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(21) Posted by Joost de Heer [Sunday, Mar 14, 2010 17:06]; edited by Joost de Heer [10-03-14]

56: Heft 188, April 2001
57: June 4 2001 (whit monday in 2001, Messigny is always in the pentecost-weekend)
76: Heft 208, August 2004 (award Heft 217, february 2006)
77: Heft 210, December 2004 (award Heft 217, february 2006)
79: Best Problems 47, July 2008
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(22) Posted by Jean-Marc Loustau [Monday, Mar 15, 2010 21:35]

66: Published in Harmonie issue #76, December 2003; award in Harmonie issue #81, March 2005 (judge F. Pachl)
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(23) Posted by Michal Dragoun [Tuesday, Mar 16, 2010 23:07]

49: idee und form 69/2001, January 2001
50: Zadaci i etjudy 24/2001, printed in October 2001
61: C 15. 5. 2003
65: harmonie 74/2003, June 2003
67: Uralskij problemist 35/2003 (No. 3 in year 2003), printed in October 2003
71: Problem Forum 20/2004, December 2004
73: F2310, The Problemist July 2004
78: Uralskij problemist 47/2006 (No. 3 in year 2006), printed in November 2006
80: Šachmatija 4/2008 (there are four issues in one year, so last quarter, I did not find any more exact date)
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(24) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 18:00]

thanks to all, as always...

here we go with question 81, which needs a small description:
at the pula 2000 congress, reto aschwanden gave a lecture called "new cyclic ideas in fairy chess".
the extended version of it then appeared in feenschach.
i have got the text of the article from reto, however he was unable to tell me when it was published.
the article is quite large (about 20 pages), so it might have been divided into more parts, but i am not sure.
(just to fix it, the chapters were called like this: 1. einleitung, 2. erweiterungen und kombinationen, 3. zyklen mit fortgeseten verteidigungen, 4. eine familie von zyklischen themen in dreizueger, 5. key-reappearance themes.)
could somebody check the issue(s) and date(s) of publication?
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(25) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Friday, Mar 19, 2010 01:28]

In the award of the Caissana Brasileira - 110 Years Jubilee Tourney (available on you have 1st H.M. with a Kiss Theme - The closing date was in 2009 -
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(26) Posted by Steven Dowd [Friday, Mar 19, 2010 05:52]

By the way,Jacques, that was a nice judgment to read. I learned a lot from your comments.
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(27) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Sunday, Mar 21, 2010 22:46]

jacques, thanks for reminding, but of course i did not miss that problem (i was a participant, though unsuccessful).
i only need to correct you in one point: the deadline was not 2009. it was december 31, 2008.
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(28) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Monday, Mar 22, 2010 06:16]

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(29) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Tuesday, Apr 6, 2010 17:57]

here is the list of cyclone (or cyclone-related) lectures during last ten years.
did anybody give another such lecture?

R. Aschwanden: New cyclic ideas in fairy chess (Pula 2000)
P. Gvozdjak: Cyclone: Anything New? (Portorose 2002)
P. Gvozdjak: Anticyclones in Twomovers (Moscow 2003)
A. Zhuravlev: "Stairway" changes (Moscow 2003)
P. Gvozdjak: Top Cyclone Fairy Problems (Smizany 2004)
B. Djurasevic: The ideal form of "Djurasevic theme" in a threemover (Belgrade 2004?)
J. Quah: Sequence non-reversal with en passant or castling (Marianka 2009)
P. Gvozdjak: Seven is the challenge (Marianka 2009)
R. Aschwanden: Fairy or SPG? (Marianka 2009)
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(30) Posted by Jeffrey [Thursday, Apr 8, 2010 01:37]

This article appeared in the June 2001 feenschach, in its entirety, pages 126-143.

What are "anti-cyclone themes"? Sounds interesting :)
(Read Only)pid=5186
(31) Posted by Joost de Heer [Thursday, Apr 8, 2010 20:27]


Reto gave a Cyclone-related lecture in Wageningen 2001. The 2002 lecture in Portoroz was, IIRC, together with Reto.
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(32) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Monday, Apr 12, 2010 14:45]

i have used the term "anti-cyclone" for double reciprocal changes (for cyclone non-thematic) in the book "cyclone", see p13.
(Read Only)pid=5198
(33) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Monday, Apr 12, 2010 14:48]

i do not understand your comment about 2002 joint lecture.
i have found a short record of the 2002 lectures in the problemist, but nothing such was mentioned.
clarify, please.
(Read Only)pid=5199
(34) Posted by Joost de Heer [Monday, Apr 12, 2010 17:52]


P. Gvozdjak: Cyclone: Anything New? (Portorose 2002)

As far as I can remember, this was a lecture done by both you and Reto. But perhaps my memory is wrong...
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(35) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Monday, Apr 12, 2010 19:26]

joost: one of us is wrong... well, i am sure it was my lecture only.
however, to make a joint lecture, something like "talking about the theme" sounds very interesting.
i will be thinking of such possibility (if not at the wccc, then at least at the marianka festival).
thanks for the idea!
(Read Only)pid=5201
(36) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Monday, Apr 19, 2010 16:12]

here is the list of cyclone or cyclone-related articles of period 2000-2009.
does somebody know of anything missing?

