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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions The Tenth Belgrade Problem Chess Festival
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(1) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Saturday, Feb 15, 2014 18:14]

The Tenth Belgrade Problem Chess Festival

All available info is now in the Headlines section, as well as here:
Schedule, Accommodation:
BIT 2014 Announcement:
We hope to see you, and your compositions, in Belgrade, April 4th-6th!
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(2) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Wednesday, Feb 19, 2014 19:25]; edited by Marjan Kovačević [14-02-20]

There are four important updates:
1. A cheaper transfer from Airport to Hotel “Slavija” – Mini Bus A1 – 300 dinars (3 euro).
2. Saturday visit to “Nikola Tesla” Museum.
3. First mini-lecture announced – Michel Caillaud: “A masterpiece by Wolfgang Dittmann”.
4. A map with all related destinations.

See updates:
Schedule, Accommodation:
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(3) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Saturday, Mar 1, 2014 14:17]; edited by Marjan Kovačević [14-03-01]

On April 4 (20h), Dinu-Ioan Nicula will join the BPCF jubilee with his 10th BPCF mini lecture.
Dinu has been researching interesting and often dramatic life stories from the history of Romanian chess composition. Each BPCF presented some of them.
This time, we shall hear the story "Leon Loewenton - Giving check to Gestapo". It is occasioned by the 50th commemoration of Loewenton's death and inspired by his book of memories from the French Resistance, issued at Bucharest in 1944 under the title "Tracked by Gestapo/Urmariti de Gestapo"
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(4) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Sunday, Mar 2, 2014 08:18]; edited by Miodrag Mladenović [14-03-02]

I have question about "Group C". All samples do have 3 solutions and I did compose problem with three solutions. But today when I opened tournament announcement I noticed that two solutions are required. Is this mistake in announcement or there should be two solutions only? But then the question is why all samples do have three solutions?
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(5) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Sunday, Mar 2, 2014 12:09]; edited by Marjan Kovačević [14-03-02]

Thanks for noting the mistake!
The tourney is for ser-h#3, 3 solutions, as indicated by all 12 examples!
The initial idea was h#3, 2 solutions, but we gave it up as too difficult for solving in 2 hours. There was no mistake in the first announcement, but after an update the old stipulation came out! Sorry!
The announcement is corrected now.
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(6) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Tuesday, Mar 25, 2014 01:49]

Today is the last day to register for the 10th BPCF, and to send your entries for the BIT 2014.
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(7) Posted by Darko Šaljić [Saturday, Mar 29, 2014 20:42]

BIT 2014 participants:

Aleksandr Bulavka (in 1 group)
Aleksandr Semenenko (1)
Borislav Gađanski (1)
Branislav Đurašević (1)
Daniel Wirajaya (1)
Dean Miletić (1)
Dieter Müller (1)
Dragan Stojnić (3)
Emanuel Navon (1)
Paz Einat (2)
Evgeni Bourd (1)
Franz Pachl (1)
Ilija Serafimović (1)
Ingemar Lind (2)
Ivo Tominić (3)
Jorma Paavilainen(1)
Marko Filipović(1)
Marko Klasinc (1)
Marko Ložajić (1)
Menachem Witztum(2)
Michel Caillaud (2)
Mihajlo Milanović (2)
Mihajlo Savić (1)
Milomir Babić (1)
Miodrag Mladenović (2)
Miodrag Radomirović (2)
Nebojša B.Joksimović (1)
Nikola Predrag (2)
Nikola Stolev (2)
Radomir Nikitović (1)
Ralf Krätschmer (1)
Robert Burger (1)
Slobodan Šaletić (1)
Srećko Radović (3)
Valery Semenenko (1)
Valery Shanshin (1)
Zoran Sibinović (1)
Zvonimir Hernitz (1)
Živko Janevski (2)

Thank you all!!
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(8) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Monday, Mar 31, 2014 14:04]

Most of the great names are there. Wish I could be there! Wish the meeting a great success!
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(9) Posted by Administrator [Monday, Apr 7, 2014 09:13]

Open International Championship of Serbia - Results

All problems & solutions
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(10) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Monday, Apr 7, 2014 09:51]

Congrats to Michel Caillaud for winning with a perfect score in a strong field!
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(11) Posted by Branislav Djurašević [Tuesday, Apr 8, 2014 08:56]; edited by Branislav Djurašević [14-04-08]

Dejan Glisic from Zagreb put on his blog the photo of winners from Solving Championship. Please visit:
Thank you Dejan.
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(12) Posted by Dejan Glisić [Tuesday, Apr 8, 2014 13:37]; edited by Dejan Glisić [14-04-08]

Thank you for photos, Branislav :-)

Unfortunately, I had to cut Marjan Kovačević, sorry Marjan ...
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(13) Posted by Branislav Djurašević [Wednesday, Apr 9, 2014 13:01]

It is not fair, just on Marjan's birthday. I am joking!
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(14) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Friday, Apr 25, 2014 23:42]; edited by Marjan Kovačević [14-04-26]

