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MatPlus.Net Forum General Can you possibly find this recent Albino?
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(1) Posted by Eugene Rosner [Friday, Nov 2, 2012 01:05]

Can you possibly find this recent Albino?

I know this sounds nervy but I was wondering if someone could help. I saw a recently quoted(I believe in a major magazine) work, a #2 problem that I believe won a nice award which featured an unusual Albino. The pieces were set in the lower left corner of the board. I remember there was something really original about it and that the play needed to be confined to a small place. It's driving me nuts that i can't find it and I'm kicking my self for not putting it aside. It may have had try play or changes-I'm not sure. Has anyone seen this as a quote in a fairly recent magazine?
(Read Only)pid=9033
(2) Posted by Michael McDowell [Friday, Nov 2, 2012 09:00]

Could this be the one you are looking for Eugene? I quoted it in an article in the September Problemist.

3rd Prize British Chess Magazine Task Tourney 1969

(= 11+4 )

Mate in 2

Set 1...Kd1 2.Qxe1

1.Reh3 (>2.Qxe1)

1...Kd1+ 2.e3
1...Sxc2 2.e4
1...Sd3 2.exd3
1...Sf3 2.exf3
1...Sg2 2.Qd4
(Read Only)pid=9034
(3) Posted by Eugene Rosner [Friday, Nov 2, 2012 13:18]

good try Michael, I appreciate your effort! I remember a concentration of play in the lower left part of the board. This is driving me nuts. I've searched the last two years of Problemist(I better check the Supplement as well) w/o success. I will also check the archive for special articles...
(Read Only)pid=9035
(4) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Saturday, Nov 3, 2012 20:24]

Is it anywhere here?
(Read Only)pid=9042
(5) Posted by Sven Hendrik Lossin [Saturday, Nov 3, 2012 20:44]

I know how you feel.
I have recently seen a study by Peter Krug where in the starting position there is a white queen on a8 which is sacrificed on the first move. Afterwards white wins by sending a knight to a8. Black has a lot of b-pawns and a "dead" bishop on the a-file.

I have looked for it but didnt find it again yet.

Perhaps we can have a lost & found thread in the forum here...
(Read Only)pid=9044
(6) Posted by Ian Watson [Saturday, Nov 3, 2012 21:24]

The Peter Krug study is 2 HM BCPS 2012 Ty/G, and appears in The Problemist July 2012 page 437. It will also be quoted in my Endgame Studies column in the British Chess Magazine in the November edition.
(Read Only)pid=9045
(7) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Saturday, Nov 3, 2012 22:36]; edited by seetharaman kalyan [12-11-04]

This was one I enjoyed composing. (Probably anticipated). Northwest Chess, 1976. Good key and correction play.
[FEN "1Q6/8/1B3p2/4nPp1/3n2p1/1P2k1p1/R3P1P1/1B1K1R2 w - - 0 1"]

(= 10+7 )

Unlike many other examples of the theme, the thematic white pawn cant move in the diagram position (similar to Mr.Durairaj's)!
(Read Only)pid=9046
(8) Posted by Sven Hendrik Lossin [Saturday, Nov 3, 2012 23:49]


I was only searching the Studies-Section.
Now Eugene needs somebody like you.
(Read Only)pid=9048
(9) Posted by Eugene Rosner [Sunday, Nov 4, 2012 03:25]; edited by Eugene Rosner [12-11-04]

Good try Siegfied! I did the PDB as well w/o success. I'm about to take a page out of the Ua Tane/James Stimson story. I think the starting position has wBd1,wPc2,wSorRb3, bKa4. half battery where there may be 4 changed mates. after 1.c2orc3? and a solution by the S or R leading to an Albino. I've tried problemist going back to 2009, but I'm wondering if i saw the problem(perhaps by a German composer??)in a Problemist issue featuring a FIDE Album review before 1998-2000. Just going a little crazy over here! thanks for your continued attempts
(Read Only)pid=9049
(10) Posted by Georgy Evseev [Sunday, Nov 4, 2012 08:45]

Two examples from WinChloe

StrateGems 2002

(= 9+6 )

‡2 (9+6) C+

1.exf3? blocus
1…Fxf3 2.Txf3‡
1…Fxd3 2.Fxd3‡
mais 1…Ff5!

