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MatPlus.Net Forum General Difficult Two-Phase Non-Cyclic Twomover Themes With Four White Thematic Moves
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(1) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Tuesday, Oct 25, 2011 23:43]

Difficult Two-Phase Non-Cyclic Twomover Themes With Four White Thematic Moves

dear friends,

starting next year i plan to publish in "pat a mat" a series of articles showing non-cyclic themes in twomovers. i have quite a large number of examples, but some of them are unsound or the publication dates are unclear. i would like to ask you to help me to complete the list by answering my questions. after the themes description, the list of questions follows.
i would be glad to see the answers here within this thread. otherwise please email me directly at

thanks a lot in advance!

i am using the following formula: K(T)MMM…/K(T)MMM…, where K=key, T=threat, M=mate, and "slash" separates the phases.

here is the list of the themes:
1. ()ABCD/()BADC - double reciprocal change of mates
2. (A)BCD/(B)ADC - le grand and reciprocal change
3. A()BCD/B()ADC - key-mate reversal and reciprocal change
4. A(B)CD/B(A)DC - key-threat reversal and reciprocal change
5. A(B)CD/C(D)AB - the lender combination
6. A(BC)D/B(AD)C - key-mate reversal and le grand (double threats)
7. (AB)CD/(CD)AB - the odessa theme (with constant defences)
8. combinations of previous themes

and here are my questions:

Theme 1:

(01) Matti MYLLYNIEMI, Feenschach 1955 (2623, Feenschach 214)
White : Kb8 Qe4 Rb1 Sa7b7 Pg7c5a3f3b2 Gh8a1 BEd4, Black : Kc4 Rd2 Se6b3 Pe5d3a2 Gc3 BEd6, #2 (13+9) C+, BE=Berolina, G=Grasshopper
Q: Date of Feenschach 214? Awarded or not?

(02) Eduard LIVSHITS, Concours FIDE 1956 OR 2. Turnier FIDE 1959 OR Turnir FIDE 1958-1959, Honourable Mention OR 5th Commendation
White : Ke2 Qe8 Rc1g1 Be1 Sf5g5 Pc6b4h4, Black : Ke5 Pe7g6e3, #2 (10+4) C+
Q: 2. FIDE Tourney: When deadline? When award? HM or Comm?

(03) Harald GRUBERT, Schach 1980 (I/1980)
White : Kh5 Qa7 Re8h3 Bb7a3 Sc5 Pc6e6e4h4b3, Black : Ke5 Pe3, #2 (12+2) C+
Q: I have added wPh4, otherwise cook 1.Rh4 (11+2). What is the right position?

(04) Miodrag MLADENOVIC, Jubilé U.S. Problem Bulletin/100 1996-98, 2nd Prize
White : Ka4 Qh6 Rd8c1 Bd4f1 Sg6c2 Pa6b6b3, Black : Kc6 Sg2h1 Pb4g3f2h2, =3 (11+7) C+
Q: Deadline? (At least a year.)

Theme 4:

(05) Ivan STOROZHENKO, Lobusov-50 JT C 31.12.2001, 2001-02 (v), 6th HM
White : Kh3 Qh7 Rf5f2 Bf7h2 Sg7c4 Pf6e5g5, Black : Ke4 Ba8d2 Sc2 Pc7g6h5d4d3f3g3, #2 (11+11) C+
Q: In the award position (without Ph5) there is a cook 1.Qh4+.
What is the right position? Ever corrected?

4Q - Marjan KOVACEVIC, Moscow PreCongress Ty, 2003, 3rd Honourable Mention
White : Ka8 Qe6 Ra3b2 Be5d1 Sh3e1 Pf6e4d3, Black : Ke3 Ra1 Ba7f1 Sg8 Pf5g5f4, #2 (11+8) C+
Q: Exact name of the tourney? Deadline?

(07) Alessandro FASANO, L'Italia Scacchistica 2008 (1201, 6.-7.2008)
White : Kb5 Qa8 Rf2d1 Bc8h2 Sf4d2 Pd6f6g6f5g5e4c3, Black : Ke5 Bg8 Sg3c1 Ph4, #2 (15+5) C+
Q: awarded?

(08) Marco GUIDA, diagrammes 2010 (6651)
White : Kc3 Qb5 Rh4e1 Ba8h8 Sf8d5 Pe6c4f4d3, Black : Kf5 Rg8g7 Bh7 Sa5 Pd6h6g2, #2 (12+8) C+
Q: Awarded?

