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(21) Posted by Michael McDowell [Tuesday, May 30, 2017 15:09]

Gennady Chumakov
4th HM Belgrade Internet Tourney 2017

(= 4+5 )

H#2 (2 solutions)

1.Rc1 Rb3 2.Rc3 Rb4
1.b5 Rxd5 2.Rf3 Rd3

A bishop has been used to guard b4 and c5 in order to justify using a knight at d5. Replace the bishop with a white knight at a6, and d5 can become a black pawn. Of course then there is no pin-mate, and the e6 bishop is exposed as redundant in one solution.

It seems highly dubious to me.
(Read Only)pid=15489
(22) Posted by Nikola Predrag [Tuesday, May 30, 2017 17:48]

Yes Misha, but Jacques's version with the suggested bPd6 and bBh2 would make 3rd Prize thematic. As it is, 1...Re6xf6 is crucial as annihilation of the mate-preventing black officer. This is not a motivation for a helpmate.
But I see, that's where it all goes, we don't even need the word "subtlety".
(Read Only)pid=15491
(23) Posted by Vitaly Medintsev [Tuesday, May 30, 2017 19:48]; edited by Vitaly Medintsev [17-05-30]

#@ Misha

Thank you for the explanation, now I know the reason "why".

>>I could accept them only if there is no other way to make correct problem but adding them.

I would like to take a look at correct problem without those WSs in my matrix :-)
(Read Only)pid=15492
(24) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Tuesday, May 30, 2017 21:03]; edited by seetharaman kalyan [17-05-30]

S.K.Bala points out that the 5th Hm Yuri Bilokin is unthematic, as in both solutions it is black which open lines for white. With such a short time for judging, very easy to miss such misentries.
(Read Only)pid=15494
(25) Posted by Administrator [Wednesday, May 31, 2017 00:31]

Mr. S. K. Bala asked to publish his comment:

"Yuri Bilokin's 5th HM should be disqualified as it does not satisfy the theme. The theme requires both "White-Black + Black-White form of the Klasinc theme". But in Yuri's problem both solutions are only B-W Klasinc.·
I feel it is not easy to show the theme requirements using same duos and this point must be given appropriate credits. In my opinion Gennady Chumakov's 4th HM (uses wR/bR duo), Fadil Abdurahmanovic's 5th Commend (wB/bB duo) and Marko Klasinc's 6th Commend (wR/wB duo) which use the same duos as thematic pieces should be very highly placed as compared to many other problems.
Similarly, problems with minor promotions are to be credited and Michel Calliaud's, K.Chandrasekaran's & Pietro Pitton's 1-3rd HM problems deserve higher credits than they have been awarded.I hope my views may be taken sportingly."
(Read Only)pid=15495
(26) Posted by Administrator [Wednesday, May 31, 2017 01:07]

Belgrade Internet Tourneys 2017

Group C – HS#Max2.5 – Award:
(Read Only)pid=15496
(27) Posted by Evgeni Bourd [Wednesday, May 31, 2017 01:28]

Great award!
So many good problems... and everything looks original!
I liked the funny comment to the last place :)
(Read Only)pid=15497
(28) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Wednesday, May 31, 2017 08:35]

@ Post (24):

I made a terrible mistake. The 5th HM is non-thematic and I asked Bora to remove it from the award. I apologize for this mistake. Yes, it was too short amount of time for the award.
(Read Only)pid=15498
(29) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Wednesday, May 31, 2017 09:16]

@Nikola (22)
It's true that moving BB to h2 and adding bPd6 would be nice to do and would be better solution. However I do not know if it's possible to make correct position. The problem is that then BR has to be placed on c3 instead of BP (otherwise there is a cook where WR captures Queen then BP plays on c6 and Rxc6).

By the way at first I was thinking to rank first all problems without capturing. But then when I analyzed little bit positions it turned out that it's not necessary better to have problems without capturing. Like for example is it better to add gazillion of black pieces to prevent moves by black thematic piece that is opening white line or to add one WP and have annihilation move. There are many positions where basically there is no difference in solutions but there are many black cook stopper pieces just to avoid capturing.

Let's illustrate this. Let's you have WB f1 that will play in solution f1-h3-d7# . Then there is a BR on g2. Now you can have WP on g4 and then allow solution like 1.Rxg4 Bh3 2.Rg2 Bd7# (let's assume that reasoning for playing 2.Rg2 is obvious like for example intercepting BBh1). That is the option with capturing. Now instead of WPg4 you could place BBg1, BPf2 and BPg3 to avoid capturing. Now the solution would be 1.Rh2 Bh3 2.Rg2 Bd7#. There are two pieces more and solutions are almost identical. And on the other hand it looks to me even better solution with anihilation of WPg4 because now there are two line openings by BR to WB.

By the way there were gazillion of problems where WS unpins BR without capturing, then BR (or BQ) blocks the square or closes some other black line and then there is a switchback mate by WS. It looks to me like this is very easy to achieve in H#2. If I went that way to place no capturing move problems at the top there would be very boring award with many similar problems.

So I made decision to analyze all problems and ranked them based on my personal feeling what was harder to achieve and what are nicer solutions.

