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MatPlus.Net Forum General What is the name of this piece?
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(1) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Sunday, Dec 23, 2018 15:57]

What is the name of this piece?

What is the name of the piece which moves like a knight but to capture needs a hurdle on its orthogonal square (alternatively a hurdle on the diagonal). This should be actually be the chinese knight (being similar to Leo, Vao, Pao), but we have adopted the Mao. The Nao is of course the chinese version of the Nightrider.
(Read Only)pid=16917
(2) Posted by Geoff Foster [Sunday, Dec 23, 2018 22:56]

I'm not sure that there is any such piece. If you wanted to solve a problem that uses this piece then you might be able to do so in WinChloe by defining a new fairy piece.
(Read Only)pid=16918
(3) Posted by Geoff Foster [Monday, Dec 24, 2018 22:57]

The new piece is almost the opposite of the Argentinian piece the Saltador, which can move without capturing to the same squares as a Knight whenever either of the intermediate squares is occupied; and can capture on the same squares as a Knight whenever either of the intermediate squares is empty.

The main difference between the new piece and the Saltador (besides having the capturing/non-capturing moves reversed), is that the Saltador is like a combined Mao/Moa. Perhaps the new piece should also be defined in this way?
(Read Only)pid=16919
(4) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Tuesday, Dec 25, 2018 05:57]

Thanks Geoff. Stephen thought that the piece is called CAO. But I couldn't find a definition of CAO in his glossary or elsewhere. If it is new, what would be a good name?
(Read Only)pid=16920
(5) Posted by Geoff Foster [Tuesday, Dec 25, 2018 22:26]

CAO is the Marine Knight. Because of the similarity to the Saltador, perhaps "Saltando" or "Salto" would be a suitable name? However I prefer "Seetho"!
(Read Only)pid=16921
(6) Posted by Rajendiran Raju [Wednesday, Dec 26, 2018 10:22]

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(7) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Wednesday, Dec 26, 2018 21:09]; edited by seetharaman kalyan [18-12-26]

How about naming it Colto or Ponyo?
(Read Only)pid=16927
(8) Posted by Geoff Foster [Wednesday, Dec 26, 2018 22:47]

Do you want one piece (like a Saltador) or two pieces (like Mao/Moa)? I quite like the name "Colto". If you want two pieces then the other piece could be "Ponyo". Another possibility is "Fillyo"
(Read Only)pid=16928
(9) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Thursday, Dec 27, 2018 08:37]

Well, it's a Moose that can go only one square orthogonally, from what I see. So I am surprised it doesn't exist yet?
(Read Only)pid=16929
(10) Posted by Geoff Foster [Thursday, Dec 27, 2018 11:26]

It's not a Moose, because it can make non-capturing moves without using a hurdle.
(Read Only)pid=16930
(11) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Thursday, Dec 27, 2018 14:38]; edited by seetharaman kalyan [18-12-27]

It makes normal moves only if there is no hurdle. Shankarrram rightly said that it moves like knight but captures like Mao/Moa hopper.
(Read Only)pid=16931
(12) Posted by Aliaksandr Bulauka [Thursday, Dec 27, 2018 20:42]

I think the name of this piece is "Knight / Mao-Grasshopper Shooter".
(Read Only)pid=16932
(13) Posted by shankar ram [Friday, Dec 28, 2018 05:19]; edited by shankar ram [18-12-28]

"Knight mover/Mao(or Moa) Hopper capturer".
(Read Only)pid=16933
(14) Posted by Geoff Foster [Tuesday, Jan 1, 2019 04:19]

I propose that 3 new pieces be defined as follows:

Moves without capturing to the same squares as a Knight whenever at least one of the intermediate squares is empty; and can capture on the same squares as a Knight whenever at least one of the intermediate squares is occupied. (This is the opposite of the Argentinian piece the Saltador.)

Moves without capturing to the same squares as a Knight whenever the orthogonal intermediate square is empty; and can capture on the same squares as a Knight whenever the orthogonal intermediate square is occupied.

Moves without capturing to the same squares as a Knight whenever the diagonal intermediate square is empty; and can capture on the same squares as a Knight whenever the diagonal intermediate square is occupied.
(Read Only)pid=16937
(15) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Wednesday, Jan 2, 2019 22:47]; edited by seetharaman kalyan [19-01-02]

Thanks Geoff for this suggestion. Hubert Gockel however reports that the Cao2 as defined in the Die schwalbe (glossary?) looks like this piece. So it is already existing:

His translation is:
Cao 2: Version of a Knight in the sense of the chinese Chess. Moves like a Knight, captures like a Knight-hopper, meaning one (or both) intermediate squares need to be occupied.

But I believe allowing it to capture when either of the adjacent squares is occupied does not really differentiate it much from a normal knight, as a CAO2 at 'a1' can both move and capture on 'b3' when either b2 or a2 is occupied (the difference arising only when both are blocked). I believe it is of not much use in practice.

The new pieces should be only the Fillyo & Colto, restricting their movement through laterial or Diagonal (and not both). Perhaps it is better to call them Mao2 and Moa2.

Even better would be to have the new piece Colto forced to move only through the long lateral squares so that a Colto on a1 should move only through a2-a3 to b3, Or through b1-c1 to c2 (the other route the short lateral being prohibited). Any block on a2 or a3 should make enable the capturing move, but halt its normal move to b3. This makes it a good line piece capable of giving anti-battery checks and also pinning when there are two opposing pieces on a2 & a3.
(Read Only)pid=16940
(16) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Wednesday, Jan 2, 2019 22:49]; edited by seetharaman kalyan [19-01-02]

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(17) Posted by Geoff Foster [Friday, Jan 4, 2019 23:58]

So the required pieces are as follows:

(1) MAO2
Moves without capturing to the same squares as a Knight whenever the orthogonal intermediate square is empty; and can capture on the same squares as a Knight whenever the orthogonal intermediate square is occupied.

(2) MOA2
Moves without capturing to the same squares as a Knight whenever the diagonal intermediate square is empty; and can capture on the same squares as a Knight whenever the diagonal intermediate square is occupied.

You also want the following piece:

Moves to the same squares as a Knight orthogonally, with the long part of the move played first. It moves without capturing whenever both of the long orthogonal intermediate squares are empty; and can capture whenever either of the long orthogonal intermediate squares are occupied.
(Read Only)pid=16942
(18) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Saturday, Jan 5, 2019 11:31]

Precise !
(Read Only)pid=16944
(19) Posted by Ganapathi Ramaswami [Sunday, Jan 6, 2019 07:16]

That means Colto can capture only if one of the intermediate sq.( orthogonal OR diagonal) is Occupied?
(Read Only)pid=16945
(20) Posted by seetharaman kalyan [Sunday, Jan 6, 2019 12:58]

No. Check again post 17 by Geoff. Colto as we define moves only through the two long lateral squares.
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MatPlus.Net Forum General What is the name of this piece?