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MatPlus.Net Magazine Errata Mat Plus REVIEW Spring 2007
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(1) Posted by Boško Milošeski [Monday, Mar 26, 2007 20:37]

Mat Plus REVIEW Spring 2007

Error: p.53 [24] 1.Sc3? T:c3+!(but also 1...T~+!)

[24] Boško Milošeski
4. Pl. LP 3/2000

1.Se3? Tc3+![ Correct !!! ]
1...Tc5+,Td4+,Tb4+ 2.Kf8,Kg7,Ke7
1...Tc3+ 2.Kf6 Tg3 3.Th5#
1...Tc5+ 2.Kf8 - 3.Sg2#
1...Td4+ 2.Kg7 - 3.Sg2#
1...Tb4+ 2.Ke7 - 3.Sg2#
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(2) Posted by Frank Richter [Monday, Mar 26, 2007 20:54]; edited by Frank Richter [07-04-06]

Error p. 24, the pieces in my s#2 are shifted.
And - the correct source is 8597 feenschach 146 2002 (my mistake).
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(3) Posted by Eric Huber [Tuesday, Mar 27, 2007 21:46]

Error in twin c) of original No.620 (Karol Mlynka):
c)=b)-bPb4 (Pawn Striptease, both bPs are taken away)
My apologies to the author and to the solvers for this mistake.
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(4) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Wednesday, Mar 28, 2007 04:59]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [07-03-28]

p. 64 No. 155 - the position of b is given. In the diagram the wB should be on f5, not e5.

@Eric Huber: I think there should be a separate thread for Mat Plus or at least it should be made clear. What's your opinion?
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(5) Posted by Hauke Reddmann [Wednesday, Mar 28, 2007 11:02]

Some typos in MPR (surely will be overridden by default
while reading but I list them just in case):

p.4. #8 1.Qxe2 (correct Qxd2)
p.7 bottom: ...disliked Re4... (correct Rd4)

There is another possibility of a block by a piece
of other color - castling. But of course you can file
it under "interference" instead.


[will be edited when I find more typos]

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(6) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Wednesday, Mar 28, 2007 21:38]

[2] Frank, please, how exactly are the pieces in your problem on p. 24 shifted? I have just uncovered solution and diagram do not get together well.
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(7) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Thursday, Mar 29, 2007 00:09]

Look there, please!
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(8) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Thursday, Mar 29, 2007 01:26]

Thank you. Really badly shifted pieces, indeed.
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(9) Posted by Eric Huber [Thursday, Mar 29, 2007 03:06]

@ Siegfried Hornecker: For more clarity, I opened a new thread. Thanks for your suggestion.
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(10) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Thursday, Mar 29, 2007 14:23]

Ok, back to the original topic:

p.7: Re4 at the bottom text is obviously Rd4
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(11) Posted by Harry Fougiaxis [Tuesday, Apr 3, 2007 23:34]; edited by Harry Fougiaxis [07-04-06]

p.5, No.1 : Petko A. Petkov, 1 Pr Problemista 1964

p.7, No.5 : Vyacheslav Kopaev, 2 HM Die Schwalbe 1994. In fact, this problem was awarded a 2 HM and the judge was Rolf Wiehagen (cf. the award in Die Schwalbe 174, December 1998). In his report, the judge pointed out that there is a bicolour Platzwechsel between Sc6/Sc2 and Rd7/Sg4, as well. He also commented that the repetition of the move Rd4 is tolerable.

p.8, No.6 : Michel Caillaud is, in fact, co-author (all three names are necessary).

p.9, No.4 : the black pa3 is not necessary.

p.53, No.25 : dual in the set play 1...Kxb6 2.Sd7+ and 2.Bc5+

p.54, No.47 : totally anticipated by the superior PDB P0521125.

p.61, No.119 : a black pawn on f4 is missing.

p.62, No.131 : totally anticipated by the superior PDB P0536965.

p.64, No.158 : Anticirce type Calvet (captures on rebirth square are allowed)
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(12) Posted by Uri Avner [Friday, Apr 13, 2007 11:10]

On page 22, "Mates in Selfmates", first column, the following text is omitted after the solution of my 1st problem:

Both sort of "sins" are committed here: a) the same mate 3...S:e3 appears on most of the main variations; b) the variation after 1...Sg~ ends with two mates possible.
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(13) Posted by Harry Fougiaxis [Sunday, Jul 15, 2007 11:17]

p.9, No.10 (Stojanovic, original) : totally anticipated by Reinhardt Fiebig, H1091, StrateGems 33 Jan-Mar 2006 (exactly the same position!)
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MatPlus.Net Magazine Errata Mat Plus REVIEW Spring 2007