The complete Bulletin is in the Mat Plus DL Archive now:
What about – you may see from the introduction:

"Early April brought us some rain, some novelties and a very good company. The standard program was extended to three composing tourneys, and two solving competitions, thanks to the experimental Composing/Solving/Judging event. We were happy to see two distinguished new participants, Jorma Paavilainen and Aleksandr Bulavka, as well as successful come-back of Michel Caillaud, who went unbeaten in the Open Solving Championship of Serbia, with the perfect score. It was his second appearance and the second win – the only reason to prevent Marko Filipović winning three times in a row. Still, Marko won the other solving event, with another perfect score, and was motivated to try his composing skills in the tensed race for Overall Winner. At the end, this title belonged to Miodrag Mladenović, equally successful in 4 out of 5 competitions. The winners of composing tourneys were Valery Shanshin, Dragan Stojnić, and Borislav Gadjanski.
The organizers’ proud was to have five domestic juniors in the field. Among them, Dragan Čiča (18) and Živojin Perović (14) were best in the main solving event, while Marko Ložajić (15), Mihailo Savić (13) and Ilija Serafimović (10) successfully took part in both solving and composing.
There were some Mini Lectures, and some more “Mini-Mini” Lectures. Dinu-Ioan Nicula, the only foreign participant of all 10 Belgrade Festivals, took risk of being late on Romanian Youth Chess Championship (as the jude), to keep the tradition of his lectures. We heard the touching story "Leon Loewenton - giving check to Gestapo", occasioned by the 50th commemoration of Loewenton's death. Lecture was inspired by his book of memories from the French Resistance, issued at Bucharest in 1944 under the title "Tracked by Gestapo/Urmariti de Gestapo". The other highlight was a tribute to the recently passed away Wolfgang Dittmann and his work in retro analysis, by Michel Caillaud. Siegfried Hornecker sent us his study-greeting to be presented, and it made quite an effect on the audience.
Many people participated in the organization, run by the Serbian Problem Chess Society, and we could mention only some of them. Professor Miloš Nedeljković offered a large solving hall in the Faculty of mechanical engineering. The “Beograd” Chess Club, and its president Aca Milićević were traditional hosts of other events. Gligor and Ivan Denkovski were solving judges again, with a solvers-friendly selection. Gligor couldn’t come to Belgrade, but there was Borislav Ilinčić to help Ivan. Composing tourneys were conducted and judged by Borislav Gadjanski and Marjan Kovačević, with Darko Šaljić as the neutral judge. Branislav Djurašević organized another excursion – a visit to the “Nikola Tesla” Museum. Last but not least, the master of social activities was Milomir Babić, with his self-prepared (strong) drinks and food. We hope this year was a good enough announcement for the 11th BPCF 2015."
See you next spring!
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(15) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Friday, May 2, 2014 13:22]

Added a correction of introductory notes:
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(16) Posted by Nikola Predrag [Friday, May 2, 2014 15:02]; edited by Nikola Predrag [14-05-02]

I wonder what happened with the appeal about one solution of ser-h#3:
4th Pl. N.B.Joksimović
1.Bf2 2.Ke3 3.Qd4 Sd5#
Preliminary, 1 point was given only if the mate was written as 1... Sfd5#, although wSb4 is pinned and it can't be played 1... Sbd5+?? (4.Kxd3).
The scores in the final table show that the solution written in the same way as it is written (now officially) under the diagram, does not deserve 1 point. Or perhaps, there's some other explanation.

But that is not important, I'm grateful for such a rich event with wonderful atmosphere, perfectly and warmly organized.
And as always, my sincerest congratulations to all participants and of course to all organizers.
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(17) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Friday, May 2, 2014 16:08]

Nikola, we noticed the mistake and corrected it on the score sheets.
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(18) Posted by Administrator [Tuesday, May 27, 2014 12:32]

Photo Gallery - by Nikola Stolev
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(19) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Tuesday, May 27, 2014 16:18]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [14-05-27]

I remember vividly the room where you hold the lectures and ceremony, but the solving itself was in a different building? The entrance photo also looks not like what I remember. :-)

Also, what is the position on this man's shirt (maybe some database search can find it)? Apologies, I don't know his name. If he reads this, I'd be interested in the story why he had printed the position on it.
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(20) Posted by Jorma Paavilainen [Tuesday, May 27, 2014 18:06]

Dear Siegfried,

this handsome devil, whoever he is, has dared to print my first published composition on his T-shirt:)

JP, Satakunnan Kansa 1975
Kh2 Qe7 Ra4 Ba2 b8 Sf2 pg2 h5 h6 - Kf5 Rb3 Bd2 Sc1 pb6 c3 e6 f4 h7
- three changed mates
- I do not yet know how to make diagrams, sorry for that

About Belgrade: the solving venue was indeed not the club where the meetings were held, but a very nice and spacious hall at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
All in all, the event was well organised and I am sure to return there next year. Hope to see you and other problemists there.

Br, Jorma P
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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions The Tenth Belgrade Problem Chess Festival