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MatPlus.Net Forum General Fleck miniatures?
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(1) Posted by Hauke Reddmann [Monday, Nov 24, 2008 13:16]

Fleck miniatures?

Before asking, I perused the YACPDB. I found only such with
at most 4 variants [which I can do already with *6* pieces, merely
using my computer-like memory - but the key is lousy and
probably nobody ever *wanted* to publish that. Apart from
the far-fetched assumption YACPDB is incomplete :-) ], the
best setting probably being the two by Zuncke.

Anyway. Does someone know a Fleck miniature with 5 variants?
Doesn't have to be a *bound* Fleck. I will even accept
"half-parades" which are shunned in Fleckery. But random
battery shoots are a no-no.

(Read Only)pid=2939
(2) Posted by Joost de Heer [Monday, Nov 24, 2008 14:44]; edited by Joost de Heer [08-11-24]

A Fleck with 4 variations with 6 pieces:

F. Fiedler
Die Schwalbe 1997
(= 4+2 )


1. Qc4 [2. Rfe6/Rf5/Rb5/Rbe6]
1... Sd6/Sc7/Sg7/Sf6 2. Rfe6/Rf5/Rb5/Rbe6
(Read Only)pid=2940
(3) Posted by Administrator [Monday, Nov 24, 2008 14:58]

(= 4+3 )
1.Bg7 5xFleck (+1 Karlstroem), flight taking key

But check this out:

Willem Hoek Leninska Molod (Miniatures) 1967
(= 5+2 )
1.Ra4 5xFleck!!
(Read Only)pid=2941
(4) Posted by Mihail Croitor [Monday, Nov 24, 2008 15:13]; edited by Mihail Croitor [08-11-24]

from yacpdb:
DUTA Badea
Buletin Problemistic 2002
(= 5+2 )

1.Qa8! (2.Bf7#/Bd7#/Bc6#/Bb5#/Ba4#)
1...Rxg6 2.Bxg6#
1...Rf3 2.Bf7#
1...Rd3 2.Bd7#
1...Rc3+ 2.Bc6#
1...Rb3 2.Bb5#
1...Ra3 2.Ba4#

Telescacco 92, 1998
(= 3+3 )

1.Rh8! (2.Bg7#/Bh6#/Be7#/Bd6#/Bc5#/Bb4#/Ba3#)
1...Kb8/Rf6+/Rd1 2.Bd6#
1...Re1 2.Be7#
1...Rc1 2.Bc5#
1...Rb1 2.Bb4#
1...Ra1+ 2.Ba3#
1...Rg1 2.Bg7#
1...Rh1 2.Bh6#
(Read Only)pid=2942
(5) Posted by Michael McDowell [Monday, Nov 24, 2008 15:17]

The Fiedler is an improved version of

Smasaker-Hugskott 1991

(= 5+2 )

Mate in 2


I'd have thought the best 4-fold total Fleck in miniature was the classic asymmetric:

N.G.G.van Dijk
South African Chess Magazine 1948

(= 5+2 )

Mate in 2

1.Bd1 (2.Re5, Re1, R5f3, R3f3)
(Read Only)pid=2943
(6) Posted by Mihail Croitor [Monday, Nov 24, 2008 15:22]

The GRAND-DIDIER's problem is anticipated by this problem:
Parallele 50 1949
(= 3+3 )


(Read Only)pid=2944
(7) Posted by Administrator [Monday, Nov 24, 2008 15:36]

This one is unusual and funny:

Lew I. Sokolow
cm. "Chuvash ASSR - 35" 1955
(Shakhmatny zadachi miniaturi 1987)
(= 3+4 )

EDIT: Correct source reported later by Rudolf Larin (post #15)
(Read Only)pid=2946
(8) Posted by Joost de Heer [Monday, Nov 24, 2008 17:20]

"But random battery shoots are a no-no."

Almost all given examples are random battery shoots.
(Read Only)pid=2947
(9) Posted by Jan Hein Verduin [Monday, Nov 24, 2008 18:51]

I'd have thought the best 4-fold total Fleck in miniature was the classic asymmetric:

N.G.G.van Dijk
South African Chess Magazine 1948 (...)

In fact, the composer of this problem is the Dutch N. (Nico) van Dijk, and not the Norwegian-Dutch Nils G.G. van Dijk. They often get confused, especially since Nils is sometimes mentioned as N. van Dijk too.

Oh, and by the way, the correct source is Elck Wat Wils wedstrijd, 1948.