1.Txf3! blocus
1…Fxf3 2.exf3‡
1…Fd3 2.exd3‡
1…Fxd5 2.e3‡
1…Ff5 2.e4‡

John M. RICE
Springaren 2008
2° Mention d'Honneur
(= 11+6 )

‡2 (11+6) C+

1.Txb3? blocus
1…Fxb5 2.c4‡
1…Fd3 2.cxd3‡
1…Fxb3 2.cxb3‡
1…Fd5 2.c3‡
mais 1…Cxd4!

1.cxb3! blocus
1…Fxb5 2.Dxe6‡
1…Fxd3 2.Fxd3‡
1…Fxb3 2.Txb3‡
1…Fd5 2.Td1‡
1…C~ 2.Th4‡
1…Cf4! 2.Te3‡
1…Cxd4! 2.Dxd4‡
(Read Only)pid=9053
(11) Posted by Boško Milošeski [Sunday, Nov 4, 2012 10:39]

Bosko Miloseski
Vratnica-64 2002, 152
(= 10+7 )

#2 (10+7) C+
1.f8S! ~ 2.Se6#
1... Qb8: 2.f4#
1... Qe3+ 2.fe3#
1... Qg3+ 2.fg3#
1... Qh3 2.f3#
(Read Only)pid=9055
(12) Posted by Zalmen Kornin [Sunday, Nov 4, 2012 14:35]

Z. Kornin
"" 2010

(= 9+5 )

set 1...Kxd2 / Qd3 2.Qc2/Qd1 ; try 1.cxd5+? Qc4! ; key 1.Qc2! (2.d3#) 1...Qc3/Qe3/Qc4/Qxd2Qd3 2.dc/de/d4/cd/Qd1 duel Red Royals vs white poor little d2 ; 2 pin-mates (one Schiffmann)
(Read Only)pid=9056
(13) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Sunday, Nov 4, 2012 19:41]

Georgy, thanks for presenting this excellent #2 by John Rice!
(Read Only)pid=9058
(14) Posted by Eugene Rosner [Monday, Nov 5, 2012 00:08]

I agree with Marjan-outstanding! almost if not indeed a Letzform example. But still, not the one I was looking for. it's wonderful compensation seeing some of these other works, like a soothing salve on a terrible itch!
(Read Only)pid=9061
(15) Posted by Boško Milošeski [Monday, Nov 5, 2012 19:02]; edited by Boško Milošeski [12-11-05]

Bosko Miloseski, Vratnica-64, 2002
errata: Bg1=Qg1
(Read Only)pid=9071
(16) Posted by Frank Richter [Monday, Nov 5, 2012 19:27]; edited by Frank Richter [12-11-05]

Is there any reason in Bosko's problem for the promotion key?

(= 10+5 )


1.e6! (2.Qh8#)
and the 4 thematic variants.
I'm sure, this can be done still better.
(Read Only)pid=9072
(17) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Monday, Nov 5, 2012 21:43]; edited by seetharaman kalyan [12-11-05]

Nice setting. The WQ better used !
(Read Only)pid=9073
(18) Posted by Frank Richter [Tuesday, Nov 6, 2012 13:17]

Another setting without the ugly checks by black:

(= 7+7 )

#2 (7+7)
1.e6! (2.Qh8)

The black knights are not so nice (they prevent Qb6,a7,b2,b4+), alternatively wRc5, wSa6, without bSa8.
Other positions with many pawns are also possible.
(Read Only)pid=9077
(19) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Tuesday, Nov 6, 2012 19:31]

it reminds me the following :

Matthieu Leschemelle
Phenix 1995
(= 6+6 )

1.Qf1! [2.Qc1‡]
1…Q×e5 2.e4‡
1…Qd3+ 2.e×d3‡
1…Q×c6 2.e3‡
1…Qf3+ 2.e×f3‡
1…Qd1,Qd2,Qh1,Qe4 2.Rc5‡
1…Qd4 2.Sa5‡
(Read Only)pid=9082
(20) Posted by Zalmen Kornin [Wednesday, Nov 7, 2012 13:11]; edited by Zalmen Kornin [12-11-07]

... or this setting with the Set 1...Qxd3 2. Qxd3#, changed in the actual after-key Play - (and also 1.c3 as a Try (1..Qd3 2.Qc1 etc)

V (original) (= 10+5 )
*** other example(s) known for this kind of Albino blocked in the 4th / blocked in the 3rd/ captured ?!

**** or... in this way we spare the dual in the aparent capture 1...Kxc2, and get the shape of a Jabberwocky !?
V (original) (= 10+8 )

(Read Only)pid=9084

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MatPlus.Net Forum General Can you possibly find this recent Albino?