Theme 5:

(09) Evgeny BOGDANOV, Robitnicha Tribuna 1983
White : Ke3 Qf1 Rd5 Bf8 Sa4c3, Black : Kc4 Bc6 Se2g1 Pa7e5b3, #2 (6+7) C+
Q: Exact date?

(10) Vladimir RYCHKOV, 64 1984 (no. 14, 6.1984)
White : Kh5 Qf5 Rb5c2 Bg5f1 Sh4c3 Pe5f2, Black : Kd4 Qa8 Rc5 Bc8h2 Sa6b1 Pf6f4, #2 (10+9) C+
Q: Double refutation of the try. What is the exact position? Ever corrected? Exact date?

(11) Anatoly VASILENKO, Jubilé Fizkultura i Sport-60 OR Shakhmaty v SSSR 1984, Honourable Mention OR Commendation
White : Kg5 Qe5 Ra5b1 Bf5e1 Sf7b3 Pd5e2, Black : Kc4 Rd7b5 Bh1 Sa6c2 Pc6e4, #2 (10+8) C+
Q: HM or Com? 1983 or 1984?

(12) Valery POPOV, 1st Place USSR Championship OR 2nd HM Shakhmaty 1985
White : Kc7 Qh4 Rb5d1 Bf5b4 Sd4f4 Pd7d6a4e2, Black : Kc4 Re8 Be1 Sc8b1 Pc5b3, #2 (12+7) C+
Q: 1st Place USSR Championship OR 2nd HM Shakhmaty?

(13) Valery POPOV, Magadansky komsomolets OR Tikhookeansky komsomolets, 1-2 Pr 1985
White : Kc7 Qe3 Rb6h4 Bf7 Sc5 Pe6, Black : Kd5 Be8 Sc8 Pg5f4c3, #2 (7+6) C+
Q: Magadansky komsomolets OR Tikhookeansky komsomolets?

(14) Dmitry BANNY, Memorial C. Gavrilov, Chervony girnik 1985, 2nd Prize
White : Kd6 Qd1 Rb7d5 Ba8 Sc4b2 Pe5g4e3, Black : Ke4 Ba6 Sc2f2 Pf6d3, #2 (10+6) C+
Q: Deadline? Memorial Gavrilov OR Chervony girnik? 1984 OR 1985?

(15) Ludovit LACNY, Die Schwalbe 1987 (5769, Die Schwalbe 104 (4.1987))
White : Ka2 Qa7 Rf5h2 Bf6h5 Sd3 Pf4e3c2, Black : Ke4 Bd5c1 Sc4b3, #2 (10+5) C+
Q: Awarded?

(16) Anatoly SLESARENKO, Valery SHANSHIN, Sredba na Solidarnosta 1989-94, 2nd Prize
White : Kh1 Qh5 Re6b5 Be5 Sd5g5 Pe7e3h3, Black : Kf5 Qa4 Bh8d1 Pf7f6f3, #2 (10+7) C+
Q: Deadline? (At least a year.)

(17) Vyacheslav KOPAEV, Jubilé G. Bakcsi-60 1993-94, 2nd Prize
White : Kg8 Qh6 Rb5a4 Bc5d5 Sd3 Pg7f6b3c2h2, Black : Kf5 Qb4 Ra6 Pa7e7h4h3, #2 (12+7) C+
Q: Deadline?

(18) Vyacheslav KOPAEV, Schach 1994 (4.1994)
White : Ke6 Qa3 Rg4 Bf6e4 Sd7 Pf5d4c3, Black : Kc4 Qa6 Rh3 Ba7 Sf1 Pb6d6a5c2, #2 (9+9) C+
Q: Two refutations of the try. What is the original position? Has it been corrected?

(19) Vyacheslav KOPAEV, Memorial E. Umnov 1994, 1st Prize
White : Kc8 Qg8 Bf5a1 Sd4b2 Pd7e7e4, Black : Kf6 Qa3 Rc6 Bd8a4 Pc7g7g5, #2 (9+8) C+
Q: Memorial Umnov OR Nashe slovo?

