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MatPlus.Net Forum Feedback by Members Unofficial information about recent technical problems
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(1) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Wednesday, May 30, 2007 03:22]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [07-05-30]

Unofficial information about recent technical problems

There was a backroll for reasons not yet known on this server. It led to somewhere between 00:59 AM and 02:50 AM (most probably before 02:40 AM) of May 29th.

Proof of time:
I wrote a note at 00:59 AM that is still shown. I completed Pastime Solving Test of the day of May 27th and saved the results (as usual) to my hard disk. The file time is 2:50.
The note is still in the MatPlus database but the Pastime result isn't saved.

Everything done after 00:59 AM should be checked if it is still here. If you sent originals, look if it has to be sent again. If you sent notes, same. If you posted on the forum, please do again.

Milan Velimirović has no control about the recent issues. It rather seems to be a problem with the server.

Note: It may be possible not everything was backrolled to the same time. For notes, 00:59 AM should be considered a "secure" time, I think, but this does not necessarily apply to every other parts. So please still make sure to look if information you provided is lost.

Also, there is a big "lag" at the server or it can't be accessed in a normal time (leading to timeouts and making it unable to connect). I don't have information on how this is caused and I believe MV doesn't, too. So we just can hope it's stable now and it gets better again.

Any additional information is appreciated.

This is not official information and not authorized by MV. All blame for incorrect information here goes to me!
(Read Only)pid=828
(2) Posted by Administrator [Wednesday, May 30, 2007 04:03]

I cannot give more informations than Siegfried did, except that I made several calls during the afternoon (Tuesday, May 29th) and the best information I could get was: "We are working on it!". No answer to my calls this night.

The site is hosted by provider "SezamPro", which I have been a faithefull user of for more than a dozen years, since the ancient BBS times. I have been very satisfied with their services so far and I do beleive that they will overcome current difficulties they are expereincing as soon as possible.

I apologize to all members and visitors for the inconveniences, but I really cannot do more than disturb the provider even more by phone calls.

Your administrator, Milan Velimirovic

(Read Only)pid=829
(3) Posted by Harry Fougiaxis [Wednesday, May 30, 2007 08:50]

Confirmed. The private messages that I sent yesterday are gone and the site itself was suffering from timeouts during almost the whole day.
(Read Only)pid=830
(4) Posted by David Knezevic [Wednesday, May 30, 2007 14:06]

Here is a literal translation of the explanation I have just received from User Service:

"Due to hardware problems on hosting server the sites located on it have not been accessable during yesterday afternoon. The sites have temporarily been moved to another server until the problems are resolved. Sites have been restored to on another server from yesterday's backup. Sites will be restored to original server today. For that reason short interuptions are possible."

... followed by the apologize.

I don't know when the regular backups are taken, but I assume that it is short after the midnight and that Siegfried's estimation 00:59 is very close to the "critical moment".

I intended to upload today some additions for chat (Jacques's 'ring' suggestion) and for tests (statistic for individual solvers) but I cannot access the FTP server at the moment - possibly the consequence of the same hardware problems.
(Read Only)pid=831
(5) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Wednesday, May 30, 2007 14:22]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [07-05-30]

So everything done before May 29, 00:59 AM should be saved. Everything done after 02:50 AM is gone for sure.
(Read Only)pid=832
(6) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Thursday, May 31, 2007 14:03]; edited by Sarah Hornecker [07-05-31]

It seems there was another rollback to somewhere after May 30, 15:58. The rollback took place at May 31, 13:55.

I looked at my new topic yesterday (I think) and there was a reply of Zalmen Kornin that is gone by now. So everything of today is gone for sure. I suggest to do nothing or save everything at home if you post somewhere and send notes.

@Milan Velimirovic: Due to the technical problems it would be nice if you could exceed the Pastime visibility until it is resolved (maybe to 14 days for now). I don't want to lose some only by those technical problems.

It becomes annoying! :o(
(Read Only)pid=834
(7) Posted by Administrator [Thursday, May 31, 2007 14:27]

It becomes annoying! :o(

... and even more annoying to me, believe me! After all, I pay for the hosting, but I would not like to sue the providers - I understand that sometimes it takes time to resolve technical problems.

I made a protest and asked for the information when the server is guaranteed to be stable. Should I close the site until then?
(Read Only)pid=835
(8) Posted by Yochanan Afek [Thursday, May 31, 2007 16:36]; edited by Yochanan Afek [07-05-31]

Last night (or rather already this morning)as usual I solved the May 30th and May 31st pastime twomovers pretty slow as usual. I received my score which surprisingly is gone by now. So I decided to "solve" them all once again and my super Guiness time consumption is just the time for recalling the keys and write them down. I wouldn't like to take advantage of technical difficulties, nevertheless I wouldn't like to lose my well deserved points either. Please your advice.
(Read Only)pid=836
(9) Posted by Administrator [Thursday, May 31, 2007 17:27]

It happened that I preserved some results in the last mirror I took. Here are the results of May 30th from my local backup:

Note: first place is Administrator, but that doesn't count :)
2. Darko Šaljić 15 80 28 42 47 53 6 265 100%
3. Miodrag Mladenović 57 110 22 102 42 173 6 506 100%
4. Jacques Rotenberg 53 115 60 40 46 268 6 582 100%
5. Radovan Tomaševic 149 71 128 51 56 172 6 627 100%
6. Yochanan Afek 81 94 70 58 148 189 6 640 100%

Only seconds are listed, all solutions are correct!

Yochanan, I am sure you will not complain: I corrected your times in re-solved test.

Again, I am very, very sorry for recent inconveniences, but I cannot do more than just hope, as I'm sure all of you do, that it is all now behind us. But I am still worried... he who has been bit by the snake, he is afraid even of lizards.
(Read Only)pid=837
(10) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Thursday, May 31, 2007 17:55]

Here is my backup for the Pastime of May 27th, taken at May 29th, 2:50 AM:

1. Radovan Tomaševic 45 43 45 31 45 58 6 267 100%
2. Darko Šaljić 47 43 46 73 119 51 6 379 100%
3. Miodrag Mladenović 55 73 73 141 119 109 6 570 100%
4. Jacques Rotenberg 81 52 201 40 102 99 6 575 100%
5. Yochanan Afek 167 68 788 57 75 282 6 1437 100%
6. Siegfried Hornecker 89 32 186 55 151 171 3 684 50%

I had the first three wrong.
@MiVel: I can send the whole site to you, if you want. (It's a HTML file but I can copy and paste the moves I gave and send per e-mail if you want).
(Read Only)pid=838
(11) Posted by Administrator [Thursday, May 31, 2007 18:49]

@Siegfried: OK, send it.

I'm just about to leave. Thursday evenings are reserved for regular Belgrade problemists' meenings, so you are on you own for the rest of this evening... and perhaps night, depending on my sobriety when I come back.
(Read Only)pid=839
(12) Posted by Zalmen Kornin [Thursday, May 31, 2007 20:43]

Yes, my last comment, on Siegfried Hornecker's "Valladão Studies" is currenly missing... (I can reconstitute the comment, if necessary) - good luck for the Site's keepers in solving the current problems
(Read Only)pid=840
(13) Posted by Administrator [Saturday, Jun 2, 2007 21:01]

Enough is enough!

Another "glitch" today - high time for drastic action!

I have taken the steps to move the site to another hosting server. It will take some time, but I'll do my best to do it in next week or two. (I am not sure know how much time I need to replicate the database.)

(Read Only)pid=846
(14) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Saturday, Jun 2, 2007 23:56]

Make sure to give us more time for the Pastime solving stuff then, please!
(Read Only)pid=847
(15) Posted by Sarah Hornecker [Thursday, Jun 14, 2007 22:24]

As you will know already when you read this, the site is moving to a new web address (

Please make sure to update your bookmarks. Whenever something goes wrong Milan Velimirović can directly solve the issue (as far as I understood). In case you don't know his e-mail address I'm sure he'll easily give it to you (I don't want to post it here to prevent spam bots from mining it). The address also can found on internet at http://user.sezampro.yu/~mivel/ADDRBOOK.HTM

Since this is a new server, there may be errors and glitches (Milan Velimirović, Harry Fougiaxis and I tested it but found no more). If you encounter something, please send a note or e-mail to MV. It will be helpful to retry first to see if it is reproducable. Also, if it only occurs to you, please say which browser you use.

I understood there will be another transfer in a few days (from what I read on the main page). There may be errors due to this so be forewarned. I hope it will be announced in advance.

As always, this is not an official information, just my opinion!
(Read Only)pid=877
(16) Posted by Harry Fougiaxis [Friday, Jun 15, 2007 07:03]

It seems that there are some issues with the navigation in the originals database. If I select "Helpmates", then the buttons Publish, Pending, Not Sure, Rejected etc. do not work properly (they all return the "No items to display" message). If I first select "My Originals" and then I choose "Helpmates", they work OK. Could some other editor test with his own section and report, please?
(Read Only)pid=878
(17) Posted by Harry Fougiaxis [Friday, Jun 15, 2007 09:11]

I also noticed that if I click on "Pending" it goes to "Not Sure", if I click on "Publish" it goes to "Reject", etc., i.e. two positions to the right of what I choose. Milan, please investigate!
(Read Only)pid=879
(18) Posted by David Knezevic [Friday, Jun 15, 2007 12:55]

Once again I must express my thanks to Harry and Siegfried for helping me in this transfer process.

I wanted the whole procedure to go as smoothly and transparently as possible. Since the domain is moving to another server, this temporary location ( is there just to provide the uninterrupted functionality of MatPlus Site while the configuration and tests on new server are in progress. Eventually, during the next week, the location will revert to

Siegfried: The address also can found on internet at http://user.sezampro.yu/~mivel/ADDRBOOK.HTM

Where did you dig that page from, Siegfried?? I thought that it has already vanished! Please discard this information since the page, as well as the first version of MatPlus.Org site, is more than 10 years old and I will delete it as soon as possible. It seems that only the obsolete data is guaranteed to remain permanently on the Net :)

My email address is not a secret:

Harry: It seems that there are some issues with the navigation in the originals database

Yes, but they are caused by my "wisdom" rather than by the transfer of the site. The bug already existed few days before the transfer. Now it is fixed!

(Read Only)pid=880
(19) Posted by Harry Fougiaxis [Friday, Jun 15, 2007 13:37]

Harry: It seems that there are some issues with the navigation in the originals database

Milan: Yes, but they are caused by my "wisdom" rather than by the transfer of the site. The bug already existed few days before the transfer. Now it is fixed!

Thanks, Milan, it works fine now! Frankly speaking, I myself was not sure whether this was a glitch due to the transfer, or a bug already there.

A small detail which also appeared recently (probably not because of the transfer) : certain characters with diacritics do not show up correctly neither in Firefox nor in MSIE. In fact, I noticed this happens with "c" and the upside caret (as in Vuckovic, Ilincic). Encoding in FF and IE is assigned to UTF-8 by itself (I understand you declare it in the html code), but the funny thing is that the two browsers are parsing this character differently. It used to work fine in the past, it's about 10 days or so that I noticed the glitch. Anyway, this is a minor detail of the lowest priority.
(Read Only)pid=881
(20) Posted by David Knezevic [Friday, Jun 15, 2007 13:52]

Harry: certain characters with diacritics do not show up correctly neither in Firefox nor in MSIE. In fact, I noticed this happens with "c" and the upside caret (as in Vuckovic, Ilincic).

I noticed that too, but I am not sure what was the reason. I suspect that it has to do something with problems on hosting server a few weeks ago (which were the reason for my decision to move the site) and with database backup/restore. As soon as the complete transfer is done, I will try to do a global correction.

By the way, "Č" (c+caron) is pronounced as "CH" (the same as cyrillic "Ч")
(Read Only)pid=882

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MatPlus.Net Forum Feedback by Members Unofficial information about recent technical problems