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MatPlus.Net Forum WFCC Projects Few ideas to increase the popularity of solving competitions
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(21) Posted by Kevin Begley [Friday, Sep 1, 2023 01:10]


I think a player should be proud to have the CM title, and I think solvers should as well.
I really can't speak as a competitive solver (too slow, too weak), but your idea seemed well reasoned to me.
In fact, FIDE should have thought of this themselves -- as this idea is sure to gain them some revenue (in fact, they should invest some of that revenue into a campaign which brings the CM the respect it deserves).

I mean both points sincerely.
1) this would be a wise investment for FIDE, and (more importantly),
2) that level of achievement in a competitive sport should be properly respected.

That said, I still would bet most OTB players who are eligible do not apply for it.
Either they generally prefer NM to CM, or they don't want to be seen paying for a title.

And, extending that point, I don't see how this title motivates new composers (my real point -- I don't believe titles from an art contest can ever have parity with titles from a sport, even if I fully agree that great composers deserve some form of recognition for their great contributions).

Plus, if a young person is interested in gaining a quick chess title, and they decide composing is the best option, are they really going to wait several years before they can even send their problem to the album?

Nope. And even if they do wait, they will need years of experience before they even begin to understand which types of problems the Album Judges will value.
Now, they are composing some genre they don't even love, because, hey, I want that fast CM title.

The CM composing title is the wrong bait entirely.

1) There's no recognition of their mastery if they need to submit their own problems for consideration, and
2) Where is the CM Composer title even going to be displayed? This is not something that appears in the FIDE ratings lists (for OTB players and for Solvers).
Should FIDE furnish name tags ("Hi, I'm Candidate Master Kim Poser")? Who will see them?
Should titles be displayed above every problem composed?
Even if I earned a title, even if I would allow myself to accept a title, I would object such a display. It's a vulgar thing for an artist to sign their work with a title.
On the other hand, if titles mean something, why not display them above the problems?

In sporting contests, titles draw exactly the kind of competitive people you want, and the sporting contests are a perfect for those people. This is perfect harmony.
In an artform, you're better off pursuing the kind of people who have lost all interest in the competitive aspect of chess -- chess players looking for some enduring meaning in an artistic framework.
The composing community has long been looking to attract competitive chess players, and they never seem to understand why this is a losing strategy.
Can you picture Djokovic, Federer, Nadal, living in an artist colony? No. Deduct 100 master class points if you even tried.
Composers should not be seeking competitors, they should be seeking colleagues to join an artist community.

Plus, ask yourself: what interest has a CM, or FM, or IM in composing jointly with a rookie?
They are going to do most of the work, and receive half the points.

The best way to grow interest in our artform is to encourage skilled composers to make more joint problems with newcomers.
In a competitive sport, titles drive competition, and we all can enjoy the spectacle of this rivalry (it drives greatness).
In an artform, the last thing you want is to create an environment of hierarchy and division.

Last point...
Nobody should pay for a title, under any circumstances. Never.
FIDE should never use their titles (which are ever expanding) as a revenue device. This practice undermines the value of every title they award (in the same way the necessity of submission undermines all composing titles).
FIDE should extract these revenues (which pay for these titles) in small amounts from every player who goes to a tournament seeking a title.
FIDE should FREELY provide every title earned -- that is how you recognize and appreciate people.

If you want to see the CM title in solving tournaments, and you want it to mean something, make sure FIDE doesn't charge the beneficiary a penny for it.
Take the cash out of the Cash Master title, and competitors will line up for a chance to claim that title.
Moreover, when they earn it, they will feel the appreciation they deserve. And they will be more encouraged to line up to fight for a higher title.
(Read Only)pid=25209
(22) Posted by Hauke Reddmann [Friday, Sep 1, 2023 08:35]

Kevin, oh Kevin, now you are responsible for my brain cinema
playing John Lennon singing "Imagine there's no FIDE revenues" :-)

(Which, in no way as the unpopularity of CM title, diminishes the
point of our original thread starter: Yes, popularity of solving
competitions should be increased. I tried to establish one in
Hamburg...and failed miserably.)
(Read Only)pid=25211
(23) Posted by Frank Richter [Friday, Sep 1, 2023 13:24]

Perhaps national classes or norms are also an option? In the GDR we had something like that in OTB chess, starting at class 5 ("Leistungsklasse"), continuing from 4 to 1 and then "Meisteranwärter" (master candidates) and "Meister" (masters). This could be an interesting target for new and experienced solvers.
(Read Only)pid=25212
(24) Posted by Kevin Begley [Friday, Sep 1, 2023 14:02]


Instant karma is gonna get you for that misattribution (If you see the walrus, run for your life).
I never said FIDE should operate without any revenues.

That's probably not the Beatles playing in your head. Sounds more like the Buggles are on repeat there. It's a common mistake.

I plainly said that the FIDE revenues should be gathered on the frontend (anyone participating in any tournament which has any prospect to advance their goal of EARNING a title should expect to pay a small fee, which will cover FIDE's operating costs, so that those who EARN a valid title might freely receive it).

Valid titles are not bought, they are earned.
If the winners must buy their own trophies, they won what exactly? They won only the right to buy themselves a worthless souvenir.

No real winner would accept paying for something they will claim to have earned/won.
How would Mike Tyson react if Don King tried to rent him the belt he just won by a second-round knockout?
Don King was way too shrewd to disrespect the champions of his game. So, why do chess champions let FIDE get away with this behavior?

Is FIDE awarding valid titles, or are they a monopoly peddler of some class ring (which the buyer will never wear)?
Rule of thumb: don't pay good money to carry around the burden of a reminder that you learned too little in school to understand that a class ring holds no real value.

Worse, consider how this backend revenue encourages your federation to behave?
They suddenly discover it is profitable to create MORE titles (MORE MONEY) and to welcome MORE rating inflation (more people qualify for titles, cha-ching).
This incentive toward corruption is perilous (once your sporting federation starts down this path, the game is lost).

This harms the game/sport/artform you claim to care about.

ps: next time you want to give John Lennon a bad rap, be prepared to answer the question asked by Chris Cornell's cover of Elvis Costello.
(Read Only)pid=25213
(25) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Saturday, Sep 2, 2023 18:07]

Totally agree with Kevin. FIDE charging for awarding titled is a horrible practice.

Luckily the composing or solving titles do no suffer from this ignonimity. They are given based on specific achievements.

To popularise solving tourneys more should be held during OTB championships. This is the desirable coordination with FIDE.

Allowing more solvers in World championships or Europian is a no-brainer. There won't be 1000 entries since everyone has to register in advance and pay a registration.
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MatPlus.Net Forum WFCC Projects Few ideas to increase the popularity of solving competitions