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MatPlus.Net Forum General Where can I find these mentioned chess problems?
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(1) Posted by James Malcom [Monday, Jun 10, 2019 22:50]; edited by James Malcom [19-06-10]

Where can I find these mentioned chess problems?

As I asked on Chess Stack Exchange with no answer, I quote my entire question:

"In his article on The Horse Concoction:, Tim Krabbe mentions retrograde analysis questions that center around checkmate and involve 10 rooks, knights, and bishops. The 10 rooks problem is one that he shows. [It can also be found here on CSE:

However, he does not show the problems with 10 bishops and 10 knights by Dane Henrik Juel and the Dutchman Guus Rol, although who made which is unclear. I suspect that is goes respectively though. My question is this: can these by found somewhere online? I would like to take a look at them, out of curiosity and so I can learn more about retrograde analysis.

This is the exact quote from the article that contains the aforementioned information. As far as I can tell, the problems revolve around checkmate, to reiterate:

"In the last few years this old idea, where all the pawns of one or even both sides promote to one kind of piece, had been taken up again by the Dane Henrik Juel and the Dutchman Guus Rol - first with Bishops, then with Knights. And when Goldsteen saw Rol's latest version of an earlier composition by Juel, something unusual happened to him: he was jealous. He was just pissed off that he hadn't thought of Juel's and Rol's ten-knight problem (add ten black Knights to a given position so that White can mate in 1."

Can anyone find these problems?

Also, where can I find the eightfold rook/knight promotion problem made by André Chéron?

ChessBase says it's rook promtion:

While ChessProblem says knights:

Which one is correct, and can the problem be found?

I've already searched through the Schwalbe and yacpdb. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough. Do any other chess problem databases exists out there that I do not know of, of which I can use?

I would appreciate any attempts to find any of these problems.

-Rewan Demontay
(Read Only)pid=17465
(2) Posted by Bojan Basic [Tuesday, Jun 11, 2019 02:07]

You are probably asking for this problem:

Henrik Juel
Probleemblad 01/1999
(= 11+1 )
Add a king and 9 black knights for #1

The following problem is similar (in a way):

Henrik Juel
Probleemblad 05/1997
(= 11+10 )
Add a mating bishop
(Read Only)pid=17466
(3) Posted by James Malcom [Tuesday, Jun 11, 2019 04:47]

Thank you very much Bojan!

Now let's wait and see if anyone produces the third problem, the Cheron one, that I'm looking for.

Also, do you have any links or information as to where you found these online?
(Read Only)pid=17467
(4) Posted by Bojan Basic [Tuesday, Jun 11, 2019 09:52]

Here is the one by Chéron.

André Chéron
Journal de Genève, 1964
(= 11+9 )

I do not know whether these problems can be found online, but some solving programs, like WinChloe or Alybadix, come with large collections of problems, so I could recommend getting those.
(Read Only)pid=17470
(5) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Tuesday, Jun 11, 2019 10:56]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [19-06-11]

Only for the sake of completeness.
(= 12+9 )

Deutsche Schachzeitung 1908
White wins

(multiple cooks)

(= 12+12 )

Schach-Echo 1983
White wins

The solutions should be easy to find. Rolf Richter's achievement is to bring the promotions in order from h- to a- pawn (so technically from a- to h-pawn, as the board could just be mirrored for that).

My farvorite pawn endgame study composer used the pawn setup for another unrelated theme, which is attached for a smile.

(= 14+9 )

Mikhail Zinar
Olympic Tourney Sotschi 2014, special commendation

1.b:a8R! Sh4 2.g:h8R! Sf5.

(Read Only)pid=17471
(6) Posted by James Malcom [Tuesday, Jun 11, 2019 15:13]

Oh. Silly me. I already had that knight one over here on Matplus:

The Youtbube video:

It's version of the puzzle:

(= 11+13 )

The version I have from the video seems to be a variation of the original problem that someone added in. I wonder who.
(Read Only)pid=17473
(7) Posted by James Malcom [Tuesday, Jun 11, 2019 15:20]

Also, does anyone have a scan or something of "Feenschach" 51, 07-09/1980, S. 424"? That's the source that Hauke Reddmann gave to me for his answer to this CSE question:

He suggested that I ask on Matplus to see if anyone has a scan.

Karl Scherer-18-Ply Only One Legal Move Sequence

(= 12+11 )

1. Qxh2+ Rxh2+ 2. Bxh2+ Rxh2+ 3. Qxh2+ Rxh2+ 4. Qxh2+ Rxh2+ 5. Qxh2+ Rxh2+ 6. Qxh2+ Rxh2+ 7. Rxh2 g4+ 8. Rxg4+ hxg4+ 9. Kxg4 Kxh2
(Read Only)pid=17474
(8) Posted by Frank Richter [Tuesday, Jun 11, 2019 15:30]

For feenschach look here:

(Read Only)pid=17475
(9) Posted by James Malcom [Tuesday, Jun 11, 2019 19:54]; edited by James Malcom [19-06-11]

Thank you so much Frank! I found it in there on Page 13.

I also plugged in Karl Scherer's name into Schwalbe and found it there. The ID# is P1303797.

If it works, here's a link to the search:

It says that the problem had appeared four years before it's 1980 Feensnach appearance in 493 Journal of Recreational Mathematics 9:2, p. 130-131, 1975-1976.

It seems that Karl's position is the one record for the longest sequence of mutual only one legal move with promoted pieces, with a record of 18.

Feensnach provides as well for without promoted pieces. It's 15.

Bernd Schwarzkopf Urdruck

(= 6+12 )

1... fxe3 2. bxa4 bxa4 3. b5 cxb5 4. c6 b4 5. axb4 a3 6. b5 a2 7. b6 cxb6 8. c7
(Read Only)pid=17477

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MatPlus.Net Forum General Where can I find these mentioned chess problems?