(20) Vasil DYACHUK, Sachove umeni 1994 (8438, SU 4.1994), 2nd Honourable Mention
White : Kh3 Qc8 Re2f1 Bh8d3 Sb7 Pc2, Black : Kd5 Bf7h2 Se5a3 Pc5f5c4c3, #2 (8+9) C-
Q: Looks like a mistake in the position. What is the right one?

(21) Ivan STOROZHENKO, Uralsky Problemist 1996
White : Kf1 Qc2 Rd7h5 Bd6e6 Se7f7 Pd5c4a3g2, Black : Kd4 Qh7 Rf8 Bf5 Sa7 Pb6c6e4f2, #2 (12+9) C+
Q: Awarded?

(22) Anatoly SLESARENKO, The Problemist 1996
White : Kg4 Qh2 Rf6a4 Bf7 Se4 Pd2, Black : Ke5 Bf8 Sa8g3 Pb6g6f4g2, #2 (7+8) C+
# Q: Awarded?

5Q - Anatoly SLESARENKO, Shakhmatnaya Kompozitsiya 1997
White : Kh1 Qf7 Rg2c1 Ba2h2 Sd2e2 Pa5d5a4, Black : Kc5 Rg8b2 Bf8b3 Sa3c2 Pa7b7c6g6b4, #2 (11+12) C+
# Q: Awarded?

(24) Milan VUKCEVICH, Mat Plus 1997 (373, Mat Plus 16)
White : Kf7 Qe7 Re8h2 Bd2 Sc8a5 Pb4c3f2, Black : Kd5 Qa8 Ra6d6 Bd8b7 Pf6g6b5f5c4, #3 (10+11) C+
# Q: Awarded?

(25) Anatoly SLESARENKO, Pavel KUZNETSOV, Shakhmatnoe obozrenie 1999
White : Kg3 Qh1 Rf5a3 Bf6 Sc4e3, Black : Ke4 Rb2 Bf7 Sd3g2 Pg5, #2 (7+6) C+
Q: Kuznetsov, Slesarenko OR Slesarenko, Kuznetsov? Shakhmatnoe obozrenie OR 64-Shakhmatnoe obozrenie? Awarded?

(26) Vyacheslav KOPAEV, Jubilé Magadan-60 1999
White : Kd1 Qg4 Re7 Ba4a1 Sd4b2 Pg7g6d3, Black : Kf6 Rc7a6 Bg3 Pd6e6c5f4h4, #2 (10+9) C+
Q: Awarded?

(27) Vasil MARKOVTSY, Zadachi i Etyudy 1999 (v), Version published in Shorichnik 2000
White : Kg5 Qf1 Rh4d3 Bf6 Sa4g4 Pa7f4b3e3h2, Black : Ke4 Qd4 Rg7 Bh1 Pb6e6g6e5, #2 (12+8) C+
Q: Awarded?

(28) Vyacheslav PILCHENKO, Valery SHAVYRIN, Magadanskaya Pravda 1999, 3rd Prize
White : Kh1 Qh6 Ra4c1 Bf1 Sf7c3 Pc4e4, Black : Kc5 Sb4 Pe7b5d5, #2 (9+5) C+
Q: Magadan-60 OR Magadanskaya pravda?

(29) Alexandr PANKRATIEV, Scacco! 1999, 3rd Honourable Mention
White : Kh7 Qg4 Re7 Bb5a1 Sd4b2 Pg7g6, Black : Kf6 Rc7b6 Sc5g2 Pd6e6c4e4, #2 (9+9) C+
Q: Scacco! or Kopnin-80 MT? Awarded?

(30) Grigory MARKOVSKY, Jubilé A. Lobusov-50 2001 (C 31.12.2001), Commendation
White : Kb5 Qd5 Rh5g2 Bc5d1 Sb4g3 Pe6e5h4d2, Black : Kf4 Rg5 Ba7b1 Sh3 Pd6f6d4, #2 (12+8) C-
Q: Cook 1.Qxd4+. What is the right position? Corrected? When and how?

(31) Anatoly SLESARENKO, Die Schwalbe 2002
White : Kh7 Qh6 Rb8b1 Ba2g1 Sd8c7 Pd6f4a3e3, Black : Kc5 Qa7 Be4 Sb7 Pa6e5f5d3, #2 (12+8) C+
Q: Awarded?

(32) Anatoly YAROVENKO, Uralsky Problemist 2005 (3418, UP no. 43 (11.2005) p28)
White : Kg4 Qh8 Rb7c2 Bc8 Sc6d2, Black : Kd6 Rc1 Ba1 Sg3 Pe7c3, #2 (7+6) C-
Q: Dual. Ever corrected?