Jan Hein
(Read Only)pid=2948
(10) Posted by Michael McDowell [Monday, Nov 24, 2008 21:45]

Thanks for pointing that out, Jan Hein. With half a dozen books to choose from giving the correct details I picked one up which got it wrong!

One good result - it identifies an error in the Meson database. Brian will be delighted.
(Read Only)pid=2950
(11) Posted by Hauke Reddmann [Wednesday, Nov 26, 2008 13:28]

THX for the input. The van Dijk is neat (and effectively "works"
the same way as the Fiedler - that was approximately the position
I had in mind, since the matrix builds half of the 8-variant
record still standing AFAIK).

(Read Only)pid=2956
(12) Posted by Axel Gilbert [Saturday, Nov 29, 2008 00:42]

(= 3+4 )

David Hjelle - British chess federation 1957
1 Kd3 ! (2 Qc4/Qe4/Qd7/Qe6 #)

I like this one. But I couldn't find any 5xFleck without a battery-mate.
(Read Only)pid=2962
(13) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Saturday, Nov 29, 2008 04:23]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [08-11-29]

With two additional pieces, another variation can be added.

(= 4+5 )

(Read Only)pid=2963
(14) Posted by Ian Shanahan [Friday, Dec 5, 2008 00:38]

More than 10 years ago, I had two articles published in "The Problemist" on this very topic - or rather, concerning the more restricted field of the "ideal" Fleck theme in miniature #2. (Definition of "ideal Fleck": there is one and only one Black move corresponding to each separated threat.) I'm 99.9% certain that there were no examples of 5 or more threats separated that did not involve White batteries.
(Read Only)pid=2973
(15) Posted by [Friday, Dec 12, 2008 19:31]

Dear colleagues, I want to add a pair of the facts connected to Fleck theme discussed here.

First of all I would like to specify date of the first publication of a Lev Sokolov’s problem,
in which not only Fleck theme, but also antidual choices with two white queens is cleanly submitted.
This problem for the first time is published on November, 9, 1955 in the newspaper "The Chuvash truth"
("Chuvashskaja pravda"). It is awarded with Commendation in competition of miniatures "Chuvash ASSR - 35" (1955).The judge was R. Kofman.

Now about the theme. My understanding of a theme is the closest to N.P.Zelepukin's understanding ("The Dictionary of a Chess Composition ". - Kiev, 1982 (Russian)). Look also "Chess. The encyclopaedic
dictionary". - Moscow, 1990 (Russian). In the encyclopaedic dictionary it is formulated so:
After an key White create not less than three threats of mates; black in defence parry by each move created threats, except for one; thus at the disposal of Black there should not be no move at which all thematic threats would be carried out simultaneously.

Not resulting various other definitions of Fleck theme, I shall result the opinion concerning its expression in the cited problems.
Fleck Theme: A. Siotis (1949) - sevenfold Fleck(!), but 1. … Kb8/Rd1 2.Bd6#.
Ideal Fleck Theme: F. Fiedler (1997), Willem Hoek (1967), C. Jonsson (1991), N.G.G. van Dijk (1948), L. Sokolov (1987), D. Hjelle (1957).
Karlström-Fleck Theme: Scheme by Administrator.
Fleck Theme is not present: Duta Badea (2002) – 1. … Re3/h3/g1/g2/g4/g5; Grand-Didier Claude (1998) – 1. … Rf2/f3/f4/f5 (In my opinion here sevenfold Fleck has failed); it is a pity, and S. Hornecker’s variation –
1. … h4.

Best regards,
Rudolf Larin
(Read Only)pid=2990
(16) Posted by Ian Shanahan [Saturday, Dec 13, 2008 00:22]

The source I have for Lew Sokolow's problem (from Tishkow and Chepizhny's 1987 collection, cited by Milan) is: Special Mention, T. Tschuwaschkowo KFS, 1955. A pity I failed to notice it before! However, this problem is anticipated by: A. Sokolow, Xadrez Brasileiros, 1939 - remove bPe4,e5 & add wPf4, then reflect left-to-right. This forerunner is inferior to the later problem, as there are two extra unrealized (unseparated) threats.
(Read Only)pid=2992
(17) Posted by [Saturday, Dec 13, 2008 18:57]

Many thanks, Ian, for the interesting information. But it seems to me that L. Sokolov's (1955) problem not only is purer, but also much more sapid A. Sokolow's (1939) problem if to take into account both Fleck theme and antidual mates.
In my opinion it makes L. Sokolov's (1955) miniature independent work.

With my best wishes
Rudolf Larin
(Read Only)pid=2998

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MatPlus.Net Forum General Fleck miniatures?