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MatPlus.Net Forum General Looking for a Byron Zappas #2....
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(1) Posted by Eugene Rosner [Monday, Oct 17, 2011 16:05]

Looking for a Byron Zappas #2....

can anyone supply a diagram? It is a threat reduction problem where try? (2.ABC), try (2.AB) solution (2.A) with B,C returning as variations. I'm currently focusing on this theme, but I lost this example...thanks in advance!
(Read Only)pid=7488
(2) Posted by Dan Meinking [Monday, Oct 17, 2011 18:15]

There are 143 Zappas two-movers listed on YACPDB (Yet Another Chess Problem Database):

You can click on each problem to see the underlying analysis.
(Read Only)pid=7491
(3) Posted by Michael McDowell [Monday, Oct 17, 2011 18:15]

This looks like the problem:

4th HM The Problemist 1987

(= 12+12 )

Mate in 2

1.Sh4 (>2.Qxg7, Qf5, Qd6) 1...Qc6!

1.Se7? (>2.Qxg7, Qf5) 1...Bxh3!

1.Sxd4 (>2.Qxg7)

1...Bxg5 2.Qf5
1...Rxa5 2.Qd6
1...Qc6 2.Sxc6
1...Bxh3 2.Sxf3
1...Kxd4 2.Qf4
(Read Only)pid=7492
(4) Posted by Eugene Rosner [Monday, Oct 17, 2011 18:43]

many thanks Michael!
(Read Only)pid=7494
(5) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Tuesday, Oct 18, 2011 06:22]

There are a few other problems with this idea
(Read Only)pid=7498
(6) Posted by Eugene Rosner [Tuesday, Oct 18, 2011 18:23]

any particularly interesting examples? has a 4-threat reduced to 1 ever shown BCD returning as variations after the key?
(Read Only)pid=7504
(7) Posted by Hauke Reddmann [Wednesday, Oct 19, 2011 12:21]

In case nobody else turns up with that, I suggest
to ask Udo Degener. What you describe might already
be searchable by keyword in his collection.

(Read Only)pid=7507
(8) Posted by Harry Fougiaxis [Wednesday, Oct 19, 2011 23:02]; edited by Harry Fougiaxis [11-10-19]

Successive elimination of threats is recognized by WinChloe, so I made a quick search. Two interesting problems that I've found:

Anatoly Slesarenko
V. Rychkov-50 MT 2005-06
Special Prize
(= 11+7 )

1…R×c2 2.Q×e3‡

1.Sf6? [2.Bc5,Rd5,Ra4‡]
but 1…Q×c6!

1.Sb4? [2.Bc5,Rd5‡]
1…Q×c6 2.S×c6‡
but 1…R×d3!

1.S×e3! [2.Bc5‡]
1…Q×c6,Qf8 2.Sf5‡
1…R×c2 2.Rd5‡
1…R×d3 2.Ra4‡
1…K×e3 2.Qg1‡

This expands the mechanism of Byron's problem by adding two changed mates and dual avoidance in the solution.
The wRf7 is used for guarding f3 and keeping closed the line f8-f5.

The second problem shows a fourfold task. Truly impressive and, of course, it found its way to the album.

Vasil Markovtsy
Shakhova kompozitsya Ukraini 2001
(= 10+11 )

1.Bf8? [2.Qe6,Qd6,Qc4,Qb5‡]
but 1…Be7!

1.Bb8? [2.Qd6,Qc4,Qb5‡]
but 1…Bc7!

1.f8=Q? [2.Qc4,Qb5‡]
1…Be7 2.Q×a8‡
but 1…Rc3!

1.Be5? [2.Qd6,Qc4‡]
1…f×e5 2.R×e5‡
but 1…Rd4!

1.Bf4! [2.Qc4‡]
1…Rc3 2.Qd6‡
1…Rd4 2.Qb5‡
1…K×e4 2.Qe6‡

Vasil Dyachuk seems to have been quite interested in the theme, too.
(Read Only)pid=7509
(9) Posted by Eugene Rosner [Thursday, Oct 20, 2011 03:34]

MANY thanks Harry! GREAT examples, the 2nd exaxtly what I was looking for!!
(Read Only)pid=7510
(10) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Friday, Oct 21, 2011 10:23]

I thought you wanted the mates to reappear also in all the tries....
(Read Only)pid=7516
(11) Posted by Harry Fougiaxis [Saturday, Oct 22, 2011 01:52]

Eugene, I think you may also like the dynamic play in the following example:

Ivan Storozhenko
Uralsky Problemist 2004
1 Prize
(= 8+12 )

1.Rbe6? [2.R4e5,Qc5,Sf6‡]
but 1…R×e4!

1.Rf6? [2.Re5,Qc5‡]
but 1…Sc6!

1.Rg6! [2.Re5‡]
1…R×e4 2.Qc5‡
1…Sc6 2.Sf6‡
1…S×a7,Sd6 2.R(×)d6‡
1…K×e4 2.Rg5‡
(Read Only)pid=7518
(12) Posted by Eugene Rosner [Sunday, Oct 23, 2011 05:20]

this last one you quote sports the Bogdanov-Rychkov theme (as explained to me by Anatoly Slesarenko)in which refutations of tries lead to returned threats as variations in the solution. How many Album points did the Markovitsky get?!
(Read Only)pid=7519
(13) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Monday, Oct 24, 2011 02:36]; edited by Jacques Rotenberg [11-10-24]

Mark Basisty & Anatoly Vasilenko
Memorial Rychkov 50, 2005-2006
1st H.M.
(= 10+8 )

1.Bf2? [2.Sd4,Se3,Qc5‡]
but 1…Bb6!

1.Be3? [2.Sd4,Qc5‡]
1…Q×e3 2.S×e3‡
1…Bb6 2.Rg5‡
but 1…Bf6!

1.Bd4! [2.Qc5‡]
1…Q×d4 2.S×d4‡
1…Qe3 2.S×e3‡
1…Bf6,Bb6 2.R(×)f6‡

1.Qb8? [2.Qb1‡]
1…Bb6 2.Qf8‡
but 1…Q×c5!
(Read Only)pid=7520
(14) Posted by Eugene Rosner [Monday, Oct 24, 2011 20:35]

simple, elegant and ingenious all at the same time! thanks for quoting!
(Read Only)pid=7524
(15) Posted by Harry Fougiaxis [Tuesday, Oct 25, 2011 00:11]

Jacques, the Markovtsy's composition got 8 points.

The thematic description in the album mentions: threat reduction 4-3-2-1, 3 x recurrence of threat, Hannelius with double threat.
(Read Only)pid=7525
(16) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Wednesday, Oct 26, 2011 07:18]; edited by Jacques Rotenberg [11-10-26]

All these problems have a weakness in the multiple threat tries : the lack of black moves that would "separate" the threats.
A threat that never appears alone can be called "useless threat". Two threats that appear always together can be called "dualistic threat".
It seems that showing the successive elimination of multiple threats with threat mates reappearing in the solution without any "useless threat" represents a serious challenge
(Read Only)pid=7528

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MatPlus.Net Forum General Looking for a Byron Zappas #2....