(33) Dragan STOJNIC, MT A. Casa, 2006-08, 1st Prize
White : Kb3 Qh4 Rf8d5 Bb4 Sd1 Pe5f5g4d3f2, Black : Kf4 Qd8 Rh8e7 Bg8h2 Sf7 Pd7h7b6h6c3f3, #2 (11+13) C+
Q: Deadline?

(34) Dragan STOJNIC, Mat Plus 2007 (561, Mat Plus 25)
White : Ka5 Qc5 Rh5 Bb5 Sb7f3 Pd5g4g3c2f2g2, Black : Ke4 Qh7 Rd7f5 Ba2 Se2 Pc6f6c4, #2 (12+9) C+
Q: Awarded?

(35) Marco GUIDA
Die Schwalbe 2009 (236, 4.2009)
White : Kh6 Qh1 Rf8f4 Bg5 Sb6e6 Pd6c5g4, Black : Ke5 Qb3 Ba1 Sg2 Pg6h5a4, #2 (10+7) C+
Q: Awarded?

Theme 7:

(36) Viktor SIZONENKO, Telescacco 92
White : Ke2 Qe7 Rc7a4 Bc4 Sb4c3 Pc5g4f3, Black : Ke5 Rf8g8 Bf7b2 Pa6e6g6h6g5, #2 (10+10) C+, 2 solutions
Q: Date of publication? Is it 1992 or the name of tourney is Telescacco 92? What year then?

(37) Matti MYLLYNIEMI, Tidskrift for Schack 1975
White : Kb3 Qd1 Ra6b5 Bb8g6 Se4d3 Pc6d4e3, Black : Kd5 Rf7 Ba5 Sb7 Pe6c5g4, #2 (11+7) C+
Q: Exact date of publication?

(38) Samuil LEITES, The British Chess Magazine 1975, Commendation
White : Kh7 Qc4 Rd8e1 Bh2 Se6e4 Pb5f4h3, Black : Kf5 Qa5 Rd2g2 Ba8 Sb8 Pg7b6f6, #2 (10+9) C+
Q: Exact date of publication?

(39) Matti MYLLYNIEMI, L'Italia Scacchistica 1976
White : Kg6 Qh4 Rc6e1 Be8a1 Sf5d3 Pf3, Black : Kd5 Qa3 Rd8 Bc1h1 Sb3f2 Pf6b5, #2 (9+9) C+
Q: Exact date of publication?

(40) Viktor SIZONENKO, Shakhmaty 1978
White : Kg7 Qh4 Re8a4 Be6 Se7d6 Pf7f6g4c3d3c2g2, Black : Kf4 Qc7 Rb4 Bg8g1 Sd7d1 Ph5e2f2, #2 (14+10) C+
Q: Exact date of publication?

(41) Viktor A. MELNICHENKO, Viktor SIZONENKO, Shakhmaty 1980, Special Honourable Mention
White : Kf1 Qf6 Rb3 Bh8d3 Sc3d2 Ph3g2, Black : Kf4 Ra7a4 Bc8a3 Sh6f5 Pf7h4, #2 (9+9) C+
Q: Melnichenko after Sizonenko OR Melnichenko + Sizonenko?

(42) Valentin LUKYANOV, Sergey SHEDEY, Jubilé Y. Gordian-50 1987, 3rd Prize
White : Kb1 Qc2 Rf8d3 Bb3 Se7b5 Pg5e4g3f2, Black : Ke5 Qh7 Ra7f3 Bh8b7 Pa5h5b4, #2 (11+9) C-
Q: Cook 1.Qc4. Corrected? How and where?

(43) Valentin LUKYANOV, Jubilé Y. Gordian-50 1987, 2nd Prize
White : Kh8 Qd6 Rd3h3 Bh5d4 Sd7h6 Pb7c5f5, Black : Ke4 Qa3 Rd1f1 Bd8 Sc2c1 Pc6f6a2f2, #2 (11+11) C+
Q: Deadline? (At least year...)

(44) Alexandr MOCHALKIN, Jubilé Y. Gordian-50 1988, 1st Prize
White : Ka8 Qd8 Ra6h4 Be4h2 Sb6d4 Pf6c4g3d2, Black : Ke5 Qb2 Bg2 Sc2 Pb7c7b5, #2 (12+7) C+
Q: Deadline? (At least year...)

