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(21) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Saturday, Jan 26, 2008 15:41]

Udo Degener gives "Ivan Kos, Sahmatny Vestnik 1886" for the problem by Kos (see Frank Richter's posting of 21.xi.2007, 08:09h).
(Read Only)pid=1896
(22) Posted by [Sunday, Jun 8, 2008 22:04]

Le probleme de Broecker proposait de zugzwang reciproques et des deplacements systematiques. Cette splendide idee a ete reprise plus tard par V.Hadac:

B.C.Magazine, 1933
(= 5+3 )

(5+3) s#7

1.Re2! Rc1 2.Rd2 Rd1 3.Rc2 Rc1 4.Rb2 Rd1 5.Re1 Rc1 6.Rd1 Rb1 7.Rc1 Rxc1#
(Read Only)pid=2363
(23) Posted by [Sunday, Jun 8, 2008 22:39]

Une autre plus complexe par A. Kachaturov:
Prize, Die Schwalbe 1985
(= 7+7 )

1.Qa3! Rc8 2.Qa4 Rd8 3.Qa5 Re8 4.Qa6 Rf8 5.Qa1 Re8 6.Rf8 Rd8 7.Re8 Rc8 8.Rd8 Rb8 9.Rc8 Ba2 10.Qxa2 Rxc8#
(Read Only)pid=2364
(24) Posted by [Sunday, Jun 8, 2008 23:11]

Le mecanisme est repete plusieurs fois dans le probleme de Gadjanski:
3HM, Mat 1979
(= 11+3 )


1.Rc1! Qg6 2.Rh1! Qf5 3.Rg1 Qe4 4.Rf1 Qd3 5.Re1 Qc2 6.Rd1 Qe4 7.Bd3 Qf5 8.Rd2 Qe4 9.Bc2 Qg6 10.Rh2! Qf5 11.Rg2 Qe4 12.Rf2 Qd3 13.Re2 Qf5 14.Be4 Qg6 15.Re1! (15.Re3? Qf5 16.Bd3 Qg6 17.Rg3 Qf5 18.Rf3 Qe4) 15...Qf5 16.Re3 Qg6 17.Bd3 Qf5 18.Rg3! Qe4 19.Rf3 Qg6 20.Bf5 Qxf5 21.Rxf5 Rxg8#
(Read Only)pid=2365
(25) Posted by [Monday, Jun 9, 2008 20:36]

It is astonishing that Robert Gray made almost the same position in 1932 (see the comments of Michael McDowell):
Robert GRAY
Glasgow Herald 1932
(= 5+4 )


1.Ra3! Qc6 2.Ra4 Qd5 3.Ra5 Qe4 4.Ra6 Qf3 5.Ra1 Qe4 6.Qf3 Qd5 7.Qe4 Qc6 8.Qd5 Qb7 9.Qc6 Qxc6#
This problem is reproduced in The Problemist 1995, without any reference to Broecker's problem.
(Read Only)pid=2367
(26) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Monday, Jun 9, 2008 20:42]

The third move of Hadac should be 3...Re1.
(Read Only)pid=2368
(27) Posted by [Sunday, Sep 21, 2008 12:19]

Some years ago, I resumed the same idea in fairy form:
Paul Rãican
The Problemist 1997 (v)
(= 6+8 )

2+1 Roses

Sol.: 1.Qa1! zz ROc7 2.Qa4! zz (2.Qa5? ROe8!, 2.Qa7? ROb5 3.Qa8 ROc3!) 2...ROb5 3.Qa7! zz ROc3 (3...ROc7 4.ROc3) 4.Qa8 zz ROb5 5.ROc3 ROc7 6.ROb5 ROe8 7.ROc7 e3 8.fxe3 ROxc7#
Try: 1.Qh1? ROc3!, 1.Qb1? ROb5!
(Read Only)pid=2749
(28) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Sunday, Sep 21, 2008 13:50]; edited by Jacques Rotenberg [08-09-21]

The Kachaturov is anticipated :

Israel Ben Ezra
Echecs-Hebdo 1978
1st H.M.

(= 8+4 )


1.Qf1! Ra3! 2.Qe1! Ra4! 3.Qd1! Ra5! 4.Qc1! Ra6! 5.Qh1! and so on.

The mecanism of the Gadjanski is completely different, however is has been shown already in direct context :

Bruno Fargette
Themes 64 1970
3rd Prize

(= 10+7 )


1.Ba8! Qd5 2.Ré8 Qç6 3.Rd8 Qb7 4.Rç8 Qd5 5.Bç6 Qé4 6.Rç7 Qd5 7.Bb7 Qé4 8.R×f7 Qd5 9.Ré7 Qç6 10.Rd7 Qé4 11.Bd5 Q×d5 12.R×d5 R×g3+ 13.S×g3‡
(Read Only)pid=2751
(29) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Monday, Apr 6, 2009 20:26]

It was about the end of 2007 when I was reading here about the "best selfmate" and started to think of my favourite one. Soon two problems came to my mind. I had been comparing them but could not say which is better. Later, trying again, I was unable to put one on the top. As a period of more than a year passed, I decided to show them both. Both of them are two-phase problems, both of them threemovers.

The first one shows one of the most difficult letter combinations: le Grand plus reciprocal change (A)BCD/(B)ADC, the second one the "classic" 4-fold Lacny cycle ABCD/BCDA. The matrix of the latter one is crystal clear and you can just admire how simply it is constructed. The matrix of the former one is most complicated and, to be honest, I still do not understand completely how and why it works.

Enjoy these two great problems:

Hartmut LAUE
2nd Place
6. WCCT (F) C 1.5.1998
(= 16+10 )

s#3 (16+10) C+

1.Ra5? [2.Sb5+ A Ke4+, Kd5+ 3.Qe5+ Q×e5#]
1…R×b8 a 2.Sdf5+ B Ke4+ 3.Re5+ Q×e5#
1…R×d6 b 2.Sf5+ C Ke4+ 3.Re5+ Q×e5#
1…Be3~ c 2.Bc5+ D Kd5+ 3.Re5+ Q×e5#

1.Rg5! [2.Sdf5+ B Ke4+, Kd5+ 3.Qe5+ Q×e5#]
1…R×b8 a 2.Sb5+ A Ke4+ 3.Re5+ Q×e5#
1…R×d6 b 2.Bc5+ D Ke4+ 3.Re5+ Q×e5#
1…Be3~ c 2.Shf5+ C Kd5+ 3.Re5+ Q×e5#
(1…S×g5 2.Sb5+ Ke4+, Kd5+ 3.Qe5+ Q×e5#)

Israel Ring Tourney 1981
(= 14+11 )

s#3 (14+11) C+
1…R×b3 a 2.Rd6+ A Kf5 3.Se3+ R×e3#
1…Rc2 b 2.Qc3+ B b×c3 3.f8Q+ B×f8#
1…S×b3 c 2.Se4+ C Ke6 3.Sc5+ S×c5#
1…Sc2 d 2.Ra6+ D Ke7 3.Q×b4+ R×b4,S×b4,B×b4#

1.Qc2! [zz]
1…Rb3 a 2.Qc3+ B b×c3 3.f8Q+ B×f8#
1…R×c2 b 2.Se4+ C Ke6 3.Sc5+ R×c5#
1…Sb3 c 2.Ra6+ D Ke7 3.Qc5+ S×c5#
1…S×c2 d 2.Rd6+ A Kf5 3.Se3+ S×e3#
(1…Bd1~ 2.Qc3+ b×c3 3.f8Q+ B×f8#)
(Read Only)pid=3429
(30) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Tuesday, Jan 17, 2012 23:42]

Frank Müller gave me the source of the famous position (post 15)

G. v. Broeker
Deutsche wochenschach 1891

as cited in an article of Paul Weyl in Deutsche Schachblätter 1914
(Read Only)pid=7805
(31) Posted by Rosie Fay [Saturday, Sep 5, 2020 19:24]

To go back to selfmates involving diagonal duels, here's one I found while seeking long selfmates with no checks before Black's checkmate.

Boris Gelpernas
Schach, Feb 1975, no. 7650
(= 6+6 )


PDB's entry has a solution and a comment by Anton Baumann finding fault with it. If I understand Baumann's comment correctly, the solution is:

1 Qf3 Bd5 2 Qe4 Bc6 3 Qd5 Bb7 4 Qc6 h5
(f3? 5 Qxf3! Be4 6 Ba6 Bd5 7 Qe4 Bc6 8 Qd5 Bb7 9 Qc6 e4 10 Qxe4 Bd5 11.Lc8 Lc6 12.Df3! Le4 13.Lf5 Ld5 14.Lxh7 Lc6 15.Lf5 Kb7 16.Lc8+ Kc7! 17 Qxc6+ Kxc6 18 a8=Q+ Kb5 19 Qe4 h5 20 Bb7 h4 21 Bf2 Ka5 22 Qc4 h3 23 Qc5+ Ka4 24 Qc3 Kb5 25 Qa3 Kc4 26 Qb2 Kd3 27 Qc1 Ke2 28 Qc2+ Kf1 29 Bg2+ hxg2# -- Baumann)
5 Qd5 Bc6 6 Ba6 Bb7 7 Qc6 h4
8 Qd5 Bc6 9 Bc8 Bb7 10 Qc6 h3
11 Qd5 Bc6 12 Ba6 Bb7 13 Qc6 h6
14 Qd5 Bc6 15 Bc8 Bb7 16 Qc6 h5
17 Qd5 Bc6 18 Ba6 Bb7 19 Qc6 h4
20 Qd5 Bc6 21 Bc8 Bb7 22 Qc6 f3 23 Qxf3 Be4 24 Ba6 Bd5 25 Qe4 Bc6 26 Qd5 Bb7 27 Qc6 e4 28 Qxe4 Bd5 29 Bc8 Bc6 30 Qd5 Bb7 31 Qc6 Bxc6
(Read Only)pid=19630
(32) Posted by Andrew Buchanan [Sunday, Sep 6, 2020 09:10]

This is a wonderful thread about a spectacular matrix. The poignant story of Felix Sonnenfeld will resonate with many of us: anticipation is the worst misadventure as it is irrecoverable. Witte's reaction is haunting too... that he decided to let his friend have his moment of public joy, that it would be crueler to confront him at that moment with the truth. But that Sonnenfeld had to press Witte... that is sad. If I was Witte and had waited, I would have told Sonnenfeld as soon as we were alone, maybe. Who knows?

But the threat of anticipation is essential, otherwise we will not seek fresh design space. This all underscores the essential role of comprehensive databases, to avoid the pointless expenditure of time, sweat and tears. For contemporary problems, WinChloe is surely the most authoritative today, and Christian wisely has a principle of going to primary sources.

It just occurs to me that we need an archive of those primary sources themselves. That is probably not hard to establish for recent work, and one can use the databases as indexes into the primary sources. This would allow for anyone in the future to go to the true wellsprings. We are our own anthropologists and mythographers: we should log our primary sources better than we do.

One minor point: PDB has the keyword "Broecker-Schema", with 38 instances currently. However I can't find the theme in WinChloe. Is it present under another name?
(Read Only)pid=19632
(33) Posted by Harry Fougiaxis [Sunday, Sep 6, 2020 12:47]

However I can't find the theme in WinChloe. Is it present under another name?

No, it isn't.
(Read Only)pid=19635

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MatPlus.Net Forum Selfmates The Best Selfmate I Have Ever Seen