2000: idee & form, 66, 4.2000, 1916: Aschwanden: Four Wheel Drive (2)
2000: idee & form, 68, 10.2000, 1946: Aschwanden: Thematisch dichte, zweiphasige Funktionswechselthemen (1)
2001: idee & form, 69, 1.2001, 2022: Aschwanden: Thematisch dichte,... (2)
2001: idee & form, 70, 4.2001, 2056: Aschwanden: Thematisch dichte,... (3)
2001: idee & form, 71, 7.2001, 2084: Aschwanden: Thematisch dichte,... (4)
2001: idee & form, 72, 10.2001, 2140: Aschwanden: Thematisch dichte,... (5)
2001: Pat a mat, 33, 6.2001, 39: Evsejev: Cycles based upon play of black transmuting king
2001: Uralsky problemist, 2(26), 4.2001, 4: Shanshin: K yubileyu populyarnoy temy
2001: feenchach, 144, 6.-?.2001, 126-143: Aschwanden: New cyclic ideas in fairy chess
2001: StrateGems, 14, 4.-6.2001, 107: Brada: New Ideas in Chess Composition
2002: idee & form, 73, 1.2002, 2164: Aschwanden: Thematisch dichte,... (6)
2002: idee & form, 74, 4.2002, 2212: Aschwanden: Thematisch dichte,... (7)
2002: idee & form, 75, 7.2002, 2232: Aschwanden: Thematisch dichte,... (8)
2002: Pat a mat, 37, 7.2002, Quah: Key-Threat-Mate Paradoxes with AMU
2002: StrateGems, 20, 10.-12.2002, 188: Aschwanden: Some thoughts about the quality of chess problems
2002: Zadachi i etyudy, 26, 5.2002, Sushkov: Khody menyayut funktsii
2003: Pat a mat, 42, 9. 2003, Kotěšovec: Jaký je počet možných cyklických záměn?
2004: Die Schwalbe, 209, 10.2004, 542: Aschwanden: Ein kleiner Exkurs in Geometrie
2004: Pat a mat, 47, 12.2004, 109: Quah: Symmetric Cyclones
2005: Phénix, 145, 11.2005, Loustau, Aschwanden: Les themes Tura etendus
2006: blog, 26.1.2006, Lörinc: Pán vetrov na šachovnici
2007: StrateGems, 38, 4.-6.2007, 108: Prcic: Alphabet Soup
2007: StrateGems, 39, 7.-9.2007, 166: Rice cycle (cyclic Zagoruiko)
2007: StrateGems, 40, 10.-12.2007, 235: Shedey cycle
2009: Mat Plus Review, III/11, autumn 2009, 105: Stojnić: The Gockel Type of the Djurašević theme
2009: Mat Plus Review, III/9-10, spring-summer 2009, 8: Stojnić: The Renaissance of the Djurašević theme in orthodox twinless problems
2009: The Problemist, 4/22, 7.2009, 144: Beugelsdijk: Some "Makeshift" Constructions
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(37) Posted by Jeffrey [Wednesday, Apr 21, 2010 03:09]

Wow! Will problems from all of those articles appear in Cyclone 2?
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(38) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Thursday, Apr 22, 2010 10:15]

mostly yes.
and many more.
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(39) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Saturday, Dec 11, 2010 12:34]

Bad news for Cyclone-haters and good news for Cyclone-fans: CYCLONE 2 has been just published.
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(40) Posted by Kevin Begley [Monday, Dec 13, 2010 02:08]; edited by Kevin Begley [10-12-13]


I do not believe there exists such a creature as the (so called) "Cyclone-hater."
I doubt any serious problemist doesn't appreciate the rich patterns which spring naturally from Lacny's inspired idea (as this unfortunate "hater" label tends to suggest).

I am aware there are varying aesthetic tolerances, which give rise, quite traditionally, to alternative philosophical "schools" -- each struggling to advance their own standards of beauty (typically, to provide a governing mechanism which balances aesthetic virtues against thematic achievements).

But, all evidence suggests that Cyclone2 will provide a grand compilation, pleasing to all parties.
It would appear to be one of the best researched compilations, with deserving recognition paid to pioneering composers, and the most up to date information -- everything the reader requires to (freely) make their own judgments.

Personally, I do find it difficult to appreciate some cyclone problems (e.g., those which require a BS in Fairy Zoology).
But, this is a marginal issue -- after all, there is little disagreement on what problemists consider "ideal."
Lately, even Cyclone judges (devotees themselves!) seem to be pushing (unless it is only my perception) in aesthetic directions.

So, I am not sure whether your term refers to folks like me...
I know that it doesn't apply to folks like me... but then again, it doesn't really apply to anybody... or does it?
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