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(61) Posted by Hauke Reddmann [Tuesday, Nov 27, 2012 13:47]

What do you think about an Online Memorial Tourney here on MPF?
(Dan was #5 in the Prolific Posters list, BTW)

@Admin: If you second the idea, please open a new thread for
clearing the details.
(Read Only)pid=9221
(62) Posted by Boško Milošeski [Wednesday, Nov 28, 2012 04:58]

Bечная память

anvil111 пишет в ru_chess_art

27 ноября, 21:13

Сегодня харьковчане проводили в последний путь одного из основателей и лидеров новостратегической школы в шахматной композиции

Сергея Александровича Шедея (* 9.06.1940 - † 26.11.2012).

Наши соболезнования родным и близким.

Вечная память.
(Read Only)pid=9223
(63) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Wednesday, Nov 28, 2012 05:34]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [12-11-28]

(mostly automatic translation of Bosko's message above)

Eternal memory

anvil111 Writes in ru_chess_art

On November, 27th, 21:13

Today Kharkhovians have waited a funeral one of founders and leaders of new strategic school in a chess composition

Sergey Aleksandrovich Shedej (* 6/9/1940 - † 11/26/2012).

Our condolences to the family.

Eternal memory.
(Read Only)pid=9224
(64) Posted by Zalmen Kornin [Wednesday, Nov 28, 2012 11:34]

Rui de Carvalho Nascimento (1914 - 2012)

" Faleceu o Mestre Nacional Rui Nascimento, depois de dedicar os seus 98 anos de idade ao Xadrez. Nascido a 14 de Junho de 1914, foi jogador do GX Alekhine e teve entre outras facetas as de poeta, violinista, e dedicou parte da sua vida ao xadrez de composição tendo escrito o conhecido livro ”Problemas de Xadrez”. Desde 2000 que era Mestre Honorário da Composição em Xadrez, título outorgado pela FIDE.

Aos familiares e amigos o nosso sincero e profundo pesar e a certeza que, tendo se perdido uma enorme pessoa, não será com toda a certeza, esquecido. "

link: Portuguese Chess Federation
(Read Only)pid=9225
(65) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Thursday, Nov 29, 2012 15:02]

According to several internet sites, Rui Nascimento already has died on September 3, aged 98.
(Read Only)pid=9227
(66) Posted by Boško Milošeski [Friday, Nov 30, 2012 04:36]

Leif Schmidt, *1936-04-14 +2012-11-14
Dear problem friends,

This is to notify you all, that the former editor of Thema Danicum during all of its 32 years died in the middle of November, 76 years old.

Leif was a good friend of mine and very conscientious about his work as editor of the respected magazine. Six years ago when he felt that his strength was declining, he announced the closing of Thema Danicum a year later, managed to speed up and obtain the missing verdicts, had indexes and overviews produced and was able to close down the magazine perfectly without any loose ends. In respect for him we wanted to
let Thema Danicum stand as his work.

During the first years of Problemskak Leif diligently contributed articles and gave good advice.

He will be missed by the entire problem world.

kind regards
Bjorn Enemark
Danish Problem Society
(Read Only)pid=9229
(67) Posted by [Friday, Nov 30, 2012 23:32]

I heard with great sadness about Dan’s death. I was so lucky to knowing him and to be his close friend, although physically we’ve never been one next to the other. He was the soul of Cornel’s Forum and so, I opened there a new topic named ” In the memory of Dan Meinking”:
Those who knew him could post there a problem with dedication.
(Read Only)pid=9231
(68) Posted by Michael McDowell [Monday, Dec 3, 2012 21:29]

More sad news. Christopher Reeves died today, apparently from a heart attack. Readers of Mat Plus will have enjoyed David Shire’s article on Chris’s two-movers in the January 2012 issue. Another huge loss for the British chess problem community.
(Read Only)pid=9233
(69) Posted by Marjan Kovačević [Tuesday, Dec 4, 2012 00:18]

Christopher was a great composer, deeply in love with our art. Above all: such a kind man and a dear friend, spreading enthusiasm and good vibrations all around.
Last months he seemed to be active and successful in his professional activities, including lectures in Sao Paulo, and many projects he wanted to complete. Terrible, shocking loss…
(Read Only)pid=9234
(70) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Tuesday, Dec 4, 2012 05:06]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [12-12-04]

I'm shocked at how many chess players and composers die now. The sadness and horror is big in this black month. Personally, I only had contact to Dan Meinking, and I don't want to imagine losing any more friends.

Leif Schmidt 14.xi. (composer)
Elena Akhmilovskaya 18.xi. (player)
Dan Meinking 23.xi. (composer)
Sergey Shedey 26.xi. (composer)
Alex Crisovan 28.xi. (player)
Georgy Borisenko 3.xii. (player)
Christopher Reeves 3.xii. (composer)
(Read Only)pid=9235
(71) Posted by Ian Shanahan [Tuesday, Dec 4, 2012 05:12]; edited by Ian Shanahan [12-12-04]

I wholeheartedly second that, Michael, Marjan and Siegfried! As a composer, Chris was the equal of his contemporaries, the British triumvirate of Rice, Lipton and Barnes. He was a fantastic editor (Chris had only just relinquished his post as the two-move sub-editor of "The Problemist") and a warm-hearted friend: as with Tony Lewis, I used to speak to him on the phone regularly from Australia. I am shocked and saddened beyond words. I do hope that his British friends will assemble his oeuvre and, when required, send his recent compositions to the appropriate controllers of the next FIDE Album. Chris was always keen to reach the IM threshold, and I do believe he will make it - such is the high quality of his problems.
(Read Only)pid=9236
(72) Posted by Jacques Rotenberg [Tuesday, Dec 4, 2012 12:35]; edited by Jacques Rotenberg [12-12-04]

Very very sad news...

one of his famous 2# :

Christopher Reeves
Problem 1969
1st Prize
(= 13+9 )

1.Rhe3? [2.Sf4‡]
1…R×b4 2.B×c6‡
1…B×d3 2.R×d3‡
but 1…Sh5!

1.e3? [2.Sf4‡]
1…B×d3 2.Q×d3‡
1…Sh5 2.e4‡
but 1…R×b4!

1.Be3? [2.Sf4‡]
1…R×b4 2.S×b4‡
1…Sh5 2.Qf3‡
but 1…B×d3!

1.Qd1!! [2.Sf4‡]
1…R×b4 2.S×b4‡
1…B×d3 2.R×d3‡
1…Sh5 2.e4‡
1…R×d1 2.c4‡
1…Qb8,Qc7 2.Se7‡
1…Se5 2.R×e5‡

Cyclic secondary effects. A kind of "cyclic white Grimshaw"
(Read Only)pid=9237
(73) Posted by Administrator [Tuesday, Dec 4, 2012 15:54]

In memory of Chris here is the article by David Shire:
"The Twomovers of Chris Reeves" (Mat Plus 42, January 2012).
(Read Only)pid=9238
(74) Posted by Eugene Rosner [Tuesday, Dec 4, 2012 18:00]

this is really tough to take. Chris and I communicated regularly, and when I started composing again he was my main contact and critic. Of his wanting to make his IM, I hope posthumously he makes it and i will submit our 4th prize winner in 2010 Problemist and hope he can get a half point towards the title.
(Read Only)pid=9239
(75) Posted by Eugene Rosner [Tuesday, Dec 4, 2012 18:17]

oh my goodness, that 1969 problem is magnificent!
(Read Only)pid=9240
(76) Posted by Kevin Begley [Wednesday, Dec 5, 2012 14:33]

This winter brings much sad news, indeed -- A. Christopher Reeves was a problem superman.
(Read Only)pid=9241
(77) Posted by Ian Shanahan [Friday, Dec 7, 2012 04:38]; edited by Ian Shanahan [12-12-07]

Indeed, Kevin. I once dedicated a problem to Chris as "Superman".

Ian Shanahan: Comm. "The Problemist" 1995/II

~ To Dr A. Christopher Reeves ["Superman"] ~

(= 7+8 )


Set: 1...Pc4 2.Qxc4#.

Try: 1.Qb5? (>2.Qd3[A}/Qxb1[B]/Qc4[C])
1...Pe5 2.ABC#;
1...Qxg6 2.AB#;
1...bSc3 2.AC#;
1...Pc4 2.BC#;
1...Sd2 2.A#;
1...Sb4 2.C#;
1...Sf4! (2.B#?). {Incomplete partial primary Combinative Separation; 4 levels of Black Intelligence}

Key: 1.Qxc5! (>2.Qc4[C]/Qc2[D]/Qd4[E])
1...Pf2 2.CDE#;
1...Pe5 2.CD#;
1...bSc3 2.CE#;
1...Sd2 2.DE#;
1...Pxe2 2.C#;
1...Qxg6 2.D#;
1...Sa3 2.E#;
1...dS~ 2.Qe5#; {Pelle mate}
1...Sf4!? 2.Sg3#. {Dalton II + Shanahan blend [total primary Combinative Separation + Black Correction]; 5 levels of Black Intelligence}

Chris was a great fan of Combinative Separation - see the magnificent No.28 in David Shire's superb "Mat Plus" article - and he also wrote an important and influential article, "Multiple Play", published in an early-1970s issue of "The Problemist", which helped to dispel some of the (ongoing!) prejudice against thematic duals/multiples ... hence my dedication.
(Read Only)pid=9243
(78) Posted by Kevin Begley [Friday, Dec 7, 2012 11:17]

Nice one, Ian!
(Read Only)pid=9244
(79) Posted by Ian Shanahan [Saturday, Dec 8, 2012 05:59]

Thanks very much, Kevin! I hope you enjoyed the problem. For more examples of this theme-blend, see my article "Black Intelligence" in a 1997(?) issue of "Mat Plus".
(Read Only)pid=9248
(80) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Thursday, Aug 1, 2013 09:12]

Mario Matouš ( - 4.vii.2013, age 66)
Source: Schachmagazin 64

Peter Heyl (1.v.1938 - 16.vii.2013, age 75)
(Read Only)pid=10695

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