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MatPlus.Net Forum General 61th WCCC Ohrid 2018
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(1) Posted by Andrey Selivanov [Monday, Sep 10, 2018 10:23]

61th WCCC Ohrid 2018

Good impression about the organization of the Congress. But where are the results of the official competitions of composing?
(Read Only)pid=16801
(2) Posted by Neal Turner [Monday, Sep 10, 2018 15:07]

...and also solving.
Are we going to get a Bulletin?
(Read Only)pid=16802
(3) Posted by Frank Richter [Monday, Sep 10, 2018 15:32]; edited by Frank Richter [18-09-10]

All solving results are available on WFCC and/or WCCC2018 websites and/or here.
Please correct me, when I'm wrong.

Please give people some time to collect and prepare the whole material carefully.
By the way - compilation of latest WCCT booklet took several months and the world is still turning ...
(Read Only)pid=16803
(4) Posted by Valery Gurov [Monday, Sep 10, 2018 16:09]

In last years, except naturally, Dresden, such booklets did for 1 night since Thursday and Friday and even printed on paper! Do you represent, Frank?! Excuse to me my bad English, in Russian I would write more interestingly :-)
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(5) Posted by Rajendiran Raju [Monday, Sep 10, 2018 19:33]

Ohrid 2018 , Congress proceedings timely & well covered by Web Master Ms.Julia Vysotska in the WFCC Website..!!

Thanks and Kudos to Madam !

Following is the link for

42nd WCSC Final Results ...pdf

Individual Results ...pdf

Photos beautifully taken and presented by Branislav Djurasèviç !

Thanks a lot Mr.Brani... (pls upload all in Google drive)

#2 , h#2 & 4 day composing S#..awards is remaining hope ...we get these also sooner.
(Read Only)pid=16805
(6) Posted by Andrey Selivanov [Tuesday, Sep 11, 2018 05:43]

awards 4 day selfmate tourney
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(7) Posted by Miodrag Mladenović [Tuesday, Sep 11, 2018 06:25]

I do not have PDFs but I can show you my #2 QCT winner:

Miodrag Mladenovic
Ohrid 2018 (QCT A)
1st Prize
(= 10+7 )

a) diagram
b) -wRe7
+c) -wSf5
+d) -wSe2

a) 1.Rd7! [2.Qxd5#] (1.Sc3? B~!; 1.Bc4? fxe2+!)
b) 1.Se7! [2.Qxd5#]
c) 1.Sc3! [2.Qxd5#]
d) 1.Bc4! [2.Qxd5#]

So, all together there are 4 thematic flights given to the black King.
(Read Only)pid=16810
(8) Posted by Rajendiran Raju [Tuesday, Sep 11, 2018 06:30]; edited by Rajendiran Raju [18-09-11]

Here is the link for #2 QCT pdf...

Following is H#2 QCT award pdf...
(Read Only)pid=16811
(9) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Tuesday, Sep 11, 2018 20:07]; edited by seetharaman kalyan [18-09-11]
QCT #2. While the first three are excellent, with Misha managing two beauties, the last one is obviously non-thematic since the flight given by the keymove is not available in the twin phase !!
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(10) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Wednesday, Sep 12, 2018 01:20]

Thanks, Seetharaman!
I wrote that "it formally fulfills demands and adds some charm to the tourney", but somehow missed the fact that in the castling move wK gives the flight, not wR...
So, only the first three problems will stay in the award.
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(11) Posted by Kostas Prentos [Wednesday, Sep 12, 2018 07:38]

Several awards of the unofficial composing tourneys are now available on the Congress website:

As long as all the material is available online, the final bulletin can certainly take more time, like in the case of Dresden. Whether we need a bulletin or not, my view is that it is very useful, as a final report of the Congress, to have everything in one place.
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(12) Posted by Andrey Selivanov [Wednesday, Sep 12, 2018 10:34]

If the organizers do not make the Bulletin on the closing day, it does not make sense to organize informal competitions during the Congress.
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(13) Posted by Branislav Djurašević [Wednesday, Sep 12, 2018 13:23]; edited by Branislav Djurašević [18-09-12]

Now, as I could see, only a few unofficial composing tournaments are missed.
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(14) Posted by Torsten Linß [Friday, Sep 14, 2018 16:32]

@Andrey & Valeri

There is a German proverb: “Those who are sitting in a glass house should not throw stones.”

Organising a week long congress with 200 (or more) participants is a big task. Give Ivan and his team some time to breath and show patience.

As you have proven incapable of organising a much smaller 2.5 day event with only 80 participants you should stay quiet on issues like this and not make any demands!

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(15) Posted by Valery Gurov [Saturday, Sep 15, 2018 09:40]

Mister Linss,
I to you or someone else what promised? What claims it is concrete to me on the European championship? Think before writing my name in this context.
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(16) Posted by Rauf Aliovsadzade [Saturday, Sep 15, 2018 12:33]; edited by Rauf Aliovsadzade [18-09-15]

Can anybody translate this from 'God knows what' into English?
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(17) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Saturday, Sep 15, 2018 12:54]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [18-09-15]

Valery asks who was the person who promised that to Torsten, and what he [Valery] said to Torsten (concrete meaning essentially specific). Also he wants his own name not associated with this, asking Torsten to remove it from the accusation.

Note that I can't say anything about this. I only "translated" as it was not understood.

EDIT: For the reply below, Google Translate gives:
I wrote that I have nothing to do with the European championship, about which I reproached with a delicate mockery Mr. Linß. And what to think before you write. Sorry for the bad english.
(Read Only)pid=16836
(18) Posted by Valery Gurov [Saturday, Sep 15, 2018 14:09]

Я написал, что не имею никакого отношения к европейскому первенству, про которое меня упрекнул с тонкой издёвкой мистер Линсс. И что надо думать, прежде чем писать. Извините за плохой английский.
(Read Only)pid=16837

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MatPlus.Net Forum General 61th WCCC Ohrid 2018