(45) Anatoly SLESARENKO, JT Lazarev-80, 2003-04, Special Prize
White : Kb4 Qa8 Rd2 Bh2 Sc7e5 Pb7b6c6f6d5f4, Black : Kd6 Qg8 Rc5 Se8 Pd7e7c2, #2 (12+7) C+
Q: Deadline?
(Read Only)pid=7527
(2) Posted by Frank Richter [Wednesday, Oct 26, 2011 08:32]; edited by Frank Richter [11-10-26]

(03) Was printed with wPh4.
(18) This is the original position. I couldn't find a correction.
(31) Not included in award (issue 207, VI/2004).
(Read Only)pid=7529
(3) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Wednesday, Oct 26, 2011 11:15]; edited by Jacques Rotenberg [11-10-26]

Again a wonderful job by Peter!
@ Franck you mean for (18) that you could not find in Schach 1994 or later any correction ? otherwise it seems easy to correct (- Sf1 is enough : this S has no use! is the diagram correct ?).
@ Peter : perhaps could you call that "Cyclone-like" themes with 4 w moves ?
(Read Only)pid=7530
(4) Posted by Eugene Rosner [Wednesday, Oct 26, 2011 21:49]; edited by Eugene Rosner [11-10-26]

first, a special good luck to Peter on his next great project!! #4 appears to be 2nd prize, Holladay Birthday Tourney, 1995-98. the award appears in SG, Oct-Dec 1998 special supplement.

hope this helps!
(Read Only)pid=7531
(5) Posted by Eugene Rosner [Wednesday, Oct 26, 2011 22:06]

#22-judge did not award citing anticipation: V. Dyachuk 1Pr Diagrammes 1994
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(6) Posted by Gligor Denkovski [Thursday, Oct 27, 2011 20:47]

(02) Eduard LIVSHITS, II. Internacionalni Turnir FIDE 1958-1959, 5th Commendation
This source is from the amended (after claims) award, cited in Problem 65-68 (January 1960), page 104.

(16) Anatoly SLESARENKO, Valery SHANSHIN, Sredba na Solidarnosta 1989-1994, 2nd Prize
The deadline was 1. VI 1990. (X Meeting of Solidarity)
(Read Only)pid=7535
(7) Posted by Dan Meinking [Friday, Oct 28, 2011 00:30]; edited by Dan Meinking [11-10-28]

The exact source for #4 would be "Edgar Holladay 70th Jubilee Tourney 1995-1998".

Correction: "1996-1998" is correct. The dates in my personal database were wrong.
(Read Only)pid=7536
(8) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Friday, Oct 28, 2011 01:41]; edited by Jacques Rotenberg [11-10-28]

As Peter asked, the dead line of sending (as stipulated in any announcement of a special tournament) is the date.
(Read Only)pid=7537
(9) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Friday, Oct 28, 2011 13:58]

many thanks, gentlemen, for your help so far and please keep going on.

in fact, the priority date is important mostly when talking about the pioneer examples. i plan to quote both the year(s) of the competition, plus the priority date (in formal tourney the closing day for submissions and in the informal tourney the date of publication). when two years are quoted, one can expect it is the closing date and the year of the published award. sometimes it is unclear, however. (e.g. the brochure of the 8. wcct reads "2006-2008", but the competition was announced in 2005, closing date in 2007, and the final brochure in 2009…)
(Read Only)pid=7538
(10) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Wednesday, Nov 23, 2011 17:05]

dear friends,

thanks for getting clarified some of my questions.

of those unanswered, i would like to focus on three of the most important ones.
i hope that some of the readers are able to check:
- exact date of the relevant issue
- possible award

(01) Matti MYLLYNIEMI, Feenschach 1955 (2623, Feenschach 214)
White : Kb8 Qe4 Rb1 Sa7b7 Pg7c5a3f3b2 Gh8a1 BEd4, Black : Kc4 Rd2 Se6b3 Pe5d3a2 Gc3 BEd6, #2 (13+9) C+, BE=Berolina, G=Grasshopper
(probably the pioneer double reciprocal change of mates.)

