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MatPlus.Net Forum General C.G.S. Narayanan - 70 years!
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(1) Posted by shankar ram [Tuesday, Mar 28, 2017 17:43]

C.G.S. Narayanan - 70 years!

C.G.S.Narayanan turned 70 on 24-Mar-17.

To celebrate this, I made an e-booklet with 70 selections from his work.

Thanks to Miodrag Mladenovic, Marjan Kovacevic and Boris Gadjanski, this is now available on the matplus site:

I request all chess problem lovers to download and take a look. The pdf file has been specifically formatted for easy reading on a smartphone.
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(2) Posted by Eugene Rosner [Tuesday, Mar 28, 2017 18:58]

this will be an absolute joy to read through. The changed double Grimshaw from 1975 still gives me the heebee-jeebees!! :-D
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(3) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Tuesday, Mar 28, 2017 19:35]; edited by seetharaman kalyan [17-03-29]

Narayanan is comfortable in all types of two-movers, but excelled in the tasks of changed mates. The collection contains a rich variety of changed mate two-movers, several double grimshaw changes (including the 1975 one which I quoted as my favorite in BCPS website), changes after random and correction of black knight (including a three phase one and a three correction change), the four interference changes, changed mates after reciprocal black correction, changed mates after three interferences on same square, pickaninny change etc....

Some of his absolute tasks (never done before or after) were not properly recognised by the judges. Two instances I remember are No.26 - showing FOUR changed mates using a single white B/R battery for the 2-WCCT, and No.21 - the changed mates after four interferences moves of the SAME black knight.

When he turned his attention to three-movers he produced a dozen of the apparently difficult task of Quarternary Black Correction!

Thanks Shankar for this absolute delight! I hope there is more such gems to come in the book planned by him - the best Chess Problems of Indian composers. Hopefully it will be hard-bound also!

Added later: Even the great Jeremey Morse failed to notice No.26, but quoted in his book an old problem by Mansfield showing only three changed mates!
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(4) Posted by Rajendiran Raju [Sunday, Apr 2, 2017 20:28]

as we aware our Indian master
CGS Narayanan not only composing
#2 , #3 , S# , fairies but also often composing helpmates too... (recently one cyclic zilahi @ 760 ...
I like and enjoy much the following 1977 Beautiful h#2 !(he made version with slight change)
This was given for solving in a competition during Anand - Carlsen Chennai 2013 WC match. Many found it difficult to solve!

Further , Difficulty confirmed itself at the time publishing in The Problemist too...

following is from the editor J E Driver note ,
(The Problemist Mar 1978

A H#2 takes the honours for proving the most difficult to solve in November, aptly summed up by one solver who lamented "l cannot make head nor tail of H570"!

C.G.S.Narayanan (India)
H 570 (V) The Problemist
November 1977

(= 6+8 )


a) Diagram
b) WSh8 ---> a5
c) WSh8 ---> d8
d) WSh8 ---> e3

I am surprised and disappointed it's not featured in the award . (The Problemist July 1979 Pg.341)
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(5) Posted by Rajendiran Raju [Sunday, Apr 2, 2017 20:33]; edited by Rajendiran Raju [17-04-03]

I want to quote the following h#2 by CJF !!

C.J.Feather (England)
Problem no : 8071

The Hindu Chess Problem Columns editor CGS Narayanan wrote as follows for CJF h#2

The impeccably constructed 8071 is quite difficult to solve !.

(= 4+6 )

a) Diagram
b) WQe2 ---> f2

I leave both the problems without solution for those who interested can solve !

Both CGSN & CJF Born on 24th March 1947...

Hats off to both of the great exponents !!

Great Compilation , Thanks a lot Mr.Narayan Shankar Ram !!
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(6) Posted by Michael McDowell [Monday, Apr 3, 2017 21:01]

Re the Narayanan helpmate, you quote John Driver's comment while omitting to point out that the original setting was cooked, and that Driver invited the composer to submit a correction.

I see no evidence from the column that any correction was received before the award (by Bakcsi) was published.
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(7) Posted by Rajendiran Raju [Tuesday, Apr 4, 2017 02:46]

Oh sorry,i am not seen it was cooked and thanks for your prompt reply...
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(8) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Tuesday, Apr 4, 2017 10:14]

Dont know about the cook. But Popeye apparently finds no cook in the present diagram.
Solution - Olive output.

1.Kd6-e7 Rb7-b8 2.Qg6-d6 Rc8*e8 #

b) wSh8-->a5
1.Kd6-c5 Rc8-b8 2.Rb6-d6 Rb7-b5 #

c) wSh8-->d8
1.Kd6-d5 Rb7*c7 2.Se4-d6 Rc7-c5 #

d) wSh8-->e3
1.Kd6-e6 Rc8*c7 2.d7-d6 Rc7-e7 #
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(9) Posted by shankar ram [Tuesday, Apr 4, 2017 16:55]

Obviously one of CGSN's best helpmates!
4x BK flights, selfblocks on the same square and WR doubling.
Got it too late to include in the selection.. :-(
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(10) Posted by Rajendiran Raju [Wednesday, Apr 5, 2017 12:27]; edited by Rajendiran Raju [17-04-05]

@ Dear Kalyan Seetharaman...

Here is the Original Setting Published as H 570... (cooked)

(= 5+8 )

With same all twins ...
In this Part b) only under cook ...

Composer simply avert cook...!
by moved the White King to g1 and adding one white pawn at f3...

further here is official comments and editors request..

Four occupations of BK initial square, four doubled WR lines, all opened up by four WS squares (WHD) The addition of four different self-blocks on d6 reveals the Master touch (DAS) Two themes hardest of the set (J. L. Sheets) Extremely difficult (JWM) lt still amazes me how difficult a H#2 can bel (WHK)

@ Dear McDowell , yes i saw John Driver Request

After such an enthusiastic reception by solvers, the composer will be inspired to find a suitable amendment for part (b).

following is author CGSN Comments while given for chennai solving contest...

In all the four solutions the first move of black is by king , the first move of white is doubling of white rooks on the file/rank , the second move of black is a distinct self-block on d6, the square vacated by black king , followed by mate by the frontal white rook.
(Read Only)pid=15334

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MatPlus.Net Forum General C.G.S. Narayanan - 70 years!