Once, again it was very short amount of time to make an award so it's very possible that I did make some mistakes like fro 5th HM where I missed to notice that it's non thematic problem. I did eliminate three other problems due to same reason but somehow WPb2 tricked me and I missed this one.
(Read Only)pid=15499
(30) Posted by ichai [Wednesday, May 31, 2017 23:10]; edited by ichai [17-06-01]

nice results, nice judgement, thank you for all.
(Read Only)pid=15501
(31) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Wednesday, May 31, 2017 23:22]

@ Miodrag

the following diagram is a correct version :

Daniel Papack
3rd Prize
version bis
(= 6+11 )


1.B×b3 Rb6 2.c5 Rc6‡
1.R×c6 Bd5 2.Rc4 Bb7‡

Yes it is a quite challenging and difficult task to judge such a tournament in such a short time!

However, I take the opportunity to show and discuss my entry :

Jacques Rotenberg
2nd commended
(= 6+13 )

1.Rg4 R×h3 2.Rg3 R×h1‡
1.Qc1 R×e2 2.Rd3 Re3‡

1.Bb2 Rb3 2.Bc3 R×b1‡

I felt very happy with this
in the first two solutions you have a complete geometrical correspondence between the moves of the white and the black thematic rooks :

1.Rg4 2.Rg3 corresponds with 1...R×e2 2...Re3‡ in opposite directions
1...R×h3 corresponds with 2.Rd3 in opposite directions

I think that in a normal tourney I would choose to show these two solutions only
now, because of the thematic stipulation, I put also the 3rd solution that invited itself at very low cost (+3 pieces all in all)

also the first move of the white rook played in 3 directions seemed to me a good feature

Was I right ? I still don't know.
(Read Only)pid=15502
(32) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Thursday, Jun 1, 2017 08:28]

About 3rd Prize
I still like the most my version of this problem that I recommended in the award:
(= 3+10 )

i) 1.Bxb2 Rxe6 2.d5 Rd6#
ii) 1.Qxd6 Be5 2.Qd4 Bxc7#

It's true that in your version solution with Rd6# is better. However I still think there is no justification to use two WSs to guard two squares and prevent cooks.
(Read Only)pid=15504
(33) Posted by ichai [Thursday, Jun 1, 2017 09:22]; edited by ichai [17-06-01]

In this version, the fact that you have only the thematic white pieces on the board enhances the value of the Zilahi theme.

About model mates : it seems that some composers don't care at all!...
(Read Only)pid=15505
(34) Posted by Nikola Predrag [Thursday, Jun 1, 2017 09:23]

1...Rxe6 ruins the theme and the problem. So, 2 wSs (even promoted pieces or whatever else) is better if the theme is preserved.
It is not about the capture but about the motivation for the capture.
(Read Only)pid=15506
(35) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Thursday, Jun 1, 2017 13:38]

defects are to be appreciated in balance...
to say that the capture of the bishop 'ruins' the idea seems too much.

about my post (31)

the same black/white echo can be found also here - in diagonal form :

Fadil Abdurahmanovic
5th commended
(= 5+11 )

1.b3 B×c4 2.Bc2 Bd3‡
1.B×g4 Bg6 2.Bf5 Be8‡
(Read Only)pid=15508
(36) Posted by Nikola Predrag [Thursday, Jun 1, 2017 17:06]

in help-play, the pieces help each other to play and to achieve/lose some useful/harmful function. A capture itself is trivial but the motivation could be brutal or gentle.

In 5th commendation, 1...Bxc4 is a gentle removal of an essentially irrelevant kind of object from 2 lines (d3-b5 & g4-a4).

In 3rd Prize, 1...Rxf6 is a brutal killing of an essentially relevant guardian.
After the killing and the switchback, you try to sell me an euphemism about the Klasinc-motivation.
(Read Only)pid=15510
(37) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Friday, Jun 2, 2017 02:21]

another interesting problem with reciprocal gate opening stunned me
I first thought not to be possible to obtain a reciprocal gate opening between rook and bishop, but...

Marko Klasinc
6th commended
(= 7+11 )


1.B×b4 Rb3 2.Bc3 R×b5‡
1.B×d2 R×e6 2.Bg5 Re3‡

so here, the move 1.Bxd2 has to be seen as fully thematic!

here also some small changes may improve :

Marko Klasinc
6th commended
(= 7+10 )


1.Ba4 Ra3 2.Bb3 R×a5‡
1.B×c2 R×d6 2.Bf5 Rd3‡
(Read Only)pid=15512
(38) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Friday, Jun 2, 2017 07:32]; edited by Miodrag Mladenović [17-06-02]

There is even a better version of Marko's problem without capturing of BR on a5:
(= 5+12 )

1.Bb4 Rb3 2.Bc3 Rb5#
1.Bxd2 Rxe6 2.Bg5 Re3#

Instead of BBf6 it's possible to place WPg5. However I prefer BBf6 vs WPg5. I do not know why, but I prefer economy of white pieces in helpmate problems.

I must admit that I did make mistake because I did not rank this problem at higher position. I did not have time to analyze problems enough. This is the last time that I accepted to be a judge in such short amount of time.
(Read Only)pid=15513
(39) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Friday, Jun 2, 2017 09:31]; edited by Jacques Rotenberg [17-06-02]

yes, even like that :

(= 7+9 )

or like this :

(= 7+9 )

(Read Only)pid=15514
(40) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Friday, Jun 2, 2017 09:42]; edited by Jacques Rotenberg [17-06-02]

About the judgement as a whole, look :

Time is short, composers often don't find the really best way to build their problem and judges either may miss some points

But these quick tournaments are entertaining, there is a kind of responsibility to accept these kind of work.

For me, judging, even with more time is a very unpleasant task, however, it has to be done.
(Read Only)pid=15515

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MatPlus.Net Forum Competitions BIT 2017 Clarification