Discussion board: Forum
Total number of posts: 92Author of 9 topics:Does anyone have "Šachová skladba 88 (VII/2005)"? in group: GeneralWhat would you prefer in a fairy problem—illegal position, or stronger units than necessary? in group: GeneralA question aboute ’consequent helpmate’ (hc#) in group: GeneralIsardam and en passant in group: GeneralNeed small help from a Winchloe user in group: GeneralThe Retro-Strategy convention: what is the correct way to interpret it? in group: GeneralDoes anybody have Springaren Summer Tourney 2010 award? in group: CompetitionsKjell Widlert-60 JT (direct mates with neutral pieces); is the award completed? in group: CompetitionsTwins vs. multiple solutions in group: Fairies