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(21) Posted by Kevin Begley [Saturday, Jan 26, 2013 06:49]; edited by Kevin Begley [13-01-26]

Thanks Kostas,

Took me a while to see it, then it seemed so obvious.
Fun challenge!

ps: you can make a h#3 out of this, with only 1 cookstopper (which preserves all of the Royal Queen's mobility, after the 4th ply):

(= 4+5 )

h#3 = Royal Queen.

Black's play is rather dull, but the extreme mobility (after the 4th ply) seems quite paradoxical; and, white's play is not bad.
It would be nicer to expand this to h#3.5, starting with 1...Bh8, for an Indian theme, but there are many cook issues to overcome (especially Rh8#).
A well placed white Royal Pawn (or some such, which doesn't interfere with the mobility idea) might help save the day; but, I'm not optimistic.
Maybe hr#3.5 would help it along (or h-semir#).

But, since this is idea belongs to Arno & Hauke, I'll happily leave these challenges for them to ponder. :-)
(Read Only)pid=9673
(22) Posted by Arno Tungler [Saturday, Jan 26, 2013 08:22]

@Kevin & Kostas: Yes, and this is exactly what I (and obviously also Hauke) had in mind when posting post 3 above...
Only that I had a wRh2 and bPg2! Question anyhow: are somehow 23 possible?! Maybe Hauke has the answer...
(Read Only)pid=9674
(23) Posted by Kevin Begley [Saturday, Jan 26, 2013 08:30]; edited by Kevin Begley [13-01-26]


Apologies if I have infringed upon your idea, here, but post 3 did not clearly specify that your queen wasn't moving.
You certainly were not ignored -- we simply failed to realize that we were on an intercepting line w/ your original idea.

ps: 23 is almost certainly impossible, if you insist upon a stationary queen (on black's final stroke). If the black queen can move throughout, things may be slightly easier.
(Read Only)pid=9675
(24) Posted by Arno Tungler [Saturday, Jan 26, 2013 11:41]

There should not have been really any question about the meaning of post 3 because post 1 and 2 already showed that with moving queen you have all 27 flights and Hauke in post 1 clearly had asked for the number of moves if the queen does not move... Anyhow, still waiting for Hauke's response...
(Read Only)pid=9677
(25) Posted by Hauke Reddmann [Saturday, Jan 26, 2013 17:22]

The Hauke is IN :-)
Kevin, since ideas are free (and I very rarely delve into fairy
area at all), feel free to use my "inspiration" in any way.
The (probable) case 2 maximum is tricky, although I should have
earlier recalled an old record using (nearly) exactly this gxf8Q
setup to mate the king on any free field on the board. And no,
I neither know how nor try to up the record.

Of course either color K are superfluous.

(can't speak for Arno, though ;-)
(Read Only)pid=9678
(26) Posted by Arno Tungler [Saturday, Jan 26, 2013 17:32]

Arno has to confess that post 2 does not show any record as b7 is a none-flight... Shame on me! Even more shame if somebody still finds the 23!
(Read Only)pid=9679
(27) Posted by Kostas Prentos [Saturday, Jan 26, 2013 18:17]

Hi Arno.
My apologies, for failing to realize what post #3 really meant. By no means, I meant to ignore you, I just did not know that you were talking about the same thing.
In any case, I think the 22 moves deserved a diagram, since the main setup seems to be unique. I doubt more than 22 moves are possible
(Read Only)pid=9680
(28) Posted by Hauke Reddmann [Sunday, Jan 27, 2013 18:37]

@Arno - amaurosis scacchistica collectiva. I believed it too :-)

sidenote @Kevin - regarding mobility, I once made a h#2 (I think
it's even posted here somewhere!) showing a bK getting all
8 flights in the first two halfmoves. I don't think that you
can pull THAT trick with a royal Q :-) Or a 23 move record, for that.)

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MatPlus.Net Forum General Construction: hang your queen