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(21) Posted by Iļja Ketris [Tuesday, Mar 31, 2009 15:53]

> Societe International ...

"Société Mondiale", I insist! ;)
(Read Only)pid=3399
(22) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Tuesday, Mar 31, 2009 16:53]

Only if FIDE renames to FMDE :-)
(Read Only)pid=3402
(23) Posted by Kevin Begley [Tuesday, Mar 31, 2009 20:16]; edited by Kevin Begley [09-03-31]

Like more and more composers (it seems) these days, I am something of an outsider.
I have never been to a single chess congress, or any significant solving competition (I would pose no major threat here anyway!).
If it were not for online forums like this one, I might be completely disconnected.

Now, that said, I'd like to share some perspectives from the wilderness...

I am overjoyed to have people like Andrey -- and Harry! -- looking out for composer's interests. That such magnificent composers would volunteer their time for our collective benefit, I believe, leaves a profound debt of gratitude owed.

From way up here in the cheap seats, it doesn't register as support when the home crowd takes political potshots at members of our own team. There is an overpowering impulse to offer the exchange of seats -- as a generousity, because I feel guilty to have a better view of the game from this distance!

As for the irrational fear that the masses would compell (by proxy) chess composers to abandon the sacred modern-themes, well I can only marvel in perplexity at the tragic-comedy of the claim.

Suppose you're watching your favorite show, then, the EMERGENCY NEWSFLASH hits... and some ultra-serious anchorman, fighting an unfortunate case of helium-voice starts telling you, "Don't wait for the weather report -- no matter where you are at present, run for your life -- any random direction -- <only now the helium wears off, and with sincere baratone panic> -- just RUN!"

Instantly, you turn in the sofa, and glance towards the window -- who fell for it?

If this ever happens to you, I promise, there's nothing outside.
Just some clown anchorman holding up a mirror.

My point is simply this: I could just ignore outrageous claims from the sofa. But, here I am, at the window, adoring the big sign in your mirror, which reads: "YOU GOT ME!"
(Read Only)pid=3405
(24) Posted by Hans Gruber [Tuesday, Mar 31, 2009 20:29]

Dear all,

sooner or later one of the chess historians will get back to a time-honoured proposal how to call "our" international federation, the IPB (International Problem Board). There are legions of organisations which use this acronym, but there are few (if any) who used it earlier than chess enthusiasts.

Maybe, IPSB (International Problem and Study Board) would be more appropriate, but this would loose the priority of acronym usage.

hg hg
(Read Only)pid=3406
(25) Posted by Dejan Glisić [Tuesday, Mar 31, 2009 21:26]; edited by Dejan Glisić [09-03-31]

Dear Kevin, it is not irracional, not fear, not claim, it was an example of real situation that already happened. Of course, you don't have to care about it. You are right, who has to care about it, about PCCC and FIDE. Only the actors. The best option is to lay in sofa, to compose for myself and do nothing for popularization. You got me!
(Read Only)pid=3407
(26) Posted by Kevin Begley [Wednesday, Apr 1, 2009 04:22]


I think maybe you got me wrong -- I do very much look forward to someday attending.
In fact, I wish I could have made it to Greece!

As for the real world situation...

You stated in an earlier post: "And when they pay a membership fee, they have the same rights as you. Then, they can tell you what is chess composition and how you have to compose."

First, this reads like you are suggesting that equal rights for all members is a bad thing.
I really doubt you want a Country Club for Chess Composers, but the above comment does give this impression.
I want to give the benefit of the doubt here, but then, what exactly is your point?
You want to restrict access to membership -- Yes?
Based on what -- correct identification of a 4x3 Zagoruiko?
This still sounds like a Country Club to me.

Second, so what exactly is the threat if we don't compose to "their" liking?

They will deny us awards and titles? Hey, if Troitzky (to name just one) has no FIDE title in composing, who are we to want?

They will rig the thematic tourneys to favor their own ideals? Nothing new -- we just publish elsewhere.

"They could laugh ... call you 'idiot' ..."

We will have the last laugh.


"If they give you ruled paper, write the other way."
- Juan Ramón Jiménez (though often attributed to later sources).
(Read Only)pid=3408
(27) Posted by Dejan Glisić [Wednesday, Apr 1, 2009 10:17]

O.K. Kevine, I wasn't precise. You are right, let's "write the other way".
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MatPlus.Net Forum General World Association of Сhess Сomposition