(37) Matti MYLLYNIEMI, Tidskrift for Schack 1975
White : Kb3 Qd1 Ra6b5 Bb8g6 Se4d3 Pc6d4e3, Black : Kd5 Rf7 Ba5 Sb7 Pe6c5g4, #2 (11+7) C+

(38) Samuil LEITES, The British Chess Magazine 1975, Commendation
White : Kh7 Qc4 Rd8e1 Bh2 Se6e4 Pb5f4h3, Black : Kf5 Qa5 Rd2g2 Ba8 Sb8 Pg7b6f6, #2 (10+9) C+
(one of the two is probably the pioneer example of the odessa theme with constant defences. but which one was published earlier than the other?)

who will solve these fascinating mysteries?
(Read Only)pid=7673
(11) Posted by Hartmut Laue [Wednesday, Nov 23, 2011 21:07]

Concerning (01):

FEENSCHACH 214 appeared in June 1955.
In FEENSCHACH 250, June 1956, all solvers were invited to act as judges for 1955.
Myllyniemi's no. 2623 participated in the section "Other types". In this section, the following solvers were active as judges: Dr. J. Dohrn-Lüttgens, E. Henke, H. Hofmann, W. Karsch, Paul Quindt, Th. Steudel. The award appeared in FEENSCHACH 263-265, Nov.-Dec. 1956. Myllyniemi's no. 2623 is not mentioned.
(Read Only)pid=7674
(12) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Thursday, Dec 1, 2011 20:37]

the necessary details of all three problems given in my post (10) have been answered.
many thanks to all of you!
in between, some new interesting mysteries appeared, mainly thanks to old soviet magazines.
i will be informing here in due time.
(Read Only)pid=7684
(13) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Monday, Dec 19, 2011 17:11]; edited by Peter Gvozdjak [11-12-19]

the investigation for the pioneer odessa theme example with constant defences becomes a true detective story.

in the IX. CCCP team championship 1975/76, there were four such orthodox twomovers among the entries. (thanks to yuri gordian, i have got scanned original hand- and typewritten documents with all positions!)
however, the complete results (with all awarded problems) have never been never published.
at least two (out of four) problems appeared in later articles (without distinctions, and one of them probably with a wrong author…)

for the given reasons i would like to get in touch with at least some of the following composers:
- Evgeni Leun
- Boris Gelpernas
- Albert Ivanov
- Valentin Lukyanov

is there anybody knowing their current postal (or emailing) addresses or phone number?
again, such personal data should better be directly sent on my email:
thanks a lot in advance!
(Read Only)pid=7718
(14) Posted by Vilimantas Satkus [Monday, Dec 19, 2011 20:19]

Borisas Gelpernas lives in Vilnius, Lithuania. His e-mail address is "Borisas Gelpernas" <>, tel.+370 674 20084.
(Read Only)pid=7719
(15) Posted by Dan Meinking [Monday, Dec 19, 2011 23:42]; edited by Dan Meinking [11-12-19]

@Peter & Vilimantus:

I would recommend NOT posting verbatim email addresses on ANY public website. Trust me on this. Better to disguise it so that web-scanning robots don't pick it up.

Contact me at dmeinking /A/T/ roadrunner etc. etc. if any questions. :-)
(Read Only)pid=7720
(16) Posted by Juraj Lörinc [Tuesday, Dec 20, 2011 00:07]

Dan, my Gmail e-mail address is published "as is" on many internet sites and yet the amount of spam I get to Inbox is almost zero, even my spam folder has only limited inflow. It seems that Google filters do work quite well. But of course, I have no idea about other servers.
(Read Only)pid=7721
(17) Posted by Dan Meinking [Tuesday, Dec 20, 2011 03:33]

@Juraj: Good to know! I used to get dozens of spam mails every week. After my stint as editor, I changed my email permanently. It only takes one "bad apple" to spoil a good address.
(Read Only)pid=7722
(18) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Tuesday, Dec 20, 2011 16:42]

About V. Lukyanov, I find in Winchloe (20-06-1947 , 25-06-1995).
I have read somewhere that he has been murdered. Somebody knows about that ?
(Read Only)pid=7724
(19) Posted by Peter Gvozdjak [Tuesday, Dec 20, 2011 17:15]

yes, i know of it. jacques, i will tell you next summer at the marianka festival.
i only have added his name to check if there is anybody reading this thread.
(Read Only)pid=7725

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MatPlus.Net Forum General Difficult Two-Phase Non-Cyclic Twomover Themes With Four White Thematic Moves