraine.
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(5) Posted by Eugene Fomichev [Friday, Feb 25, 2022 11:32]

What kind of crazy nonsense is this?
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(6) Posted by Hauke Reddmann [Friday, Feb 25, 2022 11:54]

The crazy nonsense that happens in a world where humans define
themselves over their nations/their ethnics and nukes are the
ultimate "Get out of jail free" card. If a Russian minority had
deserved more rights, well, the border region of Germany and Denmark
is a region with ethnic minorities on both sides, and they live
together peacefully since the last war (I won't hide the fact that
each time there is a baisse, some nazi idiot will begin ranting
about the "Speckdänen", literarily bacon danes, but luckily they
are always told to STFU). A solution could have been found, also
one considering legitimate Russian interests.

I don't doubt Putin gets away with it, who in the West wants to start a
nuclear war over Ukraine, but he might have composed a selfmate.
Think Afghanistan...
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(7) Posted by Administrator [Friday, Feb 25, 2022 12:05]

Let's just talk about Problem Chess.
You can use plenty of other sites for this very serious topics
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(8) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Friday, Feb 25, 2022 12:31]

As administrator stated I do not want to talk about politics here. However I do want to comment Peter's problem.

Peter, nice threemover problem although flight taking key is very unpleasant. However please note that since you published problem here now it cannot be published anywhere else as an original. It happened to me once that I accidentally published problem here and then I sent it to the tournament. Luckily the column editor knew my problem from MatPlus site and warned me that I cannot publish it anywhere else as an original. I guess now you can only reference to this problem as MatPlus 2022 (since there are no informal tournaments).
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(9) Posted by Joost de Heer [Friday, Feb 25, 2022 14:34]


although flight taking key is very unpleasant

It's a give-and-take key (c4 is given as flight), so not that bad?
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(10) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Friday, Feb 25, 2022 14:52]

Still the fact is that there is no set play on 1...Kf4! This is too strong move and I do not know if give and take key is enough to compensate this issue.
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(11) Posted by Harry Fougiaxis [Saturday, Feb 26, 2022 11:12]

Please note that since you published problem here now it cannot be published anywhere else as an original. It happened to me once that I accidentally published problem here and then I sent it to the tournament. Luckily the column editor knew my problem from MatPlus site and warned me that I cannot publish it anywhere else as an original. I guess now you can only reference to this problem as MatPlus 2022 (since there are no informal tournaments).

He clearly wrote "original for..." though. I dare say you (we) should not be so formal.
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(12) Posted by Dejan Glisić [Saturday, Feb 26, 2022 20:19]

War is the defeat of humanity.

My deepest condolences to our colleagues who have been affected by the horrors of war in Ukraine, no matter what nation they belong to. We are all human.

I hope that all colleagues will remain alive, uninjured and without material damage, together with their families.


Rat je poraz čovječanstva,
Iskreno suosjećam s našim kolegama koji su zahvaćeni ratnim strahotama u Ukrajini, bez obzira kojem narodu pripadaju. Svi smo ljudi.
Nadam se da će sve kolege preživjeti, ostati neozljeđeni i bez materijalne štete, zajedno s njihovim obiteljima.
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(13) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Monday, Feb 28, 2022 00:16]

(10) thanks for your opinion, misha.
i intended to write my explanation earlier, however, i was completely paralyzed by watching the tv news...

not only f4 is an unprovided flight, but both thematic d6 and f6 are such as well! (can you see why?)
the queen moving far away from these squares paradoxically prepares all the continuations.
the cyclic mechanism is pretty simple (wSSPP - bBP), but all the rest is pretty complicated.
after several days´n´nights i was very happy to discover the "give-and-take" key instead of the "take" only.

some may like it, others may not, but i consider the 4-fold kiss cycle in a direct-mate an important milestone.
(Read Only)pid=22398
(14) Posted by Neal Turner [Friday, Mar 4, 2022 12:25]

I forward this text sent by Mr Kopyl in reply to the invitation to the upcoming zoom meeting of delegates:

Dear friends,
As you know, there is a war going on in my country. Almost all the cities bordering with Russia, Crimea, LDNR and Belarus have been destroyed, and some have already been razed to the ground. Civilians, children of these cities are shot in the middle of the streets. Bombs hit schools, kindergartens, hospitals, houses, not to mention administrative buildings. We are getting destroyed as a nation. Now I know what real genocide looks like. If you have a desire to watch the most terrible apocalyptic movie, I can send you links to Telegram channels, but I immediately warn you that the spectacle is very hard.
No support from other countries, no words, bans to represent Russia for athletes and sportsmen, isolation and economic sanctions against Russia, can not reduce my pain from what is happening now in Ukraine. I don't understand why we deserve this?! Ukrainians are one of the most open and friendly nations, we have always warmly treated "brothers" from Russia and Belarus. There is a very truthful saying: do not seek good from good!
My city is in danger of being destroyed in the same way as the negotiations give no results. Yesterday there were already 3 air raids here and I had to run to the bomb shelter.
Therefore, I cannot guarantee my presence either at this meeting or at subsequent ones!
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(15) Posted by Michel Caillaud [Saturday, Mar 5, 2022 09:38]

Valery also sent a message to WCCI judges asking them to organize between themselves as he cannot "follow WCCI in a proper way".

No politics on Mat Plus, isn't it?
I am uneasy when the correct words are not used. When war criminals are at work, we are no longer in the field of politics, but in the field of criminality.

I found some formulation on ChessBase that appeals to me; "above politics, there is humanity".
People should at least be allowed to do here what Peter did ie dedications to the victims (BTW, excellent problem Peter).
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(16) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Saturday, Mar 5, 2022 12:39]

I stand with the principle of the FIDE, as although for many years I despised that organization, I always believed in its motto.
Gens una sumus.
We are one family; we are (of) one.

No matter if you are Western, Ukrainian, Belarussian or Russian. I will offer my full support, as far as possible for me, to anyone who needs it (sadly I am not well-equipped enough financially to lift any humans out of the war zone, but I can organize lawyers and other support for anyone who seeks asylum in Germany).

God bless you all, no matter where you live, where you come from, with the following words of Literature Nobel Prize winner Bob Dylan:
"If God's on our side, he'll stop the next war!"


Many years ago, about which I write in the next "EG", there were "friendship tourneys". At the height of the Cold War, shortly prior to the Cuba Crisis, we chess composers stood together as one, we presented our friendship in the face of those who would have loved to separate the East and the West. We showed that we are one family, and in total three of those tourneys were held for endgame studies.
Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin did not separate us. The Cold War did not separate us. Let the perils of the current days also not separate us!
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(17) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Saturday, Mar 5, 2022 15:10]

Message from Kopyl is shocking and heart rending. I feel so helpless. India has abstained from condemning Putin, perhaps in the hope of talking to him and putting sense to that animal. Hope hope hope
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(18) Posted by Darko Šaljić [Saturday, Mar 5, 2022 16:05]

I suggest strongly to ban all kind of similar post's!
Keep your opinion for your self!
We all have governments to do their jobs and if you are not satisfied refer to them.
There is no chess forum in a world where you can post bs like this.
(Read Only)pid=22434
(19) Posted by Viktoras Paliulionis [Saturday, Mar 5, 2022 19:34]

There is no chess forum in a world where you can post bs like this.

It is difficult not to think about this nightmare. Other chess forums also discuss this:
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(20) Posted by Alain Villeneuve [Sunday, Mar 6, 2022 19:24]

"Whenever you find yourself thinking like the majority of people, pause and think..." (Mark Twain).
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MatPlus.Net Forum General A message I never expected to write