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MatPlus.Net Forum General 11th European Seniors Team Championship
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(1) Posted by Roberto Stelling [Wednesday, Apr 15, 2009 17:19]

11th European Seniors Team Championship

I'd just like to give my props to "our" Harri Hurme for his bronze medal at the recent 11th European Senior Team Championship in Catalonia!
Anyone knows if there were other composers/solvers on the championship ?
(Read Only)pid=3540
(2) Posted by Michael McDowell [Wednesday, Apr 15, 2009 17:37]

Marcel van Herck played on second board for the Belgian team.
(Read Only)pid=3541
(3) Posted by Joaquim Crusats [Wednesday, Apr 15, 2009 20:26]

Dear Roberto,
Are you sure the event was in Catalonia?
(Read Only)pid=3542
(4) Posted by Roberto Stelling [Wednesday, Apr 15, 2009 20:33]

My mistake, it was in Velden, Austria!
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(5) Posted by Joaquim Crusats [Wednesday, Apr 15, 2009 20:44]

No problem. Nice to see Catalonia mentioned here, anyway...
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(6) Posted by Roberto Stelling [Wednesday, Apr 15, 2009 20:50]; edited by Roberto Stelling [09-04-15]

Actually, Catalonia (o si lo prefieres, Catalunya ;) ) had a great performance on the Championship, reaching 4th place in the last round!
(Read Only)pid=3545
(7) Posted by Michal Dragoun [Thursday, Apr 16, 2009 00:25]

Quite known (at least in Czechia :-)) study composer Jan Sikora-Lerch (usually using name Jan Lerch) played on the 4th board for Czechia.
(Read Only)pid=3547
(8) Posted by Harri Hurme [Thursday, Apr 30, 2009 06:26]

Hello everybody!

After coming home I found in the EG magazine a fine article by Jarl Ulrichsen 2227. He was playing in the European team senior championship in the Norvegian team. I must confess that I failed to meet him personally, even if we have met in a chess game some decades ago playing in a team match among Nordic country national teams. However Marcel van Herck 2182 and me met at the first occasion when I walked in the Velden casino.

The problemists may appreciate the following endgame showing the WCCT7 study theme. It is from the 6th round, match Czech-Finland, board 3. Jan Sikora-Lerch 2218 did play only four games in the Czechian team and did not play against Finland, but he could see this game live.

Black Harri Hurme 2241
(= 8+9 )

White Jindrich Trapl 2353

48.-Rb8! Threatening the b2 pawn. Now white can defend it by moving his bishop, three different places. Because black would continue as in the game in all the possibilites I will discuss the choices by next diagram. The game move 49.Bd1 is the most difficult nut to crack. 49.-c5+! 50.Kxd5 Relatively best is not to take the offered pawn but after 50.-d4 black bishop is no more a bad one and black has a comfortample game with extra pawn, very close a winning position. 50.-Be6+ Kc6

(= 8+8 )

BTM (position x)
Now doubling the rooks by 51.-Rab5 fails to 52.Bxa4! and black has no more than perpetual check. However if on move 49. white had played Bb1 51.-Rab5 would win here because white have no Bxa4!. In the diagram Black would like to play 51.-Bd5+ but pc5 interferences the guard line of Ra5. Black has no time for 51.-c4 because 52. Rd2 would defend. However if white had played 49.Ld3 51.-c4 would attack the bishop d3 and thus black could win against 49.Ld3 by that way.

The solution to the second diagram position is 51.-Ra6+! Now after 52.Kxc5 Ra5+ 53.Kc6 we reach position x´, i.e same as position x, but pc5 is missing, the WCCT7 theme! Black mates by 53.-Bd5+ 54.Kc7 Rb7+ 55.Kc8 and now ashaming mate dual Ra8#/Rc5#. Now we see that the game move 49. Bd1 has a hidden disadvantage, is it unguarded in variation 53.Kd4 Rd5+ 54.Kc3 Rxd1.

The game concluded shortly 52.Kc6 Rab6 53.Bf3 Rb3 0-1. However as a problemist I should have found shorter mate by 52.-Bd5! sacrificing a rook 53.Kxb8 Kd7 54.e6+ Kd6 and mate Ra8 is unavoidable.

Another thing common with problem chess in this senior chess event was the general atmosphere. Everybody was glad and happy and willing to discuss with anybody, a feature not common in normal otb chess, but just like in problem chess meetings!

Yours Harri Hurme
soon going to Subotica
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MatPlus.Net Forum General 11th European Seniors Team Championship