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(21) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Tuesday, Apr 27, 2010 19:11]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [10-04-27]

Herbert Engel (born 26.12.1927) has died yesterday. He died from a heart attack that lasted seconds (Sekundenherztod), according to Rudolf Glenk.
(Read Only)pid=5247
(22) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Tuesday, May 4, 2010 02:31]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [10-05-04]

Florencio Campomanes, former FIDE president, has died yesterday in Baguio.
(Read Only)pid=5298
(23) Posted by Kevin Begley [Tuesday, May 4, 2010 05:16]; edited by Kevin Begley [10-05-04]

A nice problem by the late Herbert Robert Engel (which I discovered on PDB online):
Die Schwalbe, 1974
(= 4+5 )

(Read Only)pid=5302
(24) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Sunday, Jun 13, 2010 15:56]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [10-06-13]

Georgian composer Dzhemal Machatadse has died on 22nd December 2009, Rainer Staudte tells me.
(Read Only)pid=5471
(25) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Wednesday, Jun 23, 2010 16:56]

Franz Felber, Austria, died aged 84 on May 15 2010.

As already mentioned by MMcD in the other thread, R.C.O. Matthews, former BCPS president and co-author of Chess problems: Introduction to an art, has died on June 19 2010, only three days after his 83rd birthday. A short obituary by the University of Cambridge is to be found here:
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(26) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Monday, Aug 23, 2010 20:08]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [10-08-24]

Eigil Vilhelm Boas Johansen from Denmark, born December 10th 1915, died on August 21st 2010 in Fredenborg (information by Hans Larsen).

EDIT: Confirmed by the death notice
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(27) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Friday, Nov 5, 2010 01:19]

Ruslan Albertovich Surkov 1968-2010

Quote from Popov's website:
Ruslan Surkov. (1968-2010) Russia, Moscow.

The first problem has published in 1984. Seriously in a composition has started to be engaged since 1998. In total it is made and published more than 120 original problems.

Following the results of „Album FIDE 1998-2003“ c 2007 - Master FIDE.

(Read Only)pid=6326
(28) Posted by Valerij SURKOV [Saturday, Nov 6, 2010 23:14]
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(29) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Tuesday, Dec 7, 2010 17:22]

I am shocked to have received news about the death of Evgeni Bogdanov, editor of Chess Leopolis. Attached below is an e-mail I sent to selected chess friends.

Евгений Михайлович Богданов (27.02.1952 - 30.10.2010)

Dear chess friends,

the horrible news of the death of Evgeny Bogdanov only reached me today. Although I did not know him personally, I received his wonderful magazine "Chess Leopolis", he gave out for free. He was definitely one of the good guys and should be well remembered.

I received a mail with Chess Leopolis 79 on October 29th. It consisted of the Line "Chess Leopolis 79" and the magazine attached. Nothing at all seemed unusual about it. I admit I rarely really read the magazine - but the same goes for all original columns - but I always admired the work Bogdanov put into the magazine and even more that he would share it for free. I am willing to say that with the end of the magazine and the death of Bogdanov a part of quality of life is taken away. There is no more magazine to look forward to receive for free at the end of each month, or twice a month sometimes. Both Bogdanov, the person and composer, and his magazine will be missed.

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(30) Posted by Eric Huber [Friday, Dec 31, 2010 17:06]; edited by Eric Huber [10-12-31]

A very saddening and highly unexpected news: our friend Ion Murarasu passed away today following a heart attack.

Ion, 55, was a chess player (o.t.b. and correspondence), composer (several times National Champion of Romania, in almost all problem types), solver and Mat Plus user. He had been Romania's delegate at the 2004 World Congress of Chess Composition. For the last 3 years he had been less active in chess composing because of worsening health problems. The last e-mail we received from him yesterday concerned a friend’s Proof Game which he had just cooked.

Here is his helpmate problem which won 1st prize in Idee & Form 2000:
(= 6+13 )

H#3 b) wBh7 c) wSh7

a) 1. Kc5 Qxd6+ 2. Kxd6 Rxe7 3. Qc5 Rxe6#
b) 1. c6 Qxd5+ 2. Kxd5 Bg8 3. Qc5 Bxe6#
c) 1. Qc3 Qxd4+ 2. Qxd4 Sf8 3. Sc4 Sxe6#

May he rest in peace.
(Read Only)pid=6561
(31) Posted by Dan Meinking [Friday, Dec 31, 2010 18:13]

Very saddened to hear this news. I wrote about the gem below in my first "Helpmates to Enjoy" article (issue #3 of StrateGems):

H5: Ion Murarasu, 2nd Prize, Karpati 80JT 1996
(= 9+8 )

h#3 2 solutions (9+8) C+ [solution hidden below]
1.g1B Re8! 2.Bxh2 Rxe3 3.Bg1 Rf3#
1.g1S Rxd5! 2.Sxh3 Re5 3.Sg1! Re4#

"H5 is a unique helpmate concept: White doesn't need Black's 'help', yet he insists! It's ingenious that a damaging effect -- ie. wP-guard removal -- amid three pure Black waiting moves, could be employed to force White's travel plans."

Thank you for so many good memories, Ion.
(Read Only)pid=6562
(32) Posted by Cornel Pacurar [Friday, Dec 31, 2010 19:50]

I had the great pleasure and privilege of corresponding with Ion, and even composing together one series-mover earlier this year (2nd Prize HG 50 JT). In an email received yesterday, Ion had informed me that he has fully recovered from an accident suffered 3 months ago and that he has returned to composing... Ion was a highly talented and versatile chess problem composer, and his untimely death is a great loss for the Romanian chess problem school and for the chess problem community in general. He will be greatly missed by all of us and certainly never forgotten. May he rest in peace, and my condolences to his family and friends.
(Read Only)pid=6563
(33) Posted by Steven Dowd [Friday, Dec 31, 2010 20:10]

I looked forward just about every day to the proofing he did in the PDB, and also enjoyed the depth of ideas in many of his compositions. He was also kind to me when I started composing, and you don't forget those kind of people.

Very sad.
(Read Only)pid=6564
(34) Posted by [Saturday, Jan 1, 2011 16:02]

Ion was one of most important modern pillar of Romanian school of composition. The friends called him "Magic John". He mainly composed orthodox problems, but he published all kind of problems. I remembered that he become enthusiastic showing me this problem:

Ion Murarasu
Die Schwalbe 2000
2nd Prize
(= 5+9 )

2.1.1... h#3

1.Kc4 Scb4 2.Bh5 Bf2 3.Scb5 Bd5#
1.Bd2 Bh3 2.Se4 Sab4+ 3.Kd6 Be7#

We'll all miss him. Rest in peace...
(Read Only)pid=6570
(35) Posted by Vlaicu Crisan [Sunday, Jan 2, 2011 13:50]

I was very shocked to hear Ion is no longer among us. Just three days before passing away he tremendously helped me finalize a problem for a thematic tournament recently announced.
Ion Murarasu was a very kind and generous problemist, willing to help fellow composers with competence and extreme modesty.

I will share just one relevant experience I had while working together with Ion. Some years ago I sent him an attractive, yet totally unsound helpmate scheme, asking him whether the idea can be saved.
The idea was to mate the black King on a square initially occupied by a white Knight, which subsequently delivers the mate.

Three days later he sent me back the following position, deploring he could not eliminate the bQ from the setting in spite of trying hardly to improve.

Ion Murarasu, Vlaicu Crisan
1st Prize - Niemeijer, Drese, Hartong & ten Cate Memorial Tourney 2003
(= 5+15 )

h#3 B: wBb1 -> f1

A: 1.Bxc5 Sxf4 2.Ree7 Sxd3+ 3.Ke6 Sxc5#
B: 1.Rxe6 Sxd3 2.Bb6 Sxf4 3.Kc5 Sxe6#

He confessed he relentlessly worked almost 60 hours in front of the computer in order to finish this composition! Of course I immediately asked him to be the unique author of the problem, but he reluctantly declined my offer, claimming he performed "only the technical work". This is only an example of the way he worked with me - a collaboration to which I am very endebted.

It is such a pity he did not finish a book with his selected chess compositions - a project he started in 2007. We will all miss him so much.

RIP, dear Magic John!
(Read Only)pid=6580
(36) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Sunday, Jan 2, 2011 19:51]

I think it would be instructive to see the original scheme.
(Read Only)pid=6581
(37) Posted by Frank Richter [Wednesday, Jun 8, 2011 07:41]

Very bad news from Sweden: Bo Lindgren passed away on 4th Juny:
(Read Only)pid=6997
(38) Posted by Kevin Begley [Thursday, Jun 9, 2011 01:32]

Sad news, Frank.
Though I only new of him through problem chess... I particularly admired the artistry in some of his circe problems.
He mentioned his illness in a recent judgment (I think perhaps December's Probleemblad), but said he was starting to improve.
Unless I'm mistaken, I think he even managed to save a couple of units from the 2nd Prize winner, in his award.
My condolences.
(Read Only)pid=7003
(39) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Monday, Jul 4, 2011 21:42]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [11-07-04]

According to "Zadachi i etyudi" issue 53 the Latvian composer A. Dreijers has died. There are nine studies in hhdbiv but he was more prolific as composer of problems.
(Read Only)pid=7048
(40) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Sunday, Sep 4, 2011 23:59]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [11-09-05]

Samir Badalov (13.02.1962-26.08.2011)

Ilham Aliev sent the following text:


Dear friends,
It is my sad duty to inform that, Samir Badalov (13.02.1962-26.08.2011), at the prime of his life, passed away after a surgery on the 26th of August. I knew him personally. We often got together in Baku, talked about chess, coaching and studies as well. Samir was a nice person to talk to. S.Badalov wasn't only one of the best chess coaches in Azerbaijan, but he also was a very good study composer, though as he wrote about himself in the book "A Study Apiece" by G.Josten (Germany 2010) he didn't consider himself to be a true study composer. He always said that coaching didn't leave him much time for composing which he enjoyed a lot. It is extremely hard to lose such a friend. He'll always remain in our hearts. May his memory live for ever! ALLAH REHMET ETSIN!
Ilham Aliev (Azerbaijan)

Дорогие друзья,
26 августа в рассвете сил, после операции скончался Самир Бадалов (13.02.1962-26.08.2011). Мне особенно трудно писать о Самире. Я знал его лично, мы часто встречались в Баку. Говорили о шахматах, о тренерских заботах и конечно об этюдах! Он был прекрасным человеком и собеседником.
Самир был не только одним из лучших шахматных тренеров Азербайджана, но и отличным этюдистом, хотя сам этим не соглашался и как написал в книге “A study apiece” (Gerhard Josten 2010), не считал себя настоящим этюдистом. Он всегда жалел, что тренерская работа отнимает много времени и говорил, что получает большое удовольствие от составления этюдов.
Мы запомним его как Человека с большой буквы! Вдвойне тяжело, что теряешь таких людей. Он всегда останется в нашей памяти. Светлая тебе ПАМЯТЬ! ALLAH REHMET ETSIN!
Ильгам Алиев (Azerbaijan)

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