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MatPlus.Net Forum General Alexandre Pikulik
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(1) Posted by Geoff Foster [Saturday, May 25, 2013 03:17]

Alexandre Pikulik

Alexandre Vasilievich Pikulik (born 1933) was a Soviet composer (from Belarus?). WinChloe and the PDB contain 15 of his direct-mate miniatures (taken from the Zuncke/Bruder miniatures collection), but neither database has anything else by him. I believe that the Harold van der Heijden database contains 4 of his studies. Can anyone supply biographical information or any problems/studies that are not in WinChloe or the PDB?
(Read Only)pid=10509
(2) Posted by Neal Turner [Saturday, May 25, 2013 09:31]

The 2004 Belarus collection has 3 examples by him.

Shakhmaty v SSSR 1962
(= 10+9 )

Shakhmaty v SSSR 1969
(= 9+5 )

AP + H.Afanasev
2-3 place 3rd USSR team Ch. 1960
(= 5+4 )
(Read Only)pid=10510
(3) Posted by Mario Richter [Saturday, May 25, 2013 09:33]

You can find some biographical information plus some of his problems in the book "Shakhmatnaya Kompozitsiya v Belorussii" (Chess Composition in Byelorussia), Minsk, 1981 (DJVU-file available at p.63 + p.129)
(Read Only)pid=10511
(4) Posted by Geoff Foster [Friday, May 31, 2013 05:39]

Many thanks Mario and Neal! I've managed to open the DJVU file, but I can't select text. Could someone please translate the biography on the top of page 63, or else paste the Russian text here, so that I can use an online translator?
(Read Only)pid=10531
(5) Posted by Joost de Heer [Friday, May 31, 2013 07:48]; edited by Joost de Heer [13-05-31]

With Irfan OCR:

Page 63:
А. в. пикУЛИК
Александр Васильевнч Пнкулик родился в 1933 году в Минской области,
Шахматной композицией начал заннматься в 1958 году. Творческий диапа-
30Н А. Пнкулнка велик: он составляет задачн, этюды, значнтельное внимание
уделяет шашечной композицнн. Опублнковал около 140 задач, пренмущест~
веино двухходовых, н 15 этюдов, получнл более 20 отличнй на конкурсах.
(Read Only)pid=10532
(6) Posted by Geoff Foster [Friday, May 31, 2013 10:18]

Thanks Joost! From this it seems that he was born in 1933 in Minsk region and his chess composition began in 1958. He had about 140 problems/studies published (about 15 studies), with more than 20 awards. For more I need a Russian speaker!
(Read Only)pid=10533
(7) Posted by Nikola Predrag [Friday, May 31, 2013 16:00]; edited by Nikola Predrag [13-05-31]

I'm not a good Russian speaker, as a first aid it should be mentioned that several typos in Joost's post disable the online translating. Letters и(i) and н(n) appeared confusable. A rough correction:

Александр Васильевич Пикулик родился в 1933 году в Минской области, культпросветработник. Шахматной композицией начал заниматься в 1958 году. Творческий диапазон А. Пикулика велик: он составляет задачи, этюды, значительное внимание уделяет шашечной композиции. Опубликовал около 140 задач, преимущественно двухходовых, и 15 этюдов, получил более 20 отличий на конкурсах.

Pikulik Alexander was born in 1933 in the Minsk region, cultural-educational-worker. Chess composition started in 1958. A creative range of Pikulik is great: he composes problems, studies, pays great attention to checkers composition. Published about 140 problems, mostly twomovers, and 15 studies, has received more than 20 distinctions in the tourneys.
(Read Only)pid=10534

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MatPlus.Net Forum General Alexandre Pikulik