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MatPlus.Net Forum Threemovers Evgeny Bourd, 1st Honourable Mention, Israel Ring Tourney 2004 (#3)
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(1) Posted by Uri Avner [Tuesday, Sep 12, 2006 00:54]; edited by Uri Avner [06-09-12]

Evgeny Bourd, 1st Honourable Mention, Israel Ring Tourney 2004 (#3)

I would like to show an imaginative #3 by a young Israeli composer, Evgeny Bourd, published when he was 17. Like any true talent, Evgeny's exceptional capacities were obvious right from the start. Pay attention to this young fellow, who I am sure will continue to amaze us in the future.
Evgeny Bourd
1st Honourable Mention
Israel Ring Tourney 2004
(= 12+12 )


1...Sxd6 2.Rxd6+ Ke5 3.Rd5,Rd7#;
1...Sxe3 2.fxe3+ Ke5 3. Sf7#;
1...Ke5 2.Sexf5+ Kf4 3.Qxg3#.
1.Qf1! (2.Qd3+ Ke5 3.Sf7#);
1...Sxd6 2.Sef5+ Bxf5 3.Rxd6#; 2...Sxf5 3.Qd3#;
1...Sxe3 2.Sdf5+ Bxf5 3.fxe3#; 2...Sxf5 3.Qd3#;
1...Ke5 2.Sf7+ Kd4 3.Qd3#.
[1...Qxc7, Sfe7(g7) 2.Sexf5+, b6>.
The judge (Srećko Radović) wrote:
"Interesting changes with Umnov effects in the solution. The problem would have competed for a first place without the dual in a thematic variation of the set-play."

I must say, that the 3rd move dual does not look very important to me in this case.
(Read Only)pid=40
(2) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Wednesday, Sep 13, 2006 20:30]

Great problem! Good way to go! If I was a judge, I think I would award a prize regardless of dual in set-play I think that this problem is an excellent problem even without set-play.
(Read Only)pid=45
(3) Posted by David Knezevic [Thursday, Sep 28, 2006 13:23]

Whether we like it or not, there is a dual in set play. Also, whether we like it or not, the third move in a threemover IS important. Yes, this is a great mechanism, probably a great problem as well. However, we could agree to tolerate a 'little' dual, but we cannot proclaim that it is not there.

Think about this: In few years what will be the strongest memory about this problem? Mechanism? Not likely, it is so complicated that you will not be able to recall it unless you look at the diagram again. What else? What will be your first association if you think about this problem? Come on, be honest! Of course, a little and insignificant dual!
(Read Only)pid=73
(4) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Tuesday, Oct 10, 2006 23:15]

This is reply to Milan's comment:

Honestly, I think that I will remember matrix more than dual. Even in problem by C.G.S.Narayanan (2PR Strategems 1998) there is a major double dual (four different continuations) after 1...g7! However that did not prevent you to award problem with a 2nd prize. Yes, you are right, whenever I show this problem to someone they do notice a dual. However it's still a great problem that I am never going to forget. If I was a judge I would award prize too. I think that we have to live with duals in some scenarios.
(Read Only)pid=126
(5) Posted by David Knezevic [Tuesday, Oct 10, 2006 23:56]

Misha's statement concerning "duals" after 1... Bg7 in Narayanan's threemover can lead us to the discussion about the semantics of (black) correction. The duals exist if we put it out of context, while the truth is that 1... Bg7 is NOT DEFENCE AT ALL, since it does not do anything against the secondary threat (in simple words, it does not guard against 2.ab4). Only bishop's moves which compensate for secondary weakness are relevant, all other have already been tried with 1... B~ !!

Perhaps a twice better argument would be to take the move 1...Rh5 after which there is not 4, but no less than 8 possible white continuations (including the threat 2.dc3+, but this does not matter if we look for an argument in our favour?) And stupid judge (myself!) still awarded it with second prize ;-)

It was not my intention to polemize on this pages. But if somebody expresses the opinion about a chess problem, and gets back the opinion about himself he must strike back :(((((
(Read Only)pid=127
(6) Posted by Evgeni Bourd [Thursday, Oct 12, 2006 22:19]

I would definatly place this problem higher :)

(Read Only)pid=134
(7) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Sunday, May 9, 2010 13:59]

can't see any diagram. would enjoy it more, as setting it up too time-consuming.
(Read Only)pid=5346
(8) Posted by Administrator [Sunday, May 9, 2010 17:56]

can't see any diagram...

Some of early posts in this Forum may not be rendered 100% correctly after the subsequently made changes in the software, like disabling the embeded HTML code in posts (as is the case with this one). A small patch has been done to fix this problem - and hopefully not cause a new one :-)
(Read Only)pid=5350
(9) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Monday, May 10, 2010 08:12]

thanks for the prompt repair. I understand the problem u are facing. I find many of the old forum discussions very interesting and educative. thank u all.
This youngster has obvious talent. A wonderful problem, surely deserves a prize.
(Read Only)pid=5354
(10) Posted by Kevin Begley [Monday, May 10, 2010 09:17]

I've seen a few problems by Evgeny...
But, until I read this post, in my mind, he was 40+ years old.
So, congratulations to him for his youth. :-)
(Read Only)pid=5355
(11) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Wednesday, Mar 4, 2015 20:30]

Happy to receive and publish an interesting problem of this young talented composer in, where I am now the co-editor.

Another equally interesting one will be published soon!
(Read Only)pid=13279
(12) Posted by Branislav Djurašević [Thursday, Mar 5, 2015 17:20]; edited by Branislav Djurašević [15-03-06]

Did anybody notice that in the meantime this problem had been published in the Album FIDE 2004-2006, with a total of 8 points. Only H.P.Rehm as one of the judges, gave the mark of 3,5! Big satisfaction for the author.
(Read Only)pid=13282
(13) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Thursday, Mar 5, 2015 18:03]

Good. Deserving problem for the FIDE Album!
(Read Only)pid=13283

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MatPlus.Net Forum Threemovers Evgeny Bourd, 1st Honourable Mention, Israel Ring Tourney 2004 (#3)