Discussion board: Forum
Total number of posts: 307Author of 55 topics:Koltanowski problem in group: X-Files: AnticipationsFour corner rook in group: GeneralDefinitions in group: GeneralZugzwang Problems in group: GeneralFleck theme in moremovers in group: GeneralNolcken TT, Hamburger Problem-Nachrichten, 1947 in group: GeneralNolcken in group: GeneralDavid C McClelland in group: GeneralKemeri 1937 in group: GeneralGiese/Gize in group: GeneralPseudo-Kiss in group: GeneralStavrinides in group: GeneralJacobs mechanism? in group: GeneralA good composer you probably never heard of in group: GeneralAlexander Malyshev in group: GeneralSemi-reflexmate in group: GeneralReflexmate pawn minimal in group: GeneralReflexmate pawn minimal in group: GeneralNumber and type of sacrifices in group: GeneralPlaying ability and composing ability in group: GeneralAnti-Identity in group: GeneralDiagonal corner-to-corner knight in a selfmate? in group: GeneralA selfmate in a game? in group: Generaldécloue indirectement in group: General"playing for selfmate" in group: GeneralSelbstmatt Paradox in group: GeneralMutual(?) Zugzwang in group: GeneralKing and Pawns selfmate tourney in group: GeneralIllegal position - 1556 in MP 37-38 in group: GeneralIMR in group: GeneralMaximummer condition in group: GeneralRecord for longest running problem/study column in a general chess magazine? in group: GeneralBenko's Bafflers 45th Anniversary in group: GeneralEmil Ramin in group: GeneralAuthor? in group: GeneralBonus Socius ms. in group: GeneralDeveloping new talent in group: GeneralFor GM Byrne in group: GeneralDeclaring for a different federation in group: GeneralMisusing Terminology in group: GeneralA selfmate mystery in group: GeneralLeo Forgacs in group: GeneralAlexandru Nagy in group: GeneralSchachkomposition 2000 plus? in group: GeneralTwo thousand dollars! in group: GeneralA rooking puzzle in group: GeneralGM Benko retires in group: GeneralChess Notes and Vukcevich in group: GeneralArcaMax "puzzle" in group: GeneralTwo selfmates explained in group: GeneralPopeye in group: Internet and ComputingThe Wagner move in group: PromenadeWola Gulowska in group: CompetitionsA Wotawa study in group: Endgame studiesWhich version would you prefer redux